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Avast there, Mates! :lol:

Just takin' a moment to hail the other scabrous dogs what be sailin' these waters on the account.

Me name be Jack, Blackjack ta be wholly accurate.

Said by some ta be a lie'n, backstabbin', nere-do-well what would steal candy from a babe.

Lies, say I! The child dropped the candy fair and square, savy? :P

So here be to all ye who stand a'fore the mast.

Take what ye can, give nothing back. :o

Blackjack Roberts

Yes I am a pirate;

Two hundred years too late.

The cannon don't thunder,

There's nothing to plunder,

I'm an over forty victim of fate.

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Welcome! :P

So how about tellin' us what port ye hail from and are ye single or married (fer those who might be more than just interested).

Be sure and keep yer arms and legs about ye at all times, jest hand over the booty to me, savvy? :lol:



I knew ye'd be a-findin' yer way over here. Now..come to mama..LOL

Taking on the world....one pair of boots at a time!

A little bit of this...a little bit of that...a lot of dreams....


Avast! Ye worry about yer own pockets mate... here there be pirates! scoundrels, cutthroats an the like... I'll be relievin ye of a good storng rum as I welcome ye aboard. T'is customary here at th pub!


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Hello, Luv! Ye know I'd be a followin' ye anywhere. As me black heart be totally obsessed with treasure......gold 'n silver, too. :huh:

To be answerin' yer inquiry, Rumba, I be quite single. As fer me home port.....any that'll not try and hang me.

That be perfectly alright, Jenny......I just relieved ye of yer purse, but I'd be more'n inclined ta buy ye a drink later.


Yes I am a pirate;

Two hundred years too late.

The cannon don't thunder,

There's nothing to plunder,

I'm an over forty victim of fate.


Welcome aboard, Blackjack! Always good to see a fellow practitioner of the Sweet Trade sign on! :huh::rolleyes:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


*Honour tip-toes in*

Jack? Jack? Oh, me darlin', I warned ye about too much Captain Morgan's. Must have been the cola that did ye in....

*Honour covers Jack up with a blanket, leaves a glass of water and two Excedrins on the night stand*

*Kisses Jack on the forehead and tip-toes back out*

Taking on the world....one pair of boots at a time!

A little bit of this...a little bit of that...a lot of dreams....


* tip toes out behind Honor and scoops her up into his arms *

Aye, Luv, and don't ye be a knowin' I be no lilly liverd swab.

It'll take far more'n six bottles ta be doin' me in. :P

* carries Honor back into the room, kicks the door shut *


Yes I am a pirate;

Two hundred years too late.

The cannon don't thunder,

There's nothing to plunder,

I'm an over forty victim of fate.


:P Whew, only six posts and he be stealin' women off ta his room! Now, that man be a pyrate!

Best take a little time out, mate, and buy a few rounds, lest ya find yer door kicked back in and a pack of thirsty pirates interrupting yer...courting? :P

As for meself, I have me ususal - a glass of Frech bubbly with shot of Tattoo.

Welcome to the Pub. :P

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

  False Ransom said:
:P Whew, only six posts and he be stealin' women off ta his room! Now, that man be a pyrate!

"Any pirate can carry off the women he knows. It takes a real pirate to whisk away the ones he doesn't know, an they go willingly!"


Honour's hair is tangled, her lipcolouring is smeared, her bodice is laced wrong and knotted. Her boots are on the wrong feet. She leans agains the doorjamb and says dreamily, 'Make no mistake, lads. That be not just any pyrate....'

Taking on the world....one pair of boots at a time!

A little bit of this...a little bit of that...a lot of dreams....


I remember a time when I gave you that look, deary. Or, have ye forgotten your long, lost hubby?

Apple? :P

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Ah, Mad Jack!

The only thing ye be a-peeling off IS an apple!

Taking on the world....one pair of boots at a time!

A little bit of this...a little bit of that...a lot of dreams....


Now, now, dearest Honour... Do you like to play with fire, or would you rather cook? :lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


OW! Damn matches...

Cook? Nay, I prefer a slow simmer that builds into a searing heat.

Taking on the world....one pair of boots at a time!

A little bit of this...a little bit of that...a lot of dreams....


Why certainly, Mate. A round on me. That purse I lifted earlier be a bit heavy anyway. :lol:

Jacky Tar, sorry mate, but like any good pirate I only takes the choicest booty. :lol:

That way I doesn't get me face re arranged like Sparrow did last time he set foot in Tortuga. :lol:

* downs three more tankards of rum after setting them on fire, scoops Honor back up in his arms *

A slow simmer ye say lass? I believe I am inclined to acquiesce to yer request, Luv.


Yes I am a pirate;

Two hundred years too late.

The cannon don't thunder,

There's nothing to plunder,

I'm an over forty victim of fate.


Gimme a couple a rums on 'is coin, right quick, while they ar other wise distracted Ray! I ken get ta sayin' welcome after tha free drink.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog

  Honour Bright said:
Honour's hair is tangled, her lipcolouring is smeared, her bodice is laced wrong and knotted. Her boots are on the wrong feet. She leans agains the doorjamb and says dreamily, 'Make no mistake, lads. That be not just any pyrate....'

"Aye, we other pirates choose the ladies whom can dress themselves!" I chuckle softly.

  Blackjack Roberts said:
Jacky Tar, sorry mate, but like any good pirate I only takes the choicest booty.

* downs three more tankards of rum after setting them on fire, scoops Honor back up in his arms *

I look at the rumpled Mistress Bright, "Aye, choicest booty." I scratch my head, "Me thinks this is why I drink ale."

  Jacky Tar said:
  Honour Bright said:
Honour's hair is tangled, her lipcolouring is smeared, her bodice is laced wrong and knotted. Her boots are on the wrong feet.  She leans agains the doorjamb and says dreamily, 'Make no mistake, lads. That be not just any pyrate....'

"Aye, we other pirates choose the ladies whom can dress themselves!" I chuckle softly.

Are you kidding?

I DID dress myself!

Taking on the world....one pair of boots at a time!

A little bit of this...a little bit of that...a lot of dreams....


I doesn't choose me booty for the chest, Mate. I choose it fer what the chest contains. :huh:

Drink up me hartys.......I pilfered the funds from Red Cat, anyway. :huh::lol::huh:

Yes I am a pirate;

Two hundred years too late.

The cannon don't thunder,

There's nothing to plunder,

I'm an over forty victim of fate.


Tank ya lad!

Silkie sits on the bar next to where Blackjack leans.

So lad, seems like ya knows Miss Bright right well. I'd suggest det ya se she's proper dressed next time yer finished wit'er!

She winks at the new lad.

Wot scoundrel brought ya t'dis rat infested place?

Ya never woke up frum a good drunken night t'find yer name set fer life on some peice o'marriage licence ave ya? :lol:

  Blackjack Roberts said:
Drink up me hartys.......I pilfered the funds from Red Cat, anyway. :huh::huh::lol:

Oi, Mr. Roberts. I'd bee proper careful advertisin where tha coin came from aye. Tha Red Cat's no one ta be toyin wif. She keeps 'er claws mighty sharp.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog

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