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:rolleyes:B) Brilliant! I don't generally like to copy, but this one is too good. I'm copying you on that one. I salute you, sir.

(Is Ed still using Tigger with the paper pirate hat? We could be the Three Amigos. ) :rolleyes:


"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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I'm jealous. I officially need a cool avatar now.

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain

  blackjohn said:
(Note to self... find all my old avatars and post 'em again...)

Yes, do! I was hoping you would.

jess, here are some ideas for an avatar. (Well, these are ideas I might use...)


Or this one...


Or (saving the best for last) this:


(I bet you thought I forgot all those discussions we had about shucking corn. (Or maybe you just wish I had.) Ha ha!~~ Mission never forgets! :lol: )

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



Various avatars, in no certain order...


He shall wear the jewelled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow.

Conan... thinking about kicking ass and taking names.




The avuncular Master Po. I must've been philosophizin' with Phil or Mission or Duchess or all three.


Me, this is actually from the cover of our first album! Hampton BB Fest... '04?


You can't see her, but Vera is in this pic! From the big firelock shootout in '05.


With rum, and Vera, traipsing through the jungles of Havre de Grace, '05


In the jungles of my backyard, wearing French Army bush hat and British WWII sunglasses. Oct '06


Sir Topham Hat, or if you prefer, The Fat Controller. I must've been pontificating that day. Relatively recent


Annapolis for the Volvo Ocean Race, April '06?


Not resized... Havre de Grace, and the steel jungle, summer '06?

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.



Geezie peezie... the First Hampton Blackbeard Festival!


Shark! Taken from the sunroof of my suv






Feelin' geeky!


Not resized... WC Fields!


Kicking butt and taking names... Nick Fury!


Now I'm serious!


On the f'c'sle of the Kalmar Nyckel, somewhere off the Delaware Capes, 1697.


Pike. His doctor once said, "A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away."

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.



Conan. Still troubled.


Jayne. Let's be bad guys.


Lionel Jeffries in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang... A posh, posh travelling life, a travelling life for me...


Polish 1st Armored Div... Getting in touch with my roots... again unresized


Call me Snake... one of my faves!


From one of my favorite stories... Dickens in musical form, Ghost of Christmas Present!

I like life, here and now

Life and I made a mutual vow

‘Till I die, life and I

We’ll both try to be better somehow

And if life were a woman

She would be my wife

Why? Because I like life!


The cryer with his three hats.


A classic!


Groucho... what can I say?!?!?


Calico Mather... Cotton Mather's pirate brother

That's it as far as I know.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

(I bet you thought I forgot all those discussions we had about shucking corn. (Or maybe you just wish I had.) Ha ha!~~ Mission never forgets!  )

I still see row upon row upon row of corn every once in awhile when I close my eyes. I have never in my life tipped a cow though, I will have you know!

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain

  jessie k. said:
(I bet you thought I forgot all those discussions we had about shucking corn. (Or maybe you just wish I had.) Ha ha!~~ Mission never forgets!  )

I still see row upon row upon row of corn every once in awhile when I close my eyes. I have never in my life tipped a cow though, I will have you know!

Y'know... Mission does indeed forget. We were talking about tassling corn, weren't we? There's a big difference. (Isn't there?)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



De-tasseling, to be exact, but I was going to let it slide. :lol:

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain

  Caraccioli said:
avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg  avatar%20hobbes.jpg 

I would just like to note that this is one of my favorite avatars to date. Every time I see it on one of my posts I grin like an idiot. (Well, not every time, but a time here and a time there - it's sort of a random occurrence, really.)

That's it. Move along, there's nothing to see here.

Caraccioli, El Presidente & First Tiger of G.R.O.S.S (Of which Calvin will never again be a member :lol: ) ;):lol:

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


  • 1 year later...

My new avatar is actually an old avatar which I believe is from the POTC ride at Disney Land. (I've never been to Disney Land, but I'm pretty sure he isn't at Disney World.) While it could never touch Hobbes as a cool avatar, I actually think he is more representative of my interest in pirates.


See, he looks like he's explaining something...probably how to do an amputation in under 2 minutes.

And the old ones I haven't listed before that I can remember are:


Luna Lovegood - an odd choice, I must admit. Not sure why I did that.


Jack from Tales of the Gold Monkey. Kept that one for a long time, I did.


Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez...known as the Rat... (Clearly not resized.)

“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” –Carlos Casteneda

"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." — Voltaire


  Raphael Misson said:
Jack from Tales of the Gold Monkey. Kept that one for a long time, I did.


Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez...known as the Rat... (Clearly not resized.)

