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What kind of weather are you having?

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  On 2/5/2010 at 6:46 PM, Matty Bottles said:

Ha! In Wisconsin we don't get spring until June.

:::nods::: such is midwestern weather. Joyful, isn't it? :unsure:

Currently, glad that will NOT be getting the massive snow storm that's pounding the east... but a little sad since the snow is cool. But, we are still getting some snow here nevertheless. So far obtained a little over an inch. Alas, about another inch of that has melted.... so... But will be snowing off and on for the next 3+ days. :lol: According to the National Weather Service, we are already at breaking point for Spring flooding. :lol: NOT what we fancy hearing with the Floods of 2008 still so very fresh in our minds.

Time to prepare for some flooding. Ahhh... how I love El Nino years... NOT! :lol:

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


You want some snow? You can have some of mine...I've got plenty. Anyone else want some? More than enough to go around! As I don't have a truck, you'll have to come up to pick it up, but I'm perfectly happy to share. Really I am! I don't know how much snow we got out there, being too early to go out and discover, and there's still an active storm warning, but the frongs outside are almost completely covered (Yes, I keep Frenchmen chained up outside...) There is also blowing snow, which means drifts...which means trying to clear this lot out is not going to be fun. No fun at all. Good thing I have a snow blower.

  On 2/6/2010 at 6:13 AM, LadyBarbossa said:
  On 2/5/2010 at 6:46 PM, Matty Bottles said:

Ha! In Wisconsin we don't get spring until June.

:::nods::: such is midwestern weather. Joyful, isn't it? B)

Currently, glad that will NOT be getting the massive snow storm that's pounding the east... but a little sad since the snow is cool. But, we are still getting some snow here nevertheless. So far obtained a little over an inch. Alas, about another inch of that has melted.... so... But will be snowing off and on for the next 3+ days. B) According to the National Weather Service, we are already at breaking point for Spring flooding. B) NOT what we fancy hearing with the Floods of 2008 still so very fresh in our minds.

Time to prepare for some flooding. Ahhh... how I love El Nino years... NOT! B)

~Lady B

Damn, thats sharp!


Officially 18 inches of snow. It is still snowing. Drifting snow means that I can see the grass on the front lawn and there is about 3 feet at the corner sidewalk ...figures. B)

  On 2/6/2010 at 1:32 PM, Kate_Souris said:

9" of heavy, wet snow. And right now it is snowing again. Going to make pancakes....

are pancakes the secret fix-all for snow?? or the cause of it ??

  On 2/6/2010 at 8:24 PM, Red-Handed Jill said:

Those of you in the Midwest should appreciate this:

Snow Advice For The Frantic Mid-Atlantic

Listen to the audio - this woman's delivery is hysterical.

This from she who is on the west coast. Thanks Jill.

My work schedule (until this week) was Sunday - Thursday so Friday is my normal shopping day ...OMG, the morons in the grocery stores! I needed Dog food and a few other things. You would have thought it was the end "snomageddon" to quote someone that I don't know. I could empathize with those looking for ice melter, I was one of them. I could understand the people stocking up on junk food and movies. What I don't comprehend is the people who are out there buying milk, eggs & bread. What are they planning, french toast for day? I don't get the reasoning behind stocking the cabinets and refrigerator with enough to feed the household for a month. Okay, some seniors are wise doing this but if you aren't someone who's neighbors shovel your sidewalks for because you are old you only don't need enough for a month. I suppose that everyone who would normally be shopping today took off work and did their shopping yesterday. They were likely shopping for the superbowl parties that they will be canceling tomorrow ...not because of the bad roads but because if they have guests over they have to find some place to park said guests cars.

Okay ...I'm done spouting off ...for now.

Enjoy your snow day ...I am going out to make verl large snow Archangels. Wings, gown, a cutlass in one hand and blunderbuss in the other.


Anyone making snowangels here would sink a couple feet first. It be a decidedly un-tropical 7 degrees...but at least its sunny right now. Finally got the driveway fully dug out yesterday, but the city snow plows blasted thru last night at 9.00 pm, so now there's hard blocks of snow on the driveway apron...and splashed up onto the sidewalk. And guess what, mateys! We're meant to get more of this wonderful stuff Tuesday. This keeps up much longer, and I'll be able to go out hunting mammoths, since they'll be making a return any time now. (Luckily, I do have a couple of atlatls waiting for use)

I have long since ceased referring to snow as snow. To me, it is simply..."The Evil".

Damn, thats sharp!


Sunny. 22*

26" of snow on the ground now, 5" more expected Tuesday night.

This is Maryland for God's sake. STOP SNOWING!! ;)

The eastern side o the Chesapeake Bay:


Our deck 'igloo'/ beer fridge:


Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

  Quartermaster James said:

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


Well I worked a 12 hour shift waiting for snow that never came..too many of us sat with boots, ..emergency numbers to get cots and blankets for stranded passengers.. the plow guys..the departure slots team..the deicing crew..well half of them..after too much late night pizza (I had a salad - can't abide the terminal pizza) it lapsed into the loopiness that sets in after 4 am..but we saw a few flakes and some bone chilling cold. We did have three feet in the last one tho..

