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Wicked Winter Pirate Ninja Renaissance Faire

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What could be more fun in February than to go to New Jersey, pray another blizzard does not hit. :lol:

Come one, come all... If you are Jonesing for an event, any event... don your best Pirate, ninja, faire rig and join us... All the things that are historically wrong and have a great time.






Myself, Shaelyn, Soriena, Nicolia and Kat will be there for sure! Been looking forward to this since last years! Nicodemys, Godiva and Nymph may also be showing as well from my ship as well as The JuryRig.


Even with the blizzard and lights getting turned off...still a blast.


Feb 10th, 2007 at the Raritan Expo Center in Edison, NJ!

There are several after parties planned and the main hotel, Courtyard Marriot, is already booked solid. Check the LJ community for other alternatives that Jeff is working on!


After skirmish report:

First time at this Faire. Very unusual in being a totally indoor event and totally un-historically themed - pirates vs Nija was the story line and open to all sorts of vampire/FILK/ pirate/Renne/ steam punk/ Goth folks.

We, The Brigands , played two sets- the first being the opening act for the faire was a bit sparsely attended, but our second was to a standing room only crowd. The other performers ranged from belly dancers to an acrobatic troupe, to a sex related hypnotist ( very amusing). Since it was open to folks 16 yrs old or older, lots of acts dug out the bawdy-est material ( I know we did) and it was a lot more like I imagine a Renn faire of old was like before they became PC.

Vendor selection was pretty good too, with some familiar faces to some decidedly un-faire like vendors, like the Dildo shop.

I missed the interaction between playtrons and patrons I usually find at Faire; the indoor atmosphere was a bit restrictive as far as that goes; the glens and camps typically found at faire and the random clang od swords. And of course, since it was indoors - no cannon fire. A good selection of edibles was avbailable, but only one vendor, so the lines were pretty long. The Green Room food was pretty good too

I liked the wide range of kits and garb for the various groups - nice to see what the vampire folks are wearing. Great to see people from regular faire season ( heck even saw Hawkyins in Renn garb). And the after faire parties in the hotel ! ( where else can one find a game of naked Twister or the events that took place at the Fetish party).

All in all, I give the event 7 out of 10 cannonballs, and it's only the second year for the event. It sure as hell breaks up the long dreary Winter season for us cold ( but not yet snow-bound) folks in the North east.

If'n ye be hankerin' for Faire next winter , I recommends it.

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

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