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No matter if you're an old salt, just starting out or a poor sailor of questionable ethics, this be the place to sign articles, join a crew, recruit and be recruited.
183 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
We are a groups in the SCA. We started about 25 years ago. We have been here a long time. Are there any pyrates in the New Mexico? Just checking
- 0 replies
- 599 views be true. Come late August myself an' Shaelyn will be findin' ourselves out of th' warm Florida waters an in th' murky waters of Jersey. Figgered I'd do a little trollin' t' see who was in th' area so we know who t' be warnin' and who t' invite to our first pyrate house party!
Last reply by Cap'n Mad Eye, -
- 2 replies
Greetins! I be the Fight Director for a local Renaissance faire lookin fer a responsible, acting-oriented (ages 21-50) crew willing to learn proper theatrical swordplay for public events and children's benefits . This crew will take up to a year to form and train and will be pirate-themed using characters and costuming from the 17th-18th centuries. Anyone interested can contact me here or at Thankee fer th' interest! Fair sailin to ye! Monterey Jack
Last reply by Trapper, -
- 3 replies
If you are in the raleigh NC area, or if you just want to come have a great time with your fellow pirates then come join us in planning the first Raleigh Pirate Festival. We are undergoing construction of a major event in Raleigh NC at the state fair grounds (same location as the raleigh ren faire) If you are intrested you can call 919-601-9672 for more info. or e-mail me at It should be a hell of a good time, and if all things go well, we hope to make it a twice a year evnet, once in Raleigh, then once in Ocracoke NC
Last reply by TheCaptainWilliam, -
- 4 replies
We be a pyarate household in the SCA and are looking fer new pyrates to come join us at events and to go general pyratin in the area!!! Give me an email at
- 28 replies
Out from the cornfields, a sinister shape approaches. The shadow sucks the life from all it covers, and so on it goes on. It seeks life, it demands gold.. will you be willing to sail with her? Welcome to our post for a ship's crew in the Midwest. We don't do much singing and dancing, but we do know how to pour Guinness. Captain Morgan is the ship's rum choice, and gold is the treasure we search for. If you live around the Chicago/Minnesota/Iowa, email me or ask about it here. This 'ship' is mainly for invasions to faires and Festivals, but it could be expanded in the future. Join the crew of the ship, Fool's Gold.
Last reply by Captain Rocky Shoals, -
The Lion's Share Pirates
by Guest Captain Meg Killigrew- 1 reply
Ahoy there, you lot! The Lion's Share is a pirate performance troupe that is based in Chandler, Arizona. We do improvisational acting and comedy with some singing and historical re-enactment thrown in for good measure. We perform at Renaissance faires and festivals around the state of Arizona, and also travel to events around the southwest, as well. We are currently a small group, but we are growing quickly. We are looking for some new crewmen. If you are interested in history, love all things nautical and piratical, and enjoy performing, you are just what we are looking for. We are currently auditioning musicians (male or female -- violin, mandolin, whistle, conce…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 0 replies
Alright you scurvy dogs, Stand up and be counted. This shipmate is mutining and looking for crew to take of the Az Ren Faire this weekend. If'n ye interested, say Huzzah!
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 0 replies
Looking for those wanting to get their pirate garb out for small events (150-200). We are also looking at having some live action events, maybe once a month. We know that the real deal is on the coast, but it is still fun with much smaller crowds. We have a lot of period SCA type groups here civil war, WW11, and the usual knights fighting in the parks. It's time for the pirates of the South to come out of hiding. John
Last reply by Seacutter, -
- 1 reply
Ahoy the ship! the Elf Fantasy Fair in Europe is looking for a pirate crew! On the castlegrounds of the beautiful Castle de Haar, over 20.000 visitors will be drawn into the pirate athmosphere, with pirate music, a large pirate settlement and as our closing act: a grand pirate show on a ship, including cannons, rifles and treasure! We would like pirate re-enactment groups to re-enact the era of piracy at our event. There will be enough room for multiple tents and other forms of equipment, so we will try to create an entire village. Some expenses will be paid, but more important: we offer a whole weekend of pirate entertainment at a beautifull site. Those interested can…
Last reply by Redd Oktober, -
- 0 replies
I am just wondering how many pirates are here living in any Caribbean Island. If there are some...lets make a Caribbean pirates group !!!
