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Paisly .. fair lass

I have heard those exclaim

to say twas not true would cast me in shame

Whilest it were planned

for us to meet

at a fair I was cursed to fail to peek

But , Mad Woman Cheryl

did come to the save

by planning a party where we both would stay

Alas and curse

the fortunes that be

for just after I arrived, you called to say nay

At first I did swear

it was planned this way

you knew I was there and on purpose stayed away

But I knew this was false

it just couldn't be

for a lass so lovely wouldn't be so mean

It seems we are fated

never to meet

but, to be distant friends. who talk pleasent and sweet

So to you dear Pailsy

I hereby do vow

that if ever our ships pass from stern to bow

The first drinks on me

and mabye the second

but lets make it before my wee one gets wedded




ty kindly capt.

unfortunately me dear grandmother passed away late friday night, which "threw our ship off course".


one day soon, my friend....

will you be attending any pub sings in the area???


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


My most heartfelt regrets fair lady. Had I known; I would not of made light with my remarks. Again, my deepest sympathy.

As far as pub sings in the area..... tell me where and when, and if Fair Katey and I can make it; we'll be there..... Flint

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