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Can it be true..POTC 4, 5, 6 AND 7?

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  Iron Bess said:

Been away on vacation....

Can I add something to this?

POTC 4 Good possibility.

POTC 5 Lets hope not.

POTC 6 GODS lets hope not!

POTC 7..... No.

I'm guessing then that if a 4th movie is made it'll most likely be a prequel. That is, if you go by the rumours that both Keira and Orlando don't want to make anymore Pirate movies. I still say you offer them both enough money and they'll do it. I guess we'll just see what happens. After watching the 3rd movie we'll be able to tell if they can continue or not.


I look forward to any more movies they make. I love the characters and the story! :lol:

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---



I am both really excited and utterly horrofied... disney has this love for milking their good movies dry to get as much money as humanly possible... It would be awsome for them to keep on makign more, as long as they were as good as the first, or especially the second one.


  Dirty Smythe said:
I am both really excited and utterly horrofied... disney has this love for milking their good movies dry to get as much money as humanly possible... It would be awsome for them to keep on makign more, as long as they were as good as the first, or especially the second one.


Look at what they're doing with Cinderella! It was already bad how they made a sequel, but now a 3rd one is coming. The step-mother is a witch and she makes it where nothing happened: Cinderella getting married, going to the ball, meeting the prince and so on. How stupid! Why can't they just leave stuff alone?!

Yeah, I don't mind if a 4th Pirates happens if it's done right. But many people will see this as milking it for all it's worth. Also, taking a good thing and running it into the ground.


(Waving) Hi gang... back at last.

I would highly doubt that even Johnny Depp would want to commit his entire career to Jack Sparrow.

And there is no plan for the possible 4th instalment to be a preguel. They could get along right nicely without Will and Lizzie as the story moves forward. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Iron Bess said:
... And there is no plan for the possible 4th installment to be a preguel. They could get along right nicely without Will and Lizzie as the story moves forward. :lol:

Huge sigh of relief!! :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


I say we throw in some mermaids and merman...perhaps The Little Mermaid can save Orlando from drowning or something...lol! I heard on some fansites that the mythology of Calypso may be in the next...tied somehow to Tia Dalma....I like the idea. I also like Greek mythology....lol :)

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



I think I can understand why they'd want to make one more movie. It's so they'll be different than from Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and others like that. 4 movies tops and then stop. Well, we'll see what happens, it should be a fun ride! :)


As long as Jack is NOT in Claymation!

A 4th would be cool. Despite the rumors. I've learned to just shut myself away from the rumors cause sometimes they sound cheesy and seem to ruin it.. but all in all, even if the story sounds dumb... the fabulous cast and crew seem to save the story right nicely.

Only film Depp COULDN'T save was "the Astronaut's Wife" ::: Cringes and shivers:::: horrible... horrible film!

Not one huge on Jack... but some Jack is better than no Jack. And will ALWAYS LOVE Barbossa, too. Elizabeth is rather tolerable considering how many of us ladies feel like her or she appears to be us? I know I felt that way often. Even the little girl fascinated with adventure and pirates while men, boys and your daddy told you to shut up and be a good girl, girls shouldn't get dirty, girls do this, girls do that, girls don't do this, etc... Aye... Elizabeth is kinda the way we all wish to be.. the proper girl able to at last break free from the restrictions of blah life and have an adventure!

Tis a good one, Christine.. that Fan Fic.

Some weird Fics out there. Oh, well. But... some are enjoyable.

Rumba... only fatal if she's allergic to something and he's not. ;) Hey, who knows... perhaps Barbossa learned about Elizabeth the last time.

Who knows. :blink:

WB from Vacation, Bess. Granted this is a wee bit late... but hey. ;)

LOL... no chance, huh? Oh well... tis ok.

Hope not, hmm? :)

Good idea on the musical there, Sir Eric. I like! ;)

Mad Jack... wait til it spins off more so beyond Next Generation! How about PotC: DSV 9! Or PotC: Voyager.

The PotC version of the Borg - the Dutchman crew! Now we know what happens when Jones goes bye-bye! The Dutchman crew become a Collective and attempt to assimilate Sailors! let alone Jack!

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


...you know they could spin off to different characters..or family.....seems a good way to diversify...but stillkeep the pirates storyline, themes and adventures....

...if you have a good story line...it can work....

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


  Patrick Hand said:
The scarry part..... even if they made 30 more movies..... we would still go and see them all......... B)

Hey, I don't want to live that long~LOL The aches and pains are bad now, I can't even begin to image 30 movies/years from now!!

On the serious side, I would like to see another Jack Sparrow movie but not necessarily tied to AWE or the other characters, although him and Barbossa could really play off each other the entire movie.

The grand adventure of Jack Sparrow, lying on a beach, drinking rum for 3 days.

I like it. Simple. Easy to remember


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