Last reply by Capt.mino, -
- 0 replies
Ahoy!! Seeking Privateers for a new SCA based group. We are seeking to re-enact Pirates, Corsairs, and Privateers pre-1600. Although we are based in Pittsburgh we invite our brothers and sisters in arms to join our crew. Our Group is based (in Cyberspace) at Yahoo for now. To subsribe send E-mail to: Or message me on In Arms, Shawn MacIntyre The Ragin Scotsman Captain Rockfleet Privateers
Last reply by Raginscotsman, -
- 0 replies
Greetings, Keltic Dragon Productions: "The Ladies of the Salty Kiss", a renaissance faire based performance troupe located in NE Oklahoma, is holding open auditions on Saturday, December 18th, 2004. Events and contracts are opening up and I am needing to hire three more actresses for full time positions with the troupe. Interested ladies should: Be 18 years of age or older Be available for full time performance with troupe Have flexible scheduling for weekend rehearsals and performances (this means being available on weekends (may include some Fridays and Mondays) for events) Have reliable transportation Have valid Driver's License and auto insurance …
Last reply by Captain Emerald Shaunassey, -
Looking for Pirate crews
by Guest Frank Bunnik- 0 replies
The Elf Fantasy Fair in the Netherlands is looking for Pirate reenectment crews! The fair will be on April 23rd and 24th 2005 in Utrecht. For more information e-mail:
- 0 replies
Members of the local bands of seadogs have forged an alliance and a new Yahoo group calendar where to post our joint raids. We're not talkin' about a chatty forum mind you, just a spot to post some picts and list our doin's. If your home port be in the Portland or Seattle metro areas come and sign on and then join us to meet up with the various crews (ie: SCA, BOOM and newcomers welcome) . PDXPirate Yahoo Group Raid Calendar We average 1-2 garbed raids a month in non-farie season and twice that May-Sept. Most are family friendly. Keep to the code.
Last reply by lorien_stormfeather, -
Need Pirate Entertainers
by Guest Pollyanna- 1 reply
My company is searching for Pirates/entertainers for a party at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel in Honolulu on April 11th, 2005. If you, or someone you know is available, please contact me at Thanks!
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 5 replies
I belong to Pirates of the Caribbean Interactive project. POTCIP It was started in 2003 by a lovely Canadian lady, and her idea to turn POTC into an interactive movie, based upon interactives of Rocky Horror, has been a smashing success. We are always looking for new members(free) and persons willing to put together an interactive in their town. Interactives that have taken place include Canada, Tampa Bay, Portland,New Jersey, Biloxi, and Atlanta. I am putting together the first NY state interactive at the lovely Historic Riviera We hope that members here will be able to check out the sites and perhaps attend one of the upcoming interactives. Thanks for your tim…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 1 reply
Greetings, I am new to this place, I wanted to say hye and see if any other black sheep make port in Orlando florida. Are any events coming up? Cheers, P.
Last reply by Diosa De Cancion, -
- 2 replies
I'm new here, and although I'm not a pirate I wouldn't mind stepping in on some of your *ahem* polite conversation.
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 24 replies
Fer the crew and lovers of the Royaliste and Tall Ships in general. If'in ye got something foul to say, find some place else Mates, this here thread is fer the lovers of the seas and all the Tall Ships who ply them. Good Mates of the Royaliste, here be yer spot to share yer feelin's. Saber By the hand of Captain Gary, God save the Captain! Newly appointed tactician of the Pirate ship ROYALISTE! :angry:
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I'm in the Austin, Texas area, and was wondering if there were any groups in the area. I'm involved in the SCA, but have always been interested in pirates as well. Does anyone know? Sier
Last reply by andelew, -
- 1 reply
Me hearties ! Due to circumstances beyond me control...I'll be findin' meself in the states of New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona fer this Summer. Granted..they have water available....(and Pirates, no doubt..from all persuasions)...but do ye have an idea where I might find a few of me own kind ? When I get me Garb to the pleasin' of the eye..I will share a few pictures of me self. Ahoy ! Sand camels ! Swab the ....RV....then hoist the solar panels....scan the horizon fer the Jolly Roger....
Last reply by Capt. Iron Faith Cutler, -
- 0 replies
I am out of the South Florida port and would love to work with all pirates all over the world. i have been acting for over 15 years but I found my calling as Dumplin the ships cook. now "that is not dumpling as a fluffy pastry in stew!" I am also an entertainment directo of a few renn fests and soo pirate fests. i look foward hearing from you all and getting to know you.
Last reply by Pirate Dumplin, -
Unfortunately we can only do 10 in the poll, but I think thats most of em. IF we have other entries, we'll do a second poll and then a runoff.
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 9 replies
Pirates, I recently decided that I wouldn't mind taking next year off from school if I could sail. Trouble is, I need somewhere to do it. Of course, my preference would be to spend the time on the Royaliste, but I'd be willin' to consider just about anything. The only catch is money... I'd work for room and board, but I don't want one where I have to pay a substantial amount of money to work for someone. Any ideas? This is all still in the planning stages, of course...
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench,