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Las Vegas Renaissance Faire

Rumba Rue

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Yes I know there's another much older thread, but since things have changed for many, I wanted to make a new one.

The Age of Chilvary held in Las Vegas will be coming up very quickly. I have never been, but certianly plan on going less something sidelines me.

The dates are Oct. 13-15th, 2006.

Look for me with the nifty new scooter and the cool flag I made which can be seen here:


You'll definately know it's me!

So who is all going?

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I recieved this email from a friend of mine who lives in Las Vegas, wanted to pass it on to those who are planning on attending:

Due to the past 2 days of rain in the valley. It is expected that Vegas fair for next weekend is expected to be in the high 50s at night. So bring your warm weather clothing for cold weather. As it was 4 yrs ago at Vegas fair 02' we suffered an early cold front from the north that yr that the hr after the sun went down everyone were huddled around the campfires. It is most likely it will be that way next week.

Better safe than sorry for those who may attend next week.

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Am I going? Yes it's a faire...... I do faires. And all of you pokes who should have saved money all year just so you could put a great time together in the fun zone of the planet with everyone here at Pyracy.como at one of the greatest little faires in the world. We will be thinking about you... NOT!

Did anyone mention the fact that Friday night and Saturday night they stay open till 10:00 P M and since the City of Las Vegas owns the event they spare nothing on bringing in the great bands and groups! Huzzah! I leave tonight!

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.

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Diego originally stated that the event would run from October 6th to October 8th, based on the initial planning stages of the event. Mad Matt later noted that the event had been officially moved to October 13th-15th.

I wanted to go this year, but once the oirginal dates were changed I had a conflict.

Why is Rumba advertising the dates of October 8th through the tenth?





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This was soooooo worth the trip to Las Vegas! I'm glad we went! The

weather was a tiny deterent on Friday morning (it had rained all night and was still raining early Friday morning, but stopped by 10:30), leaving a swamp in one

part of the vendor area bad enough that wood paneling had to be put

down over the river of deep mud.

On Sunday was beautiful! Not at any time during the event did I have

to take to fanning myself due to heat! I was totally comfortable in garb.

I wish there had been more vendors, but having a huge influx of Guilds

all the way around the lake was great. It was great seeing all the

different groups and their encampment set-ups.

I personally want to thank the Biggins group, for supplying the great games I had never seen before, and welcoming us.

I know Boats had a great time gigging with people and playing

games with them.

For me, having a scooter to get around with, made all the difference

in the world for me and it has paid off as a terrific investment!

Will we go again? You betcha! Though I think it's going to take a year

to save up the money for it-I spent a whole wad of bucks, but

everything I bought, I was very satisfied with and didn't feel guilty

at all!

For those who couldn't go, make sure you get to in the future, it's

worth it!

I did take some pictures, and as soon as I get the time to download them I'll post them.

Rumba Rue

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What Rumba said! Friday night the sky wend electric lighening bolts shot down across up over around and then the rain came..... the area took in an inch and through the night some up to 60 mile an hour winds tore up some of the weakly planned pop-ups but I didn't hear of any exodus in masse, there was lots to be thankful for... that 2 inches didn't come down would be primary but the rain didn't hurt too much it was late and there was only an hour of faire left Friday night. It certainly did clean everything and keep the sand dust way the hell down. Saw frinds from all over the U S. What makes this event so huge is the County owns it and they put out the red carpet. T V ads for a month going in. Coverage by stations out and about on walkabout in the shire during the faire as well. Interviews and even warnings to remind the mondanes that what happens at faire stays at faire! Certainly hope to see you all there next year. Here is their website.


Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.

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  • 1 month later...

sorry I missed this but money and time was not on my side.. Glad ta hear ya had a good time tho..

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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