Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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is anyone else going to the first midnight showing?
Last reply by Silent, -
- 28 replies
Irish Examiner 'Pirates' stars set for high-seas junket Pirates of the Caribbean stars Keira Knightley, Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are taking to the high seas for real by joining a round-the-world yacht race, it was announced today. The Hollywood trio will help to crew a boat taking part in the gruelling Volvo Ocean Race. The vessel will be named the Black Pearl – after the pirate ship in the film - and its sail will feature a giant skull and crossbones. It is all part of a marketing stunt to promote the forthcoming release of the sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. The stars will split the race between them – Knightley will join the boat while i…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 2 replies
Yep your local Toys R Us Has the latest accessories for your youngest Pyrate...Back Packs, lunch boxes and a whole set from a notebook to pencil sharpener and notepad with a ruler...The backpack comes with a sword and eye patch. Hurry afore they are all gone!
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 13 replies
i dont know if you all have heard about htis yet but theres a new pirate game comming out its a mmorpg and its name is pirates of the burning sea its pretty cool you can get the details on the web site here it is so go ahead and check it out
Last reply by Silent, -
- 1 reply
I picked up a little POTC tie in th' other day--- Pirates Dice ("a game of High Seas Deception") Barnes and Noble had it fer about 20 bucks. It is well worth it. Supposedly it is "As seen in the Movie." Th' game consists of four Barnacle-encrusted cups and five pirate dice per cup. The object is to bluff yer oponents-- It is a blast! The dread Mrs Addams (cue scary music) Offspring from The Black Lagoon, and yers truly Spent the whole nite playin' it and havin' a great time. Check it out! BTW they also are sellin POTC Monopoly and Chess sets, but they be a bit more pricey---
Last reply by Lady Seahawke, -
- 11 replies
That is correct! I bought my bag today at work *Toys R Us* M&M Candies have now gone Pirate for PotC 2&3 . three bags White choclate known as Pirate Pearls Peanut- I forgot And Plain- Jack Sparrow something or other... Get your bag today..or tomorrow.
Last reply by Blackfoot, -
- 5 replies
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If any of ye happened t' miss this little gem on the Sci-Fi channel last night...... Yer Damn Lucky! Yeeeowwww; ye could hear this one suckin a mile away with yer doors n windows closed! Shot on a really low budget it all about the dread pirate Roger comin back from the dead to get revenge on the townspeople who stole his gold and cut off his head. His objective. 16 heads in a dead mans chest and the heads will speak and tell him where his treasure's buried. Pity they couldn't help him find a better agent. The soundtrack must've been provided by the director's nephew who someday drea…
Last reply by Zath Chauvert, -
- 0 replies
A fellow at the Wizkids forums for Pirates put together a java applet fleet building program. It can be found here: It's rather intuitive and has all cards up to and including the Davy Jones expansion. I've found it tremendously helpful for putting a fleet together and tracking my collection. Enjoy!
Last reply by Phillip Black, -
- 22 replies
I rode Pirates this past Sunday, loved all the little additions and all that, but wondered about Barbossa. As we came to the ship attacking the fortress scene I expected to hear Geoffrey Rush's voice for Barbossa. It just did not sound like him at all. I asked the rest of my group with me and they weren't sure either. It definitely sounds like Johnny Depp for that ending part tho, just before going up the ramp. Does anyone know about this? If it's not Geoffrey then who is it? :angry:
Last reply by Barbados Sam, -
- 1 reply
I stumbled across this one on youtube. I'm sure most of you have seen it but it was new to me. I love the animation style. Wish they'd do a feature length version. Pyrats
Last reply by Mad Matt, -
- 0 replies
Alpha Home Entertainment has released 2 dvds of episodes from the 1956 television series - there are only 4 episodes on each dvd, but at least they are available for around only $6 per dvd. I keep hoping for the entire series to become available in the US the way it is in the UK, but so far no go. Didn't see any prior posts on this, so thought I'd mention it. I've seen them listed at,, and at the source of Fair Winds....
Last reply by BoneHunterLane, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, Here are some photos of the latest custom board that my studio has produced. This board, designed to be entirely portable and self contained, consists of two medium sized cases; measuring 18" inches tall, 24" inches long and about 6" inches wide. They each come with a nice brass handle for easy carrying. These two cases, when set onto a flat surface such as a table or countertop, clasp together with two brass hasps. The two sides of the cases then become a very beautiful hand painted and acrylic encased playing surface; measuring 24" x 36" inches. More than enough room for a good game of Pirates. A very handy feature to this portable game board is the hinged…
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 5 replies
So I'm in Blockbuster yesterday I a spy this new arrival entitled "Pirates of Treasure Island". I figured that with the popularity of POTC 2 that a few other pirate movies would appear to cash in on the pirate fever. I scooped it up. It had Lance Hireknsand (sorry about the spelling) from Aliens, Terminator, and the TV show that was similar to X-files back in the late 90's. Can't be all bad if it has that kind of talent in it right? Wrong! It was painful to watch. They must have a had 4,000 budget and just shot it in a local park. This movie might be fun to watch if you drink everytime they do something awful.
