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Ahoy Me Hearties

On the last Friday of every month, Whale and Ales's Private Room

on the Upper Deck plays host to a group of enthusiasts,

who delight in entertaining themselves,

and (of course) us, with a few Sea Shanties sing alongs.

Come on board and get into the nautical spirit that abounds

here in the Harbour District.

For more information on our Jolly Jack Tars, you can E-mail

them right HERE or visit them on-lineHERE

and perhaps learn a few of their Shanties - and sing along !

The Whale and Ale

327 West 7th Street

San Pedro, CA 90731


I have heard that this is really fun! I still don't have a car ;) so haven't been there but plan on it when I can.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  • 2 weeks later...

I here tell of a town leeward of the House of Wax just down from Knots Berry Farm that has shows of the rabbelrousing sort. I've yet to partake. If someone goes up the crows nest to take a look let me know what the view be.


In San Diego you can tour two sailing ships, one a steel hulled bark (?) 'The Star of India' and the other is the ship made for filming the movie 'Master and Commander'. Then just go down the street to Hooters for dinner.


hey, there is the Pirate Dinner Theatre near Disney. There is another thread around here that tells all about it.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  • 1 month later...

I am new here, so I apologise if I didn't post this in the best place.

Traveling Pirate in need of Quarters and a ride.

I am flying out to California to be first mate on the three masted schooner Tole Mour. The ship is flying me out but before I am sighn on, I am doing a quick trip up to Washington to see my bonnie lass and some friends. The life of a professional pirate (tall ship sailor is always on a tight budgett).

I fly into LAX at 9:15 pm on 12/23 and then fly out again on 12/24 at 6:15 AM. I would like a ride and a place to crash for the night if anyone would like to help me. I don't think it makes much sense for me to try to make it to the ship that late at night only to leave early in the morning again.

I fly back into LAX on New Years Eve at 3:06 PM and will then need a ride to the ship or to the Lady Washington for the new years eve party/ crew reunion.

In return I will give you a dock side tour of the Tole Mour and if I can swing it (no promises) a sail sometime.

Also, what should I know about flying with flint locks? Other than the obvious, don't put them in my carry on and don't bring any powder.

Capt Rusty

  • 1 month later...

I just called them and asked if they would have a problem with a group coming in dressed 18thC style. There was a chuckle and no don't see why not...so if we could get a group together...we could don our garb and have a time at the pub singing some shanties...last friday of the month.

anyone interested??? :lol:

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


I would go Lady Seahawke in costume and I know of probably a few friends who would join as well. PM me if you get a group together.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


  • 1 month later...

I guess no one from here rounds up everyone and goes...so sad. Not enough communication on this website to roundup people who are not part of groups and interact with each other. I would think we would want to encourage more new folk into the existing groups.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



I would have loved to have gotten a group to get together ...unfortunately, I won't be in the LA area much longer. Things have happened...and well, I am currently packing things and about to ship cross country ...eastward. M'mum is in need of an assist and to make a long story short, I'm it.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I have to go to SanFran for a Tuesday meeting mid August and I thought I'd extend the visit for the weekend. (Although, admittedly, I'd rather spend it in Napa Valley. Unfortunately, that's more fun with two than one.) Anyhow, I was looking for a hotel and I found the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. It seemed to make the most sense. Although I'm sure the pirate aspect is next to nil, it seemed like serