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Firearm Accoutrements for GAoP?

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While preparing for the Lockhouse event, I began wondering what firearm accoutrements were carried by not only seamen, but also the military and militia groups.

I'm sure we all have seen the cartridge boxes with the white leather straps as worn by Her Majesty’s troops. But what else was common?

Powder horns and ball pouches?

Pre-rolled cartridges?

Canteens would have been correct for a militiaman. But a seaman??

Just wondering about useful equipment for cross over personas should a story line require it.

Take care



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


Hey Doc,

If you go to the main page of Captain Twill you can scroll down to the bottom right corner and find search bar... it will help you find all the threads already covering this topic... plug in black powder to start...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




I can throw a couple of new bits of information in...

According to the good ol' Sea Gunner's Companion (1702) each pair of pistols was issued with a "collar of bandoleers", and each musket with a cartouche box. No provision appears to have been allowed for the musketoons and blunderbusses.

Marines at that time were also issued with cartridge boxes.


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707



A collar of bandoleers??

A cartouche box? Cartridge box?

Any pics or are they the same as REV war and such?



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


Good stuff!

However after looking at the Godwin site again, it looks as if the cartridge boxes are basically the same as the civil war carbine boxes only with white canvas straps???

Also sounds like apostles were basically gone?



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


"Collar of bandoleers" is the term usually applied in period to what you're referring to as apostles, but it does seem a little late for them and a little odd to have them associated with pistols.

There are photos of the cartouche/cartridge boxes recovered from the Phips wreck and the Whydah around here some place for GAoP era. A search should turn them up.


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707



Excellent and thanks again!



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

Just wondering about useful equipment for cross over personas should a story line require it.

A possibles bag may be the answer for you., essentially it is just a leather strap ., like a lighter duty baldric with a soft leather bag on it. That'll take care of your needs just fine. Check out the last of the mohicans for 2 hours of Blackpowder-Accoutrements. You can get., Powder-Primer-Patches-Balls-and even Moose-Milk and or Bore-Butter in there., probably a vent pik and a bore brush too..., Your gonna love this Musketoon!! Yes I said MOOSEMILK B)

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


We were typing about cartradge boxes back in July.... https://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5769

Someone was going to take some pictures.... but so far nothing new has been posted.... I'm courious what the back looks like.... was it a belly box, or slung on a cartradge belt..or both.....

I've looked at pictures on the net of some of the Rev. War, and F&I war cartridge boxes.... but most of them have a wooden block.... the one fron the Whydah, one from...(I think it was from Deerfield) and the French one (Hey... great help with that part ain't I....) all seem to have thin wooden slats instead of a block of wood with holes in it......

For my Buccanear stuff... I use a simple hunting pouch and powder horn... but for my GAoP stuff I want to make a cartradge box.... I can figure out most of it.... but knowing what the back looked like, and how thick the leather was would be a great help......

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