Last reply by Mad Matt, -
- 6 replies
I currently have 3 packs. Two of Pirates of the Spanish Main and one of Pirates of the Barbary Coast. At first, I thought it was just a card game like "Magic, the Gathering" and wasn't interested in playing. I just wanted the cool little ships that came with the game. Now that I've glanced over the rules, I see that it's really a sort of a miniatures combat & strategy game. So tell me... How many variants are there to this game? Apart from different ships in each variant, what's the difference? Do I need all the differet "flavors"? I notice the rules say to use 5-6 islands. Does that mean Ineed to buy more? Just how many do I need, anyway? What do you like about …
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 0 replies
Some of you may have already seen this one, but I just had ta share.
Last reply by Atala Syrcuse, -
- 15 replies
I found this and just thought it very cool! Caution, the song will get stuck in your head, I keep singing it now-lol!
Last reply by Dusi Sparrow, -
Those of you that plan on going to see the new *Mission Impossible* flick that opens this Friday might get a very pleasent surprise.
Last reply by Christine, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know where i could get an emulator of the old Pirates! gane?
Last reply by Cap'n Redbeard, -
- 0 replies
Not to be confused with the other thread about Caribbean Pyrates (I hope) two other offerings. Modern Marvels: Pirate Tech on July 9 at 7PM. Deep Sea Detectives: Blackbeard's Mystery Ship on July 10 at 10PM. So you can watch Pirate Tech and then True Pirates back-to-back.
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 14 replies
- 751 views My friend Toby, so many know of him, was there to participate in this. He wasn't too happy to only make 2nd place, but hey, $2,500 is a nice chunk of change. And he got toys too! lol! Gotta wonder tho, it's a Pirates look-alike contest, they had some good looking Wil Turners, only saw one Elizabeth Swann in this video, but I'm sure there were more. The 3 winners were all Jacks, how odd! Here's also a link to photos on the winners:
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 9 replies
For those who went to see the movie at the Premiere this past Saturday at Disneyland have let their friends know what they thought about it. A couple of friends told me this. Not really any spoilers at all, but if you don't want to know anything at all, even tho this is just one person's opinon, then don't read on: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I just got back from seeing Pirate of the Caribbean 2. I had a good time, but I have to be honest, my favorite so far is still the first movie. They put a lot of unbelievable and unecessary action scenes in this one. And it seemed like Jack was not even the main character, it seemed to me that Will Tu…
Last reply by Phillip Black, -
- 3 replies
For Immediate Release Plumage&Plunder has moved to Thursdays! Now you can listen online to get your weekly fix of pirate rock, pirate pop, pirate alternative, and yes, even the occasional pirate sea shantey every Thursday from 3-6 p.m. PST, 5-8 p.m. Central. Plumage&Plunder is a weekly pirate-themed radio program featured on YarRadio (the official radio station of Pirates of the Burning Sea.) Frequently played bands include Pirate Jenny, Sunken Chest, Bounding Main, The Ben Gunn Society, The Toucan Pirates, and many, many more. Also frequented are pirate songs by such distinctly non-pirate bands as Sting, Adam and the Ants, and even The Beastie Boys. Listeners …
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
- 24 replies
Check it out mates! Im spreadin this like a virus all over the net tonight check it out, its going on all night, or so I hear! RED CARPET MSN WEBCAST have a blast mates! I know I am!
Last reply by Christine, -
- 1 reply
BONO has gone solo ... well, for one album anyway. He is one of many artists on a new compilation called Rogue’s Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs & Chanteys. He does a version of Dying Sailor To His Shipmates. The 43-track double album was conceived by GORE VERBINSKI, director of the forthcoming Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, with help from the film’s star, actor JOHNNY DEPP. RUFUS WAINWRIGHT does Lowlands Away with his folk singer mother KATE McGARRIGLE, while JARVIS COCKER sings A Drop Of Nelson’s Blood. ANTONY from ANTONY & THE JOHNSONS and ROXY MUSIC’s BRYAN FERRY do Lowlands Low. The album, by Anti Records, is out on August 22. found at: …
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 3 replies
Information courtesy of Interactive Laura at POTCInteractive.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa,