Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 28 replies
Found this title listed on Wikipedia. IMDB lists several actors as 'Turkish prison guard', 'Turkish guard', and 'prison guard'. Just by the title, maybe someone will try to sail "to the ends of the earth". Barbossa could have been foreshadowing in the first film when he and Sparrow were fighting in the cave: "You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here, there be monsters!"
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 18 replies
Okay, I know, don't believe everything you read, but in a magazine it said Keira is quite the diva on set. She's very difficult to work with, does not want the crew to make eye contact with her, has to have her hair and make-up always around so she's the most attractive person on set. They make it sound like she's a total bitch! Iron Bess, is this true at all or is the media just talking crap?
Last reply by Ace of Harbor Bay, -
- 21 replies
K so as some of you know im getting a pirate tattoo and I have a banner that a piratey saying was gonna go into. I was going to have "Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho, A pirates life fer me". But any of you know any others aside from that and "dead men tell no tales"?
Last reply by Capt.Rummy, -
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Last reply by Bosun Carmina, -
- 7 replies
So far... we have Bonny Red Weasel Hurriacane William Red Wake Pirate Pete Red Handed Jill Skull Pyrate Carter
Last reply by Gentleman of Fortune, -
- 5 replies
Ok so after many years of deliberating on wether or not to get a tattoo I decided I still want one. I also have a vision in my mind of what I want it to be or look like but being the unartistic fellow I am I can not get it onto paper. So I am asking for some help from the artists in this community to help me out. I would love to have a design that is a pretty typical skull and crossbones but with some additons and changes to it. Instead of the crossed bones under the skull I am looking to have two chef's knives or cleavers crossed and then either resting on the skull or hovering immediatley above it I want a chefs hat, the kind the sweedish chef from the muppets wear…
Last reply by Sam Flint, -
- 2 replies
- 365 views NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) -- Somali gunmen hijacked an Indian-owned dhow off Somalia's coast with 25 crew members aboard, a maritime official said on Monday. The dhow was attacked by two small boats while on route from the southern port of Kismayo to El-Maan, 35 kilometers (22 miles) from the lawless capital Mogadishu on Sunday, Andrew Mwangura, program coordinator for the Seafarers' Assistance Program, said. -- Hurricane
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 0 replies
Been listining to this the last few days, "Real Pirate Radio"......figured others might get a kick out of it also...... They repeat a lot of the songs..... but Hey... it's free.......
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 2 replies
Sadly the 50 year old Richard Snell, make up artist of Pirates of the Caribbean sequels was found dead on his bed after not showing up for his work. He was 50 year old and leaves behind a.o 5 month old twins. My sympathy and condolences to his family and loved ones, they are in my thoughts. Love&hugs, Charity />Richard Snell 1955-2006
Last reply by Charity, -
- 44 replies
I've just begun preproduction on a feature film about pirates. Since you guys are the core audience, I was just curious as to what you would like to see. I have plenty of ideas myself, as I am a huge pirate movie fan, but wanted to give you guys a chance to chime in before I start shooting. Thanks, Leigh Scottjava script:emoticon(' ')
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 2 replies
I'm struggling with my health a whole lot lately which is why i am not around much I had to share this though, it's so cool. To view it you have to register at but it takes a few minutes and it free, Terry drops a few nice little spoilers here and there and i'm glad to know Jack the Monkey is alive and back His blog (when signed on in blog/
Last reply by Charity, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy and avast!!..We're scheduled to do a documentary film in April, supposedly with some 'well known' reenactors as principals..Anyone from this forum involved??...Should be interesting, just wondering if'n there might be a 'familiar face' in the crew....
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 7 replies
Ahoy all! We have completed our guest shot with an orchestra. The vignettes were a smash hit! We hopefully will have audio of Drunken Pirate and Blow the Man Down backed by a full orchestra. What an absolute blast. My crewe are really good actors as well as pirates. Here's some photos That's Diosa as a marooned pirate - she's singing On My Own from Les Miserables... The crewe in the tavern scene... from left to right - Animal, Diosa, Blackie, Lil Gutz, Flint and Touche. The props are all from our house... The band performs New York Gals with the orchestra. Hope you enjoy these as much as we enjoyed doing the show. Hurricane
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 1 reply
From my friend Dave Morre who's on the QAR Project: LACKBEARD'S MYSTERY SHIP (March 20th at 10 p.m. ET/PT) >> >> >> The Queen Anne's Revenge, the flagship commandeered by the legendary pirate Blackbeard, raided British supply routes to and from America >> until it ran aground in 1718, soon after Blackbeard had agreed to >> give up piracy in exchange for a pardon. But did the ship really run >> aground, or was this another of Blackboard's notorious schemes? Are >> the remains of the ship discovered off Beaufort, North Carolina >> really Blackbeard's vessel?
