Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 3 replies
Th' first gold doubloon be mine fer spottin' the prize! I was at me local TRU (TRUe Pirates they are with jackin' up the prices) and found 2 of the PotC2 Megablok sets. According to the packaging and instruction insert, this line has: 2 Jack Compass (like the MB Pyrates treasure pouch, in theory). One has Davey Jones, and the other has Jack and both come with little pieces to assemble. I got the Davey compass (twas the only one they had) and he comes with a miniature ship to ride in. 2 Skull Islands. Now with Jack "braid" . One has Jack and a Liz (I'm guessing, it was a female fig and she makes the most sense), the other has Jack and the Hammerhead guy (I got this…
Last reply by Cpt Sophia M Eisley, -
- 2 replies
Just got my quarterly copy of the Mickey Monitor (annual passholder newsletter that Disney sends out) and it's got some great info on the ride updates, and other things being added at Disney. The article confirms that the ride storyline is being revamped to have Barbossa laying seige to the town on the Pearl, trying to flush Jack out of hiding...because only Jack knows where the treasure is hidden. Jack will pop up throughout the ride. There will also be a ghostly (hologram) apparition of Davy Jones' tentacled mug floating in the air that your boat passes thru. Apparently there will also be a real life Jack Sparrow hanging out in Caribbean Plaza from the rides reopeni…
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 1 reply
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow #1: Guess Disney didn't miss the boat this time on merchandising.
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 14 replies
YA best be going to your local store to pick up the figures! Reports are in they are going fast! Target seems to be the hot spot for the collectors! PepperBox Pete
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 12 replies
"Elizabeth, those cloths are not becoming on you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I just happen to have 'no dress' in my cabin." Jack Sparrow
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 0 replies
Expected to hit the Toys R Us shelves July 10,2006 it is ages 8 an up. Enjoy!
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 0 replies
I have my 2nd quarter newsletter up on my site if you have a mind for a little history of a couple of ships from the American Revolution, French Pirates attack on St. Augustine,a Featured pirate entertainer, a couple of today's pitate crews and a small story about Key West shrimping from my youth. Joseph O'Steen's newsletter page If you would like to write an article or have you or your group featured in a future issue write me at Have a Great Weekend and Keep your powder dry! Joe (KP)
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 2 replies
This is way too funny. Pirate M&M's
Last reply by Coastie04, -
- 1 reply
Check out some info on the new POTC 2 action figures. also has a contest going to win a prototype figure.
Last reply by Cut-throat, -
- 7 replies
Aye!..We'll be a headin' to sea on the mornin' tide for RR part in a documentary entitled 'The Pirating',and.....It also hit us like a hogshead 'o rum that these three days will be the true last Ca. and Mare Pacific sails of the Royaliste!!..We'll try an' make a few posts, but you know how them movie fellas are...
Last reply by Ace of Harbor Bay, -
- 42 replies
PIRATE ADVENTURE DINNER - Opening Night Show - Buena Park, California A gypsy and a princess of a kingdom are captured and held for ransom aboard an evil pirate captain's ship. This captain has a nemesis that appears throughout the show. There are six main pirates. They have different stunt battles during the evening to win the reward of 1st mate. The Pirate Captain has an equally nasty (but well voiced) wife. There is a dancing prancing pirate who is the emcee of the evening. And the apparent comedy relief. The show uses a good deal of audience interaction and participation...with adults and kids. Towards the end of the show one of the pirates falls in love with the …
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 8 replies
I just found a site listing the new items coming out for the Pirates of the Caribbean gift shop ... Check it out here. Lot's of neat stuff. And if anyone's going to be in that neighborhood, I would love to snag a set of those playing cards! PM me and we'll work out the details!
