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The weekend was difficult. I had some catch-up work to do in a programming class I'm taking, so that took a lot of time. I spent a good deal of it worrying about whether I would get the workout in. I ended up spreading the three sets of weights exercises over two days. That did not work very well. From now on I will get the workout out of the way first thing (since I know it will only take a short, set amount of time), and then I will be free to concentrate during the other, less determinate activities.

So I did the weights today, the right way. Success story for me is that I am now back up to my original weight numbers, between restructuring the workout and sticking to it for a couple of weeks now.

Yeah, snow is great exercise!

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I went sailing yesterday and am beat up all to hell, but I WILL walk and lift weights today.

I've been gaining weight, but getting smaller. I'm not all that big to begin with but at my age am in the "maintenance years" and need to work harder to still fit into my small and medium pants. Although I'm glad to say that some of my medium pants are getting too big in the waist - yippee!


  Rogue Mermaid said:
I'd like to get a timer at work that goes off every hour. Then I would be sure to get at least 8 glasses of water a day. 8 hours of work, 8 glasses of water.

Piratical idea #267... get yourself an hourglass!!!


Someone here used to have a clock that chimed the hours in bells. That was pretty freakin' cool.

So today, I was short on time, so instead of keeping to 25 minutes, I did 20 again, but now I've thrown two 10 pound weights on the machine. That felt good.

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Having paced it off today at lunch, it is only 0.8 miles to the sandwich shop round trip, so I still owe some hiking time today.

Did you know, a mile was originally 1000 double paces (a left and a right) of the size pace walked by the average Roman soldier? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile

If you count the number of times your left foot comes down, you have a rough estimate of how far you have walked. It was 400 steps to the sandwich shop and 400 back, or 0.8 miles. (Modern statutory miles are longer, but it's close enough for this purpose. Besides, I bet my stride is longer than the average Roman. )

Goes to show how reasonable a mile really is. People tend to think "A mile? That's too far to walk!" when it's really only about five blocks there and 5 back. That ought to be incentive to do a few more errands on foot. Get your exercise in, and save some petrochemicals while you're at it.


Which makes me wonder, during that time I was a student of Roman history, I don't recall ever wondering if any of the translations I read had made the conversation from Roman to Enlish feet.

When I'm at work and need to make a conversion, I always plug into:


Did my 20 with the extra 20 pounds. My arms are sore.


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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I love that site. I used to deal with european shipping a lot on my old job and needed conversions. Both in weight and height. People used to question why I had a post it on the wall that said Kilogram = 2.2 lbs next to pics from my vacation. lol. I'll never forget that calculation tho.

Haven't exercised enough and I'm angry at myself for it. But I work 2 - 10 the past two weeks which means with travel noon to almost midnight.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Okay. I slacked off for three days. Today I will recommit. 20 min walking before I can visit the pub after waking each evening. (Again, I work nights, sleep days.)


I didn't manage to get the end of that walk in yesterday (amazing how bedtime for the kids just shows up suddenly), so I did a weight workout instead. It's almost starting to feel good! That's probably my cue to clap on another pound or so to the dumbbells.

Did my 20 on the stair machine this morning. I ratcheted it up from level 4 to 5 and it's still doable. Books on tape definitely help.

  Silkie McDonough said:
...after waking each evening. (Again, I work nights, sleep days.)

Silkie, we know you are secretly a vampire. No need to apologize for it. :lol:


I did my hour at the gym last night after working late and I'll do another hour tonight, after leaving here late again :ph34r:

I'm not going everynight, but they say you need to give your muscles a few days off to rest so I'm letting myself get away with it for now. As soon as the weather breaks I plan to jog outdoors. I wish my gym had better weekend hours. I'm a night exerciser and 7-3pm Saturday and Sunday means I've been skipping weekends. I need an exercise to fill in the days I can't meet the gym's hours.

I miss Tai Bo class. I hate doing the videos at home. I think I better get over that though..

I did one of the Carmen Electra strip tease aerobic videos in the summer. I just felt so silly that I don't think I actually accomplished any exercise. I was too busy laughing at myself. Do those things work for anyone?

Does anyone else think it's hard to do videos?

Sorry I'm so whiney :huh: I need to shut up and workout!

  Rogue Mermaid said:
I did one of the Carmen Electra strip tease aerobic videos in the summer. I just felt so silly that I don't think I actually accomplished any exercise. I was too busy laughing at myself. Do those things work for anyone?

Works for me! Uhhhh... maybe I should rephrase that...


Does anyone else think it's hard to do videos?

I have tai chi chuan dvds, and I gotta say they don't really accomplish what goes on in a real life class.

My arms hurt... funny thing is, they don't hurt in the biceps. I think lifting a 35lb kid and a 45lb kid day after day has built my biceps up, but has done nothing for my triceps. Ouwww. :lol:

Unlike Silkie, I work days, but I get up VERY early. Once the weather improves and there is sunlight, I may start doing early morning brisk walks. I like early morning... things seem much more peaceful when everyone is asleep.

Tom, books on tape! Great idea! I have an unabridged Lord of the Rings on cd. Maybe I'll give that a spin after I've watched some of the movies I want to see.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

My arms hurt... funny thing is, they don't hurt in the biceps. I think lifting a 35lb kid and a 45lb kid day after day has built my biceps up, but has done nothing for my triceps. Ouwww.