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 14 replies
figure skater from belgium was just on the telly....dancing to the potc was great! the anouncers said he was the first skater to get the audience envolved. i googled him and this is what i found: his costume (one of the pirate costumes): part of an interview: Kevin van der Perren is no new name in skating. He became the Belgian champion already back in 2000 and was the talk of the town at the 2002 World Championships in Nagano where he charmed the audience and judges with a tango short program, dancing with a pretend partner. Earlier that season he got silver at Junior Worlds. Having reached the ripe age of 23, he recently skated in the Stars on Ice…
Last reply by Paisley, -
- 0 replies
Check your local PBS station for The Best of Monty Python starting tonight.
Last reply by gryffin, -
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Copied from WTR: Whether the movie succeeds or not, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 merchandise will be everywhere this year, including this very impressive Mass Market line from Zizzle... Product Name: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest Category: Action Figures, Role Play, Play Sets Audience: Boys ages four and up Suggested Retail Price: $4.99-$49.99 Disney’s Highest grossing live action film is back and Zizzle’s GOT IT!!! The box-office bonanza that made pirates cool again is back in action with the next installment of the franchise, Disney’s PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST. Everyone is back including Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom w…
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 6 replies
Apparently they are coming out with POTC Monopoly, DMC game of Life, and POTC Battleship! These links were posted over on Keep To The Code.
Last reply by Mad Grace Oakum, -
- 0 replies
I have a very fanciful pirate novel that is due to be published in April by ArcheBooks, a very small publishing house, and am looking for authors of other pirate novels to give it a read and write a small blurb for me for the cover. If anyone is interested, please drop me an e-mail to OryginalCinn @ aol . com I can send you a brief summary of the novel first, so you can see if you might be interested. Also, please let me know what you have published. Big thanks to anyone who can help. If anyone is interested in auditioning some cover art, I'd be happy to look at original drawings and trade you a copy of the novel for it. Unfortunately I can't offer any pay.
Last reply by OryginalCinn, -
- 1 reply
Under The Black Flag, a new play by Simon Bent, about the early days of Long John Silver, opens at Shakespeare's Globe Theater in London on the 18th of July this year. Acording to the previews, (See links below,) this is a play about the adventures of Long John Silver before he lost his leg. It is set during the rule of Cromwell, and as a result of a thread on this subject at the UKPirateBrotherhood Yahoo Group, we worked out that, if John silver was a boy pirate at the time of Cromwells death, he would have been about 114 years olt by the time the events of the book Treasure Island took place. Here is a link to the Globe Theatre website. Shakespere's Globe and here …
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy me hearties! Check me out at:
Last reply by greenighs, -
- 4 replies
You might be familiar with the Make a Flake site - a fun little place to waste time. Last year I made a few piratical flakes, and just found one of them again while cleaning 'house' on my office computer, so I thought I'd share! Flaky Captain Jack: When I get home, I'll check my photo storage, I think I might have more. I KNOW I made ship flakes, and jolly roger flakes... das
Last reply by Bloody_Mary_Bonney, -
- 11 replies
network: Discovery Channel series: Monster House episode: Pirate House rating: pgl | cc ... site search, On Air (et/pt): FEB 13 2006 @ 07:00 PM. DSC — Monster House. Pirate House. Mercy loves the sea and the rebellious lifestyle that comes with it. ... airing: — FEB 13 2006 @ 07:00 PM [ remind me ]
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 3 replies
To all Woodwright Shop Fans, I just completed this weekend the shooting of "How Ships go into Bottles" with Roy Underhill. He invited me to do the show when we met last May at the NC Wooden Boat Show in Beaufort, NC. Gosh was there a lot of preparation for that...getting enough material in various stages to demonstrate a process that normally takes about 4 hours into the program time of 24.8 minutes. Made lots of pirate ships...Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge & sloop Adventure, and Charles Vane's brig Ranger. Roy immediately went for the pirate ships which allowed him to say "AARRRR" a lot in his best pirate voice! Also, there are numerous "emptying the bott…
Last reply by Captain Jim-sib, -
- 6 replies
Okie dokie - I wasn't sure where to put this, since I really need historical help as opposed to Hollywood fashion help - but here goes... Jack Sparrow's clothing - how accurate is it for the period? Also - what would the individual pieces be properly called? What would be the proper term for his outer coat, his waistcoat, his breeches, his baldric - for the period? And NO - this is NOT for fan fiction purposes!!! Actually, I need a place to start costume-wise (took last year off from faires, so I have to start from scratch), and since this character is well-known in piratical circles, I thought I'd use him as a starting point, since this way I don't have to post t…
Last reply by Pirate Petee,