Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
1,623 topics in this forum
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Issue 10 will be ready for mailing in just a few weeks! The FREE music CDs for subscribers are being pressed right now. . . . #11 is being edited #12 is layed out! We should be all caught up by Autumn. . . .(finally). . . . HUZZAH! oh and thank ye subscribers for yer continued patience!
Last reply by Pew, -
- 11 replies
A performer at Walt Disney World and theater-community mainstay died Monday, four days after he was injured onstage at the Magic Kingdom. Mark Priest, 47, fell Thursday while playing in "Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial," an interactive show in which actors lead guests through a series of pirate-skills tests, a Disney spokeswoman said. Priest, who was in a mock sword fight, stumbled on a wet spot on the stage and then banged into a wall, said friend Jeffrey Breslauer. His injuries included a broken vertebra in his neck and a cut that required 55 stitches to his scalp. Priest was moved out of intensive care and appeared to be improving, but he experienced complica…
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 10 replies
Greetings all! I've worked for Oregon Leather Company in Eugene for 10 years and Tandy for 10 before that. We have a lot of re enactors for all periods coming in and the newest thing is Steampunk. I'm now hooked as well and have a few leather projects in the works reflecting this. I would like to offer help or advice to folks trying to make their leather -related gear. It keeps me in the loop and keeps me thinking! You can contact me here or PM me anytime; I check mail about twice a week or so. Also at Looking forward to this!
Last reply by Monterey Jack, -
- 6 replies
I found a gold mine last year while making some sculpture. They also send out a free catalog. All kinds of gears and workings to make your steampunk creations.
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
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Just a recommendation, me hearties. This book, 'Flint and Silber' by Drake is a fine read for those still besotten with the Treasure Island theme. Not as dark as the book 'Silver' from a few years back, but still a nice piece of reading while sipping a fine rum by the fire. Your continued servant, Sebastian Arms
Last reply by sebastian, -
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There's a lot of SteamPunk going on at Pyrate Daze on the Queen Mary. The LEAGUE OF S.T.E.A.M. will be putting on several events on SteamPunk Sunday. Here's the latest schedule given below. Go to the website to see the full schedule, or to see if more events have been added: STEAM PUNK SUNDAY, Sept. 20, 2009 ********************************* Vendor room with celeb guest and speakers open at 9 am following a Steam Punk costume contest where winners get tickets to Steam Con, 09. Cascabel, Black Powder Weapons 101 part 2 Q&A with Tarah Paige Q&A with Vernon Wells & Virgina Hey from "The Road Warrior." The League of S.T.E.A.M.…
Last reply by Jamaica Rose, -
- 0 replies
Funny video I found on youtube...def worth a watch...great animation too Youtube Video
Last reply by Kian McBrian, -
- 192 replies
I just got home from the Pirates of the Caribbean marathon at the theatre in Mechelen. And I must say that At World's End is really quite good :) I don't want to say more at this point, as I know not everyone has seen it yet :) (We got it in theatre's a day sooner, and an extra "day" sooner in avant-premiere. As far as 11.30 pm can be called sooner )
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 3 replies
The pirate theme seems popular with bars, taverns, and a few grills. I drove by one this past weekend near Mora MN called "The Crows Nest". Any local watering holes near you with a pirate theme?
Last reply by Quartermaster James, -
Steam Punk..... 1 2 3 4 12
by Patrick Hand- 292 replies
OK... I'm not givin up on Pyracy,,,,, I'm just playin' something else different for awile..... Wot if...... what if history went "spmewhere eles" for awhile..... alternative history....... OK... cool Steampunk...... OK they are as nice/cool as we are...... and if I ever need a reference.......WIO,,,,I gots them....... OH...... did I mention. that I'm going to Birniing man thus year,,,, SWo I will be playing offa something tatally different for awhile....... Awh rats.....didn't ty[e nothing bout Steampunk.........nor much 'bout Burning Man................drat... must be drunk again............ But if I ever need a reference....dang..... I know alla ye Pyreate wou…
- 30 replies
Rosarita Montoya wrote: Silkie, you're outed, hon! But fess up, all you lasses (and some of you lads) ... I know you can't resist those trashy novels with the bare-chested, patch-eyed hero on the cover, the wind blowing through his raven locks and his silken sails. Yes, who wouldn't be tempted by that genre of 'literature' that I like to affectionately call -- 'Pirate Porn'! Now, I've got a stack of these waiting for me at my summer retreat, but I'm always eager to hear of more such literary masterpieces. So, what are your favourite Pirate Porn novels? I'll start: Um... 17th century ... England ... blue? .... fun read ... quite hot. 18th century? ... New …
Last reply by iPirate, -
Of interest
by Jib- 0 replies
You might like it.
