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Inventory of Estate of William Craig 1720 August 15

An Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of Wm. Craig late of the County of York [Virginia] decd. taken by the Exerx. & made by us the Appraisers Subscribed As follows Viz.

box Irons & heaters £-.5.-

1 Sauce pan 1/ 17 Glass 6/. 1 Coffee mill 6/ -.13.-

1 doz. Coffee dishes. 2 muggs. 1 Salt, 7 punch bowls 2 pewter potts -.7.-

2 hour Glasses 1/6 a Prell. of old books 1.1.6

1 warming pann 126 1 Sword & belt 7/6 -.19.6

1 looking Glass 2/6. 1 old bible 6/ -.8.6

a box & Six knives & forks -.4.-

Some Tinn panns -.7.6

a P Spoon molds -.15.-

A paper book 7/6. a prell. of old prints 2/6 -.10.-

2 Groce bottles 2.-.-

12 old Casks 7/6 Tubbs -.18.-

3 old Iron Doggs, 2 P tongs, 1 Chafing dish -.12.-

1 walnutt Teatable 1 P brass Candlesticks Snuffers a Teacar -.10.-

3 doz. Candle moulds 2.5.-

½ doz. knives & forks -.2.-

1 Suit Cloth Cloths & 1 P breeches 3.-.-

One Suit Drugget 2.-.-

Suit & Riding Coat -.10.-

2 horses, 1 mare, 1 Colt 8.-.-

Jenny a Negroe woman & her child Sarah 35.-.-

Frank a Negro woman 30.-.-

Betty a Negro Girle 20.-.-

John Robinson a White Servant 7.-.-

Katherin a Servant maid -.10.-

Wm. Read a Servant man 10.-.-

A Silk Capp -.1.6

2 Cows & 1 Calf 3.5.-

a Sow -.5.-

A Tumbrell & 3 horses & harness 8.10.-

a Chest of Drawers 4.10.-

a Rough Lant--ips 2.10.-

a pine press 1.10.-

a Walnutt Tree press 3.-.-

9 old Chests 2.5.-

1 doz. Rush Chairs -.12.-

1 Small walnutt Tree Table 1-.-

1 doz. leather Chairs 3.10.-

A Desk 1.-.-

A Close Stool & pewter pann -.10.-

1 oval Table Oak 2.-.-

1 Walnutt Table -.17.6

6 old pine Tables -.18.-

71 lb. pewter 2.11.-

83 lb. old pewter 3.15.4

a bed, 1 pr. Sheets. blanket, Rugg, boulster, pillows bedstead, Cord & hide 6.-.-

One bed, bedstead, Cord Hide, bolster Sheet Rugg 3.-.-

one Do. 2 Sheets 3.5.-

one Do. with Curtains 5.-.-

one bed, bedstead, cord, hyde, Rugg 2 pillows & pillowbers, 1 blanket & Curtains 6.-.-

one bed bolster Quilt P Sheets old pillow 6.-.-

one bed bolster Rugg, blanket P Sheets bedstead & pillows 6.-.-

21 lb. old feathers -.15.9

Some old bedding -.10.-

2 P. Scales & 2 P Stilliards 1.-.-

328 lb. old brass 1.18.-

1 Skillet & frame £-.8.4

Iron pott 2.-.-

3 pott Hooks -.10.-

2 Spitts, 1 dripping pann, flesh fork, 4 Scewors -.16.-

1 buckskin Wastcoate & breeches not finished & 1 buckskin -.15.-

Some old Silk fringes 1.-.-

9½ lb. Glue -.10.-

1 frying pann -.2.6

2 Gallons Madera Wine -.10.-

a Small Silver Cupp & Some old Silver wt. 4 oz. 5 p wt 1. 1. 3 3 butter potts -.5.-

6 lb. white Lead -.2.-

a Diaper Table Cloth & 2 Napkins -.12.-

£ 218. 8.10

In Obedience to an order of York County Court dated June 20th 1702. We the Subscribers being first Sworn have appraised the Estate of Wm. Craig decd. amounting to the Sum of Two hundred Eighteen pounds eight Shillings & ten pence as above Whereof We make this Report

Edwd. Ripping

Katha. Craig (her mark)

James Shields

John Brush

At a Court held for York County Augt. 15th. 1720 This Invry. &c. of the estate of Wm. Craig decd. was presented in Court & admitted to Record.


Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.

- - -

Having worn buckskin garments on the Missouri during many primitive treks, they're not at all troublesome during hot days. They suck immeasureably when wet or cold (invest in wool).

Haven't perused the Port Royal Archives, perhaps there is mention of buckskin garments there.

Yours, &c.


Try these for starters- "A General History of the Pyrates" edited by Manuel Schonhorn, "Captured by Pirates" by John Richard Stephens, and "The Buccaneers of America" by Alexander Exquemelin.


I find it interesting that his white servants are enumerated among his possessions. When we do living history at Pennsbury Manor, I try to explain how "free" servants weren't much better off than slaves in this time period, but people never quiet understand that just because you are free doesn't mean you're not owned by someone. (But now I'm totally off topic and am going to have to moderate myself!) :lol:

I wonder what the fuction of a buckskin waistcoat and breeches was? Sounds decidedly like something with a particular purpose, doesn't it?


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


I was thinking hunting gear. I was also thinking of how butchers always wear leather aprons. But I really don't know much if anything about leather goods so I didn't want to speculate.


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!

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