Event Discussions
Planning an event but aren't sure when it will be? Discussing events in general? How to post a raid, or how to format your post? All those conversations about events that don't fit into a particular month.
89 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
If you have a new event or one that you cant find in the event calendar... Please email us at events@pyracy.com and we'll get it in the formal calendar. You can post in the raids section, but it will get more facetime in the events calendar. We had to limit who can post there, because Stynky says it gets ripe in there right quick with multiple hands in the pie. I've been workin' on the events calendar for the Pub. We are trying to keep it generally Pirate focused... So I've included the following types of events: Pirate Invasions/Festivals Historical Reenactments Maritime Heritage and Seafood festivals Tallship festivals Renaiss…
Last reply by madPete, -
- 13 replies
I'm starting an all purpose thread about upcoming, current and recently attended events to help our members find events that are going on all around the world. If you see an ad for an event anywhere, just drop a link here and we'll discuss the details! For example, the Sheppey Pirates are holding an event the first week of August with an open air cinema, water fight and live music. Sea Dog Night and Gypsey Carnival is July 14th - 18th in Lebanon, Oregon. The Battleship New Jersey Pirate Invasion is on July 9th.
Last reply by madPete, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
This topic was born of a question and suggestions from another thread, so we're making it a thread unto itself. Tell us about your favorite events. Tell us why you like them, for any reasons which seem important to you. This isn't a thread about pros and cons or the why and why not, but just your personal reasons for liking event. Lots of events have pros and cons, but we're interested in what you like about particular events and what you would suggest to someone who has never been to them or the locations in which they're held. You can decide how to define it, so don't worry about the definitions of others. Just tell us about your favorites and what keeps bringing…
Last reply by madPete, -
- 2 replies
So for the "Things said at..." During some hefty imbibing Saturday night, I made the comment that "Reenacting is just trauma bonding." To expand on that statement, now that I'm sober, "reenacting is just trauma bonding over circumstances we put ourselves into" i think is a more complete manner of looking at it. I had a great time, but sadly missed many who didn't make, quite too many who had to cancel close to last minute because of various random sideswipes from the "real world". Looking forward to seeing everyone, and more again there next December.
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 4 replies
At Massacre Island, 2023, we got massacred by & massacred (in turn) bugs that only bit below the knee. If this is an issue at events, this is what the Dauphin Island maintenance folks use. He HIGHLY recommended it. I asked him how he could work here in shorts with the things thar bite below the knee. He went into the maintenance room & pulled this bottle out. “This is what we use & it’s works great. Spray it onto dry skin & let it soak in.” (Edit- whole label shown, as info on it may be interesting to folks- ingredients , company info, etc. He also gave me the bottle as I was thanking him for hosting & helping everyone during the event, while…
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
At overnight events in the past, I’ve always managed to sleep under someone’s fly (usually something brought extra or as part of the display) or on a boat. I figure I should get my own … What does everyone use for overnight events? Images would be great.
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
Ocean Institute's 39th Annual Maritime Festival (formerly Dana Point Tall Ships Festival)
by madPete- 0 replies
It seems they no longer go by "Toshiba Tall Ships Festival", maybe lost the Sponsor? Anyhoo, after losing the Pilgrim during Covid, they now have the "Spirit of Dana Point" and are having a PIrate and Mermaid Ball on Saturday night. I'm told there will be new shows this year, probably a Land-sea battle of the pirates versus the British on board the Spirit of Dana Point. There will be Cannon Battles on the Tall Ship cruises as well. You have to book ahead of time to get on the Tallship Cruises, they sell out fast! They usually have 4-5 Additional tallships: the "Exy Johnson", "Irving Johnson", "American Pride", and "Bill of Rights". I saw a post that Mayflower wa…
Last reply by madPete, -
- 49 replies
An event organizer was recently asking questions on Facebook related to what was needed to encourage reenactors to come to an event. This got me to thinking about the question I posted in the topic: What are the elements of a good event for you? I am thinking of three or four things that make YOU want to return to a pirate reenactment. I have some ideas, but I don't want to start this conversation off by guiding it in a particular direction, so the floor is open. (I am not looking for a laundry list here, just a couple of things that stand out in your mind that cause you to return to particular events year after year.)
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 6 replies
I'm seeking info regarding the Blackbeard Festival in Hampton. I'm fairly new to all this so any info provided would be great! Are 2016 dates set yet? Is there a good hotel within walking distance of the festivities? Thanks!
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
Thought it might be nice to have topic that makes suggestions for attending a pirate event both as a performer and as patron. Anyone offer any advice based upon things they have experienced?