Last reply by Jib, -
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Ahoy, all. Not sure where this belongs, so I'll put it here. There's an article in one of the more "national" of Canada's newspapers, about a re-enactment that did not happen this summer. The article is written by a non-re-enactor, but seems quite useful to give to non-re-enactors to try to explain some of what re-enacting is about. No, it was not a pirate event, but rather 1759. Still, those of us willing to dress in funny clothes and live in the out-of-doors so as to help explain history, might find it useful in explaining some of the WHY to those who do not.
Last reply by Calico Jack, -
- 25 replies
I want to find some entertaining, historical movies mostly ones on like European histroy kind of stuff such as : A Knight's Tale, The girl With the Peal Earring (I am guessing more on that tile), Ever After etc.. Pretty recent films I am welling to go 30-20 years back, but I would like to find some pretty recent stuff but if its like 20 to 30 years old then that seriously would not bother me that much. I just want to find some nice entertaining films that will be fun to watch bu they give good ideas of how life was like in that peroid of time. (I might be interested in seeing the old Romeo and Juilet lol for those of you that are older then me...I believe it was made bac…
Last reply by Raphael Misson, -
- 12 replies
KFWB NEWS 980 Posted: Friday, 17 July 2009 12:29PM Crowe May Return to 'Master & Commander' Helm LONDON - Russell Crowe is in the early stages of negotiations to reprise the role of Jack Aubrey as a British sea captain in a new movie version from the Master & Commander series of novels. Crowe told The Associated Press on Friday that a script based mostly on the eleventh novel of Patrick O'Brian's 20-novel series, The Reverse of the Medal, had been written, but that discussions were at a very early stage. "There's still a long way to go," the New Zealand-born actor told AP at a cricket match between England and Australia in London. He said talks had been taki…
Last reply by Ransom, -
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It took a few days but I finally finished the re-design of The Pyrates Way website The only empty pages at the site are the answers to the crossedsword puzzles and a lot of new features and information have been installed. You'll also notice that the wholesale costs and the advertising costs have dropped dramatically as we continue to give potentional advertisers a break during this sagging economy. Let me know if you have any issues with it.
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 1 reply
"Gather around me, ye brave seadogs, and I'll tell ye a tale of the sea! Believe what ye will when I'm finished but remember that no tale is free!" Come check out the new CD, "A Night at Devil's Tavern" - Order your own copy of this CD full of sixteen tracks of poetry and music! Only $6 plus $2 S&H! Get your copy NOW!
Last reply by Blackbead, -
- 13 replies
So, I've been writing a website for the last 10 days on brain and spine cancer. Boy, it's scary stuff if you're a hypochondriac. I know that I need to go pirating when I was writing about Enostosis, which a form of bone island tumor in the spine. And I suddenly think, "Enostoris Buccaneers", the Bone Island crewe in a medical world. And then I start tying "spike" instead of "spine". Egad, I need a break. Anyone else find their pirate lives crossing over into the real world of work? -- Hurricane
Last reply by Kian McBrian, -
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E! News has learned that some enterprising thieves have broken into the Pirates of the Caribbean star's Hollywood Hills pad and made off with a boatload of cash and jewels. "Yesterday evening around 5:50 p.m.. . .a relative of Bloom went to his home and discovered that it had been broken into and called police," said LAPD spokeswoman Amanda Betat. "As far as the amount of stolen items, it's an undisclosed amount of cash and jewelry.
Last reply by Story, -
- 6 replies
You have decided to approach the new arrivals on your island and attempt to form a crew. You believe the Dutch slavers will return and that might give you the chance to capture their ship in a surprise ambush. Neither the strange rosary nor the parrot seems to indicate danger. If you approach the Africans they are fearful of you. They mutter among themselves in a few different tongues. It seems they have a difficult time communicating among themselves as well. The only thing they have is barrel of water. After a short time they flee from you. Looks like you will have to go this one alone. If you go to the Portuguese they are shocked to see a fellow European on th…
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 5 replies
When are they releasing this, any body have any ideas?
Last reply by Pirate Petee, -
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Coming this autumn: The Concordium
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 4 replies
You have put together a crew or at least attempted such. Now you have built a crude raft and decided to approach one of the four ships that anchored off your island. The Dutch fluyt: If you approach the Dutch fluyt, “The Maiden of Curacao” you find her armed and ready (especially if you engaged the Dutch slavers earlier). The boarding action is fast and bloody. Although you manage to take the ship you take two wounds (remember you can only take three wounds before dying) while dispatching the Dutch Quartermaster. Four of your new crew are dead and eight of the Dutch have passed on. The Portuguese merchant who acted as translator was hit in the neck with a sword bla…
Last reply by Honour Bright, -
- 8 replies
Pirate's Passion
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
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I don't know if anyone has brought this one up yet (probably) but they've made a new monkey island game. I know how many of you are fans of the original.
Last reply by MorganTyre,