I knew I recognized that dog, but I couldn't place it! I suppose I could have asked, but it never struck me as being important ebough to remember to ask...

Now you've got me thinking about that old show, I HAVE to do a search on it to see if it is available on DVD... NetFlix here I come! :ph34r:

My avatar, which changes about every few months or so, tends to just be a my favourite photo of myself at the moment... Nothing interesting or exciting... Although I have used a cute pirate themed animated gif from time to time just to amuse myself.


Mine isn't anything of particular significance, just a sunset on the beach.

Probably time to get a new one.

Hey Mission, I went to Disneyland a few months ago and took a photo of their PoTC skeletons playing chess. The picture is a little fuzzy and the location VERY dark, but I managed to coax the pirates into the frame (sort of).


Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...


Alas, TotGM is not on DVD. Put your name on the officious Amazon "notify me when this comes out" and that might help get the series released. (Everyone is invited. :ph34r: )

Thanks for the pic! That is nice - much nicer than the ones we took when I was there, albeit fuzzy as you noted. (It's the lighting that makes 'em blurry - years of attempted Haunted House photography has taught me that.) It might be a bit much for an avatar, tho' - TMI (TM Digital I)

“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” –Carlos Casteneda

"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." — Voltaire



There! (Best I can do with my crappy tools.)


If it were big enough, that would make an awesome avatar. Maybe I'll put it in my profile photo eventually.

“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” –Carlos Casteneda

"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." — Voltaire


  • 2 months later...
  Raphael Misson said:
Alas, TotGM is not on DVD. Put your name on the officious Amazon "notify me when this comes out" and that might help get the series released. (Everyone is invited. :lol: )

Thanks for the pic! That is nice - much nicer than the ones we took when I was there, albeit fuzzy as you noted. (It's the lighting that makes 'em blurry - years of attempted Haunted House photography has taught me that.) It might be a bit much for an avatar, tho' - TMI (TM Digital I)

Ha! I'm on that list too. God I loved that show. I wonder if it would stand the test of time? Hopefully we'll be able to find out someday.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


My Avatar is "Smilin Stan" from monkey island. He sells crappy boats at terrible prices. He's a used car salesmen in every way. YaaaaaR! I got a ship to sell you guys =)

  blackjohn said:
  Raphael Misson said:
Alas, TotGM is not on DVD. Put your name on the officious Amazon "notify me when this comes out" and that might help get the series released. (Everyone is invited. :lol: )

Thanks for the pic! That is nice - much nicer than the ones we took when I was there, albeit fuzzy as you noted. (It's the lighting that makes 'em blurry - years of attempted Haunted House photography has taught me that.) It might be a bit much for an avatar, tho' - TMI (TM Digital I)

Ha! I'm on that list too. God I loved that show. I wonder if it would stand the test of time? Hopefully we'll be able to find out someday.

Apparently, it was originally planned to be released this year but was deemed too expensive so it's in a holding pattern. (I'm waiting too!)

TV Shows on DVD website



What a bunch of old TV geeks we are. Like blackjohn, I wonder if it was really that good? It seemed really good in retrospect, but so did Speed Racer. (Seriously, those of you who liked it when you were kids should go back and watch the old Speed Racer cartoons. Awful.)

[All philosophical-like]It's funny, but Raiders of the Lost Ark, which is still one of my favorite movies, never did quite get the fan-base and adulation that Lucas' other opus did. There are mammoth and many SW sites on the web, examining every facet and detail of that series, but not so much so for Raiders. The new version of the SW AF line begun in '95 continues to run strong while the nascent Indy line seems already to be languishing on the pegs. Yet, Raiders seems to me to be the superior Action-Adventure film by a good stretch. Maybe it's as Lucas says and Star Wars, for all its warts [like Ewoks and silly, maudlin family dramas] is the better example of the classic heroic epic. [/All philosophical-like]

I still want a shot at seeing some old Tales of the Gold Monkey episodes so's I can judge for myself...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



My avatar ....ummm ...it's a seal ...a sealkie ...and it is blue ...and my signature is now blue ...and the pub is blue and ...well it just looks good to me. ;)


The avatar at the moment is from a storefront in Bristol, R.I., about a couple of doors down from where my mom grew up. bristol was a true GAOP pirate port in the day, with tales to tell. The photo is just temporary until I have the time to actually put my own head in. The storefront skeleton seems more like an undead british Rev war soldier, but befitting just the same.


  • 4 weeks later...


Hmm. A Halloweeney avatar for the season? As one of the (two) masters of an absurd number of avatars, I consider this a challenge. (That one's far too cutesy, though.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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