Yeah, I think triceps don't tend to get used as much as biceps, day-to-day. Something about the mechanics of lifting, I guess. Then the first time you introduce them to some real work... boy, they let you know about it the following day! (or two or three...) The good news is next time won't be so bad.

The day got away from me -- again -- so I did a weight workout tonight. That's three days running. Gotta stop that. Rogue Mermaid is right that you're supposed to give your muscles a day or so to recover. On the other hand, I haven't been sore the following day for several workouts now, which tells me I haven't been pushing the limits all that hard.

Tonight I upped the weight on each of the exercises. I love those little 1-1/4 pound weight plates. They let you creep up right to the edge of your ability. There is no sudden 5-lb jump from "too easy" to "impossible." Also you can add one practically every week, so it feels like constant progress. Like the proverbial woman who carried the bull on her shoulders up the steps of the Parthenon. Started out carrying a newborn calf, and just kept doing it every day, while the calf grew and grew...

Tomorrow, it's a hike for sure. Gotta go get some sleep, so I'll be up for it early am.

  Rogue Mermaid said:
I did one of the Carmen Electra strip tease aerobic videos in the summer.  I just felt so silly that I don't think I actually accomplished any exercise.  I was too busy laughing at myself.  Do those things work for anyone?

Gee, I, uh, can't tell if it's working. Better try that one more time. :huh:

Does anyone else think it's hard to do videos?

My wife does "The Firm" and she likes it. Not for me, though. I look like a total dork. (And then I turn on the video, and really look like a dork.)

  LongTom said:
The day got away from me -- again

Yesterday got away from me too. I gave it a break. Then I dropped by just to read some stuff, and wouldn't you know it, found two messages that were just begging me for answers... sooooo... now I can to answer 'em!


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Every winter I always gain weight. Mostly because I'm sitting on my butt more than in the nicer weather, but also due to the holidays. Generally I follow two rules. When it consistantly begins to be 65F everyday, then time to start hitting the weights. I really hate doing that because it seems so boring to me. Once the weather consistantly hits 75F then it's nothing but swimming for me. I just feel more productive swimming for an hour doing laps than walking or hitting the weights for an hour. Plus, it's an all over workout and burns more calories than just hitting the weights! And since I'm in Vegas now, probably about another 14 - 21 days and it will be 65F every day.... eep. The last few days of enjoying chocolate!


Okay kids, I'm going off to tutor people for two hours. When I come back I want to see some legitimate checking in happening. Get to it!


Had a very good hike on Sunday, about 3 miles, up and down some fairly steep hills.

Did a regular weight workout Monday, managed to add another pound or two on each of the exercises.

Scale says I'm down to 194, but it's easy to fluctuate some just from hydration. Still, I'll take what I can get.

  Rogue Mermaid said:
  Red Cat Jenny said:
'm a treadmll addict once I start. I've found if you can wear a headset (and your housemates can stand it) if you can sing along while you works out then you know you're in good shape.

I want to sing along to my iPod at the gym...but the people on the treadmills around me might be alittle weirded out. I imagine it's hard to keep a straight face working out next to someone singing "Holla Back Girl".

So listen to instrumental music. (My current favorite for my daily morning brisk sojourns into the winter wonderland that is Michigan is the instrumental soundtrack for the undeniably, extraordinarily mediocre movie The Big Bounce. Great Hawaiian/Tropical bouncy (heh) music. Good for brisk walking. Also good for visualizing warmer climes.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



It's funny. I've found that the most ridicoulous songs are my favorites to work out to.

I'm embarrised to admit that I really pick up the pace on the treadmill to "Fergalious" and "Who Let The Dogs Out".


I believe my flu-based diet worked very well! Like bulimia only nature takes care of the dirty work for you... after 10 hours of... Sunday night into Monday morning I could barely walk...


Got back into the swing of it this morning! Keep up the good work folks! Glad to see we are still hanging in there!


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I've got a mid-week cold hanging on to me. I don't know whether to feel cursed or lucky for it, as I've not eaten much, but then again I haven't exercised in a day or so. :blink:

Back to pilates in another day or so...as soon as the body aches and congestion goes away.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...


Isn't there something about excercise being beneficial to cold relief???

Anyway... much to my chagrin, I discovered whatever microbes are floating around inside of me are still lingering. I think I'm going to pass on food for the day.


But like a trooper, I did my 20 minutes while watching Dangerous Liaisons.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  blackjohn said:
Isn't there something about excercise being beneficial to cold relief???

This isn't the definitive answer blackjohn, but here's an article that notes how to address exercise depending on where you are affected in the body:

By the way...

I'm feeling better today. Thankfully the cold didn't travel into my lungs, or I'd be held up for longer. I did walk a mile or two yesterday (took it easy though..no power walking), and will walk again this afternoon. ;)

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...


Did my weights just now. Really didn't feel like it. I find that it helps to just say it out loud, "I don't bloody feel like it!" because somehow that makes it easier to add, "but I'm gonna do it anyway."

Sorry about the bugs, blackjohn and sophia. I hope you two are better soon.


Found some Belly Dancing Fitness for Beginners on Amazon last week - I've been going over to a friends house and we've been working out to that. Plus I've also been hitting the gym when I can, and I'm still walking on my lunches.

Nothing to report in actual weightloss yet, but I'm sleeping better, and I have more energy in the day...

... which I use to drive my coworkers and our customers nuts :lol:

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