Music & Shanties
Nautical Singing Traditions, Work Songs, Shanties, Lyrics, Music & Instruments.
348 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Downloadable Music That be some right fine pirate music fer yer listenin' pleasure. It's all from a series of games called Monkey Island, which may've been what got me into piracy in the first place. The best is "A pirate I was meant to be", MP3 Here
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 1 reply
The link below will take you to a fee, printable copy of the sheet music for "Drunken Sailor" Enjoy!! Click for the sheet music
Last reply by DurtyLillie, -
- 8 replies
ARRRRRr to all of ye scurvy dogs i'm in need of help. Just got back into port from the atlantic. Me clan and I plundered our enemy and put them to shame. I be needing a good pirate song or shantie for me clan as a our theme song. Im open to suggestions .
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 4 replies
I need the words to a Parady Pirate Song I heard years ago called (at least by the singer) The Man Song. From my recollection: Oh, it's great to sail on a ship with men and sail across the sea o'. With "name, name, name" and "name" and one guy we call Mary. Any help out there?
Last reply by Black Deacon, -
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Last reply by whistleboy, -
- 6 replies
Is there a website that has lyrics for their songs? I am listening to Yo-ho-ho and I want to know the lyrics to it.
Last reply by Captain Emerald Shaunassey, -
- 1 reply
In my Gaelic class this week, we listened to a song by a group called The Wolftones. It is a song about Grace O'Malley! "Oro, Se Do Bheatha Abhaile" Grace
Last reply by Blackeye Susan, -
- 4 replies
Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Rum! Can someone please finish the tune off? I'm not sure how it ends!
Last reply by Admiral Xero, -
- 0 replies
Dance with the Wind I like to dance with the wind. It fills my sails and opens my heart. My skirt flutters, veils soar and take me on their magic journey. We tremble like windripples in the chill of twilight not lingering too long in the break between worlds between twilight and dark. The sand snaps tiny biting specks against my ankles like bracelets, they patter me as if I am spinning and then realize: I am spinning. I know where your gate is latched I know where your sloop is anchored I see the string on your kite, lo…
Last reply by Lady Seahawke, -
- 9 replies
Does any one have any good web sites with lists of sea shanties and their words? Even better, maybe a midi or mp3 along with that so one can see how the tune goes? ~Mad Gracie~
Last reply by dickosfortuna, -
- 4 replies
I posted this somewhere elso on this form at the end of a topic. I woul like to repost it here for all to read The Mistress You look lustfully at my firm belly and my small breast. My perfume fills your very being. You would seek fame and adventure through me! Sail upon me, sir, and I shall dance to the wind Raising my gray skirts and lifting my white petticoats about you. I shall let down my long green hair and destroy you. Pulling you down to my cold heart Your flesh shall feed my kingdom! Your widow will curse me, while your children shall seek me. Escape me? Never! Survive my dance and forever I will have your soul. As an old man, you shall sit at my sh…
Last reply by Blind Rhoid Pyle, -
- 5 replies
Anyone have the lyrics.
Last reply by Blind Rhoid Pyle, -
- 1 reply
I've been listening to this song on a new (to me) cd (Pirate Gold by the Jolly Rogers), and I've been wondering - is this song based on true incident? 10 to 1 odds, and the Oak wins? I know the Royal Oak is the name of a British warship... Does anyone know?
Last reply by Ol` Seadog imself, -
- 38 replies
Thor's concertina be flat, sittin away in the cabin wit'out music to toot to. Where should a man look to find such a thing? Smee, Thor
Last reply by Trapper, -
I personally love Baretts Privateers, if there is anyone out there that has some mp3's of shanties, or the lyrics, could you post them or send them to me at pleze & thnx suspition
Last reply by Trapper, -
- 3 replies
A funny Pirate song listen to it
Last reply by KindheartedKylie, -
- 1 reply
May not be the traditional Pirate music, but here be two great bands Luca Turilli Rhapsody Great Guitaring and very well put together, great adventuring music for sailing that seas and whatever other adventure ye be com'n across.
Last reply by Father Brandon, -
- 4 replies
I have some old sheet music hanging in my apartment. It's the song "The Jolly Roger," has anyone actually heard or seen a recorded version of this song? :angry: I'm shooting here.
Last reply by Jamaica Rose, -
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A number of years ago (maybe 6) I bought a pirate cd at the Hampton Blackbeard Festival (this was when it was held in Tidewater Park.) The CD was sort of a metal rock band singing (actually, more like yelling) lyrics about pirates. It was just AWFUL. It had almost as much charm as the beastie boys pirate song. Anyways I lost the CD in a poker match shortly after, and have no more memory of who that CD was by. Anyone know who I'm talking about? The only other scant details I can provide are that the cover was black with a red printing of a jolly roger with an eyepatch, and that one of the songs had a line that went something like: "you know I'm not a liar so you'd bette…
Last reply by Jamaica Rose, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy Mateys! I have a Question...and a statement... I be havin' a song that I came across by way of I were wonderin' If'n any of ye ever be hearin' of it....AND what yer thoughts may be on it... Have ye ever heard of the song called : BARNICLE BILL[/color]...??? An If'n ye ye knows the words to it? Fer thoes of ye who do....It's not somethin' fer the kiddies If'n ye knows what I mean... If'n ye wants th' words to it...let me knows so's I can add them on here later...'course I'd be puttin' *** in place of the foul language....jist in case any of ye be Offended by any o' it. Fair winds, DEADLY DRUCILLA
Last reply by Wm. Bonney, -
- 1 reply
For those of you who enjoy scottish violins and pipes and whatnot.... I have a few tapes by Bonnie Rideout. It is very scottish and filled with "fiddles". If you enjoy this type of sound, you'll love fair Bonnie... Enjoy...... The Capt.
Last reply by Pirate Lass Suliel, -
by Capt. Flint- 13 replies
I have a C.D. that you may enjoy. It is called... Scottish and Irish Sea Songs... by Carl Peterson..It has 12 tracks and is very enjoyable..... If anyone has other cd,s , please share them . I am always looking for new music....... Thanks. arrgghhhh The Capt.
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 0 replies
I first mentioned this on Pirate Pop, in response to movie lists, but setting down to do a "think", I guess it might get a better response here. Many Many (more than I want to count) moons ago, when presented for the first time, the Garfield the cat Halloween special, had a pirate segment in it. (unless I be dreaming it) And the major part of this one segment was of Garfield and the dog (odi?) out on a boat on the rough sea. It was accompanied by a Sea Shantie, with a recurring line, "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, over the bounding sea we go, Yo Ho, Yo Ho, where ever the four winds blow" or something to that extent. The Shantie told a story, but I can't remember the words, and in …
Last reply by Littleneckhalfshell,