Thankfully it stayed South of NY but I feel bad for the rest of you. Still it's freeeezing. ;)

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

  On 2/6/2010 at 9:04 PM, Silkie McDonough said:
  On 2/6/2010 at 8:24 PM, Red-Handed Jill said:

Those of you in the Midwest should appreciate this:

Snow Advice For The Frantic Mid-Atlantic

Listen to the audio - this woman's delivery is hysterical.

This from she who is on the west coast. Thanks Jill.

My work schedule (until this week) was Sunday - Thursday so Friday is my normal shopping day ...OMG, the morons in the grocery stores! I needed Dog food and a few other things. You would have thought it was the end "snomageddon" to quote someone that I don't know. I could empathize with those looking for ice melter, I was one of them. I could understand the people stocking up on junk food and movies. What I don't comprehend is the people who are out there buying milk, eggs & bread. What are they planning, french toast for day? I don't get the reasoning behind stocking the cabinets and refrigerator with enough to feed the household for a month. Okay, some seniors are wise doing this but if you aren't someone who's neighbors shovel your sidewalks for because you are old you only don't need enough for a month. I suppose that everyone who would normally be shopping today took off work and did their shopping yesterday. They were likely shopping for the superbowl parties that they will be canceling tomorrow ...not because of the bad roads but because if they have guests over they have to find some place to park said guests cars.

Okay ...I'm done spouting off ...for now.

Enjoy your snow day ...I am going out to make verl large snow Archangels. Wings, gown, a cutlass in one hand and blunderbuss in the other.

Hey - the West Coast gets snow. Just ask Ransom or Patt (okay - maybe don't ask Patt unless you feel the need to read some colourful language...) Except for Southern California, which is in a sub-tropical desert (and 350 miles south of where I live) California's in a temperate zone. We don't often get snow at the lower elevations hereabouts, but we get lots of rain and wind. As in we wonder each year which town will be under water or what homes will slide down the hills or how many trees will be uprooted.



Nay, Bob. Looks like I spoke too soon. Getting some snow, started yesterday, into today, through the night and into tomorrow... until late. Granted, won't be getting as much as all of ye out east... but still. It's more snow. And I'm sure (unfortunately) that more will be on th' way. ;)

LOL.... no... snow 's not that evil... ICE is evil! Bloody freakin' wicked stuff! Snow is easy to deal with and handle compared t' ice!

Silkie... :::nods::: It's rather odd seeing people who live in towns or cities stockpiling. The ones who stockpile food ahead of time are those who live out in the rural areas, out in the country on farms and their roads won't be plowed for at least two days or more. Depends upon the nature of the snow storm. Just baffles me when people stockpile and they don't need to.

LOL... and let us know how that snow archangel turned out. ;)

LMAO! Pew... I LOVE th' beer frig touch. ;) Gives it such a Ram's Head touch of class to it. ;)

Fabulous pictures nevertheless, Pew.

Oh... and I hate saying it, guys... all ye out east... looks like what we are getting here in the midwest.... is heading your way. ;) Ye've been advised. :::ducks and runs for shelter:::

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Yep. Just heard another 10" possible . . . ;)

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

  Quartermaster James said:

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."

LOL.... no... snow 's not that evil... ICE is evil!

Yeah... but when the dirty stinkin *&^%@ snow gets compressed it turns into ICE... Or when it melts during the day, and freezes into sheets of ice at night....

We got a little snow this morning, maybe an inch or two, just enough to hide alla the dirty black snow... so it kinda looks fresh and clean. It was light enough, that the roads are already clean again... Of course alla that could turn into ice if the temperature drops tonight...



And, even as I pontificate, we are getting more of The Evil...8 to 10 inches by tomorrow evening, they say.

Damn, thats sharp!


Patt - good news. Last night's storm was lighter than anticipated and we're only expecting some showers a bit later in the week. Then nothing until next week. That'll give you a few days to dig out your car...



Raining like a busted water pipe in Hampton. If the the temp drops, we're in deep s&%@.


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


Snow. Again. Very wet.

Someone has either stolen my snow shovel. I left it out by the place where I park my car because I couldn't fit it in my trunk to take with me. I had intended on shoveling the space out before driving on it. I am hoping that it hasn't been stolen and that it has simply been moved.


Snow snow snow. About 30 inches over the weekend. Shoveled my driveway 7 times during it and still woke up to 14" on sunday morning.

Now it's snowing again and has been all night. I would say somewhere around 7-10 inches and it still coming.

I think I will get kitted up and take some classic pictures when the sun comes up.


-1st Mate of Pirates Magazine

-Bladesmith/Owner of That Works Studio





4" on top of the 30" already. White out conditions here . . .


BTW, that's a 4.5' railing . . . :lol:

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

  Quartermaster James said:

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


Snow, rain, snow again. Up to about 9" of snow so far. The rain caused flooding and the new wet snow makes the roads hazardous ...that and the occasional white-outs.

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