Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 59 replies
I found this list of pirate movies at there are a few on this list not included on the nqg list. Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd (1952) Against All Flags (1952) Anne of the Indies (1951) Avventure di Mary Read, Le (1961) Avventuriero della tortuga, L' (1965) ...aka Cold Steel for Tortuga Bigorne, La (1958) Black Pirate, The (1926) ...aka Black Buccaneer, The (1926) Black Pirates, The (1954) Black Swan, The (1942) Blackbeard the Pirate (1952) Blackbeard's Ghost (1968) Boy and the Pirates, The (1960) Breed of the Sea (1926) Buccaneer, The (1938) Buccaneer, The (1958) Buccaneer's Girl (1950) Buccaneer Bunny (1948) Buc…
Last reply by Bosn Dreadlocke, -
- 13 replies
If you don't want to see spoilers about the POTC movies and other pirate pop culture media, then I suggest you do not visit this forum. There will be spoilers posted. There are many other forums to visit here at the pub such was Captain Twill, Plunder and Raids. There are many pirate pop media in circulation at this time. This forum is a place where people can converse about these. The posts may contain spoilers. I will not censor for spoilers. Read the posts at your own risk. Yers in pyracy and play,
Last reply by MadL, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
I'm starting to sculpt some 1/56th. scale (28mm) Pyrate miniatures in Blender for a game of “Blood and Plunder”. And I figured I post some of them here as I go along... This is the first one so far, It isn't “rigged” yet, so it's still in a “T” pose, but once I have a bit more done on it, (weapons, belts, etc...) I will then rig and pose it, and then 3D print and paint it. I saw in another thread where Stynky thought a Pyrate with a tankard would be cool, so that might be next. I remember how much people (kinda) enjoyed seeing themselves in the Pyrate Comic, so I might do something like that for the minis.... Oh yeah... I don't sell the minis, but post them…
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Ahoy, all you tabletop gaming enthusiasts! Allow me to draw your attention to a fine game set in our wonderful Golden Age of Pyracy. Note these are the same fine folks that are bringing Port Royal to the table via KickStarter - see my other post noted below.
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 2 replies
I tip my hat to those Crafters who create their wares with traditional techniques and materials. This thread is intended for us willing to use modern tech in their work and share tidbits of knowledge on how to whip beastly little CNC machines to our will. Feel free to post up a project pic, then tell us how ya did it.
Last reply by madPete, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Bring your attention ‘round right quick, now! This Kickstarter ends July 4. I had the pleasure of playing this game pre-release at AdeptiCon this spring with dear Rats - and I can attest to its worthiness!
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
Ran across this teaser... youtube
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 0 replies
While I happen to be at sea (away from the home port) I have some access to that glowing box that emits sounds and lights and found that Netflix just released black sails on demand. Entertainment
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Has anyone else watched Boundless on Amazon Prime? It's about Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano's 1519 voyage to circumnavigate of the globe. Way too early for the Golden Age, but nautical history all the same.
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I ran across this news article about pirates in San Francisco bay ransacking yachts
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
July 9th marks the 20 year anniversary of the theatrical release of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and the subsequent launch of the film franchise! While it’s rapidly approaching, I’m still trying to plan something to celebrate the occasion. Are others planning anything? If so, what? Please share any plans, thoughts, and/or ideas you might be having; or feel free to discuss your memories of seeing the film for the first night, what influence and/or impact the film (or franchise) has had on you (good or bad), etc. While the 9th is a Sunday and a work night for most of us, I’ll likely be kind to me neighbors and not do anything too extrav…
Last reply by Picaroon Lagoon, -
Liars Dice 1 2
by Patrick Hand- 1 follower
- 26 replies
In Pirates of the Carribean dead man's chest, they are playing "one flop" Liars dice.... It's a standard bar game.... but there are reginal differences with the game... So I will discribe how the game is played in Central California..... Before I start.... one word of warning.... if the "local" has thier favorite dice cup, and the dice are chipped..... THEY ARE CHEATING..... and interestingly enough.... I've seen this way too often..... Equipment needed... for each player one dice cup..... good sturdy leather so you can realy SLAM it onto the bar top... 5 dice (unchipped) Each player rolls thier dice, and keep the result secret... (also watch for people who will …
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
So I've been giddily excited for this game for years - am possibly the only person in the world who played AC: Black Flag FOR the sailing and nautical combat rather then in spite of so a game built specifically on those mechanics sounds delightful to me. But then just found this gem of a trailer with a "shanty" they had written just for the game, that is hands down an absolute bop. Any other games pirates frothing at the mouth for this to come out already around here?
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 1 reply
Sergio Calderón who portrayed Captain Eduardo Villanueva, Pirate Lord of the Adriatic Sea and one of the Nine Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, has sadly passed away. He was 77 years of age.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 2 replies
From Rome to Ragnarok, he’s been a Viking, a Pirate, a Musketeer, and much, much more! But he will perhaps be best remembered by most of us here for his portrayal of Blackbeard on Black Sails. Requiescat in Pace to Ray Stevenson who left this world too early on Sunday at only 58 years of age. Cause of death has not yet been released.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks I giving a code for Pirates101 it's an invite TQ45D-2L9E5-53C9M-LL4Q7 I'll get 400 crowns and so will the invite LW
Last reply by lwhitehead, -
- 12 replies
I saw an article mentioning filming would start on the 5th installment of the POTC series this November.
Last reply by Mission, -
- 2 replies
Here it is for anyone with the time and determination!! it's being filmed apparently in australia
Last reply by tiberius.flynn, -
- 65 replies
Tonight I was able to see a screening of the new STARZ TV series “Black Sails”. I’ve been eagerly watching the trailers on facebook and through a twist of luck I managed to see the pilot episode in a theater on the big screen! My first impressions: This series requires “thinking” as it weaves a tale of intrigue. With a director behind it like Michael Bay you know you’re going to see some explosions (and you do!) but the detailed backstory and sub plots might be a bit much for your average viewer. Not as much action as you come to expect from Michael Bay but this isn’t a bad thing as the pilot sets up the characters and lets you know a lot has yet to be revealed. T…
Last reply by tiberius.flynn, -
- 2 replies
Hi folks I'm currently working on a Airworld for D&D 5th RPG but it could be a Standard Fantasy world, it's a world were the Landmasses are flying in the in orbit around the core at different levels in the Air. The Wooden Ships are made out of Timber that floats in the Air due to the Sap in the Wood. War and Trade are done in the Air since there is no Standard Landmasses, LW
Last reply by Jib, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, Please check out my website in hopes you'll be interested in playing a historical pirate. Fair Winds and Following Seas, F
Last reply by Tom Butler, -
- 18 replies
whilst running tween raindrops at the Port Washington fest, this nice people gave us free rum, and not only was it free.. it was dang good! You have your choice tween Key Lime and Molasses Reef Rum flavors. Made in Key Largo, and the offical rum of the Conch Republic. they are also the chief supplier of the hurricane party in Pete's room. warnin ya, it uploads very slowly.
Last reply by Merrydeath, -
- 1 reply
Hello folks! my Montreal based pirates music band, Les Murènes is producing a 2nd album but we need your help to achieve this. The band plays a mix of traditional sea chanties and original songs about the sea, sailors and mermaids!!. We are doing crowd funding at moment to raise money to record and produce a new second album: Jolly Rouge! Also we don't have anymore copy of our 1st album, but you can buy it online on Bandcamp Merci bien! :-) Mathieu aka Cuisto Mako
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 0 replies
if you are looking for steampunk pirates this would be a solid place to start. It is the first book in the series, with clothing, weapons, and locations based greatly off of pirates with a steampunk flair. if you like it let me know!
Last reply by The Scarborough,