Last reply by Jas. Hook, -
- 3 replies
So we have tried this in the past and I am trying this again...My crew The Brotherhood of the Crossed Bones is planning on attending May 3rd of 2014. They are having a nighttime parade and we are trying to have as many pirates as possible show up. I have already heard back fro the event coordinator and she is eager to have us. So if any of you are interested in attending please let me know so I can try and have a headcount to submit with the parade application. Parade is May 3rd at night, a few of my crew mates will come in on Friday and some on Saturday, I will be there all weekend with Keel Haul Keely and myself as well as my daughter The Black Rose who has finally …
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 4 replies
As you may have noticed, this forum is in the process of being re-organized. Please bear with us as we make changes, shuffle threads and build the event calendar.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 6 replies
Aye, the Pirates 3rd Salty Ball. Fer you swabs from strange waters, a full evening of filthy mayhem with The Brigands, the Baudy Buccaneers, the Crimson Pirates and special guest(s), Dancing and singing for all, while the bands pull out their no-holds-barred material. To benefit the Testicular Cancer Society and the HMS Bounty Relief Fund. Feb 23, 6-10? PM, outside o' Hartford Ct. Just cuz it's the 3rd Ball doesn't mean it's superfluous! Cum and have a testacular time. Gonad this to your calendar ! At the Baymont Inn, Manchester Ct, we has a bank o rooms at a special price of $60/room, so's ye can drink yer fill an fall into yer bunk. Here be the link: http://ww…
Last reply by Capt Thighbiter, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy mates! New to these boards and glad to have found it. I am in Southern California and have been pirating for several years now. Next weekend, in Vista California, will be a small..but growing...Pirate Faire. If you are out that way, make sure to stop by, and we can swill some grog! It runs from 10AM to 5PM Saturday and Sunday. I'll be visiting on Saturday after 12PM. http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com/SanDiegoPirate.html
Last reply by Cap'n Bloody Mad-eye Joe, -
- 1 reply
Fishermen's Village Pirate Fest at Punta Gorda, Florida. July 27 - 29, 2012. Photos link: https://picasaweb.google.com/112277086501011510264/2012FishermenSVillagePirateFest
Last reply by Jib, -
- 0 replies
The Galveston Arts (Arrrrts?) Center will be hosting it's 5th annual Swashbucklers Soiree on July 21 and 22 at The Texas Seaport Museum. It starts at Sangerfeld park on The Strand with a concert by The Bilge Pumps from 12:00 'till 3:00. After that, you can stroll the Strand Historical District with other pirate minded folks, tour the Tall Ship Elissa, or explore the Pirates! Legends of the Gulf Coast! museum. The Soiree continues at 6:00 at the Seaport Museum with another Bilge Pump performance, a silent auction, a raffle for a 4-day trip to Key West, and free food and drink catered by the Galveston Restaurant Group, Landshark Lager, and Railean Rum. We went last yea…
Last reply by Morgan the Buccaneer, -
- 2 replies
Ahoy, me 'earties! I be hearin' o' this 'ere Pirate Invasion o' tha Port o' Granbury in Texas, but cannot seem ta find confermation on the truth o' said event. Any other o' you seafarers out there be hearin' the same rumors?
Last reply by Morgan the Buccaneer, -
- 1 reply
Just a few snapsots from John LeViques Pirate Days at John's Pass, Florida. https://picasaweb.google.com/112277086501011510264/2012JohnSLeViquePirateDays#
Last reply by Jib, -
- 3 replies
For those who might be interested, here is the link to my photos from last weekends Savannah Tall Ships Challenge. https://picasaweb.go...llShipChallenge#
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 13 replies
All right, I've got May, June, July, and August off from law school. I'm just outside Washington, DC. I want to go to at least one pirate event this summer to see some of you fine folks, but I'm extremely poor, which pretty well limits me to Maryland, Virginia, and maybe North Carolina or Pennsylvania. Where should I go? Right now I'm looking at going to the Rock Hall Pirates and Wenches Fantasy Weekend on Aug. 13 and 14. If I have enough money for gas I might go to Beaufort Pirates Invasion instead (naturally they're scheduled on the same weekend). Are there any other pirate events around my area I ought to consider?
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 0 replies
Not Sure when it will be, or if anyone is interested, but a few of my mates have already expressed an interest. But the Devil's Brood Pyrates (Ohio Chapter) is planning a pirate photoshoot, sometime in the spring at either Squire's Castle or Mentor Headlands Beach (both are in Ohio, one is on Lake Erie) This event is still in the early stages of development, so if the event is gonna happen, I need to have enough people interested and planning on attending... it will probably be in the spring/summer of this year. There is NO entrance fee, or fee to have photos taken, or fees whatsoever, policys in regard to food/drink/props are essentually, bring you own, and donations,…
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 3 replies
Video from the Grand Boucan 2011, the first pirate festival in Old-Montreal Next year I'll be there with my brand new fusil boucanier!!!
Last reply by Cuisto Mako, -
- 4 replies
http://www.fishermensvillagepiratefest.com/ I will be going and setting up shop to tune flintlocks, anybody interested in having their piece worked on I would reccomend making a reservation with me.
Last reply by Animal, -
- 12 replies
Well it's that time of year again, the time when I get numerous phone calls due to my connections on Ocracoke Island about when I am going to organize a festival there. The problem is always the same though. Back in the eighties they had a thing called Buccanner days, didn't really have anything to do with Pirates though, mor of an excuse to get drunk and race dune buggies on the beach. Someone got seriously injured one year and that event has left a foul taste in the mouth of county officials ever since. I may have a better chance with talks this year though due to some new blood being elected to the board. The question is this. If I can get approval this would be …
Last reply by angelgal918, -
- 6 replies
My Crew has been selected to help put on a pirate event at a Sheraton hotel in San Diego... In June 2011. It will be hosted hosted by Gold Coast productions..same people that put on Ojia pirate faire.I have no Flyer for it yet.. How ever wot Eye am looking for is imput on what Activities could be held that would set this event up as being different from the same ole same ole vendor supported festivals. So Far Eye have these Ideas but need more brain storming and thats whare you come in. Please suggest away Any ideas That would in your mind make an event more fun for kids and adults alike. Here are mine so far ~ 1) Have a Sparrow present that has a shtick, Stage show…
Last reply by Darrel Morris,