Last reply by Rummy3, -
- 1 reply
This was found in the Toy Wishes Magazine Spring 2006 Compliments of your Local Toys R Us. Pirates of the Caribbean Black Pearl Playset-The ship is more than two feet long, features lights and has nine diffrent sound effects, with special features. It is from Zizzie ages 6 and up and runs $49.99 Again by Zizzie pOTC 2 Action Figures-$19.99 to $49.99 Playsets, The Flying Dutchman Tabletop Cannon and Isla Cruces- $4.99 to $5.99 Megabloks is also featuring The Black Pearl Play ship, real fabrinc sails, tow launching cannons and opening deck panels _$19.99 and for ages 6 and Up. We do not have these in Toys R Us yet but we are hoping to have them soon, and was told w…
Last reply by Caraccioli, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy! Thought people on this forum might enjoy watching BUS PIRATES. It's a short episodic film about pirates on the LA bus system. It's online at BUSPIRATES.COM. We'd love to hear what you have to say about it! Great forum here. Arrrr! :angry:
Last reply by Shipwreck John, -
- 7 replies
This my Ships bell wit some fyne knot tighd rope werks by our very own Captain Macnamara.. The mouse pad is the Grand prize and the cd is runner up. The contest is till April 28th 8:00pm Pac. I will be the judge. Post yer bell here. You must be the owner. If I see the Liberty bell I know ye gonna get caught in a lie ~ Good luck mates !
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 2 replies
Have any of you seen the trailers for Kingdom Hearts 2, the game in which Jack and Barbossa are? Here are two pics of Jack: One thing is freaky though..Barbossa is supposed to be in the trailer but i cannot find him anywhere :? And..i've got about six different trailers and tv adds Anyone who knows where the man hides in these trailers? It's getting frustrating searching but not finding .. :?
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 6 replies
Do you have to pay royalties if you did a shirt that said Prepare to be boarded, Surrender the booty, A Pirates life for me....etc.......Or any Piratical saying. Did a quick search, couldn't find anything. These phrases are not from a film or anything.. Help. Thanks!
Last reply by Caraccioli, -
- 4 replies
I was on quite a while ago and remember seeing somthing about what looked like an independt pirate magazine that gets sent out in the mail. It looked fairly nice because it looked like it was on old fashioned scroll like paper. I wish I could remember even a little bit of the name but it just totally escapes me at the moment. If anyone can help me out any at all it would be very apricated Thanks.
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 2 replies
According to Mark Goodman of Sirius Satellite Radio, Johnny Depp is producing a CD of sea shanties and pyrate songs, performed by today's big rock artists. Expect it out in July, to coincide with the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest." :)
Last reply by Black Syren, -
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Like the movie "Office Space"
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 24 replies
This was posted over on Keep to the Code, so I thought I'd share it with ye!
Last reply by Black Dog, -
- 50 replies
"Pirates" movie site
Last reply by TabithaAnne, -
- 5 replies
I was just talking with a representative from Front Porch Classics, and he mentioned that this summer will see the release of two more pirate games - League of Pirates, and Dread Pirate: Buccaneer's Revenge! If these are anywhere near the quality of Dread Pirate, then these will be incredible games, I'll wager! I should be getting photos and more info soon, and will share as soon as I do.
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 11 replies
I didn't see a post about this, so I thought I'd post something about it. I've actually known about this for about four to five months now, but in the upcoming Square-Enix/Disney collaboration, Kingdom Hearts II, one of the game worlds is "Port Royal".....where the game's hero, Sora, encounters characters from Pirates of the Caribbean, including Jack Sparrow and Barbossa. In fact, not only does the Sora character interact with the characters of Pirates of the Caribbean, but he can remove one of his two main party members (Donald Duck and Goofy), and put Jack Sparrow in that character's place. The game has already been released in Japan (a few days before Christmas las…
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 2 replies
Anyone on here play that? It's a free on-line game. I just recently signed up, but this damn computer of mine can't handle it. Even tho I don't have dial-up it runs out of memory quickly and I have to keep signing back in. It looks so cool tho. I kept trying to check out Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion. Anyway, just curious if anyone else plays it.
Last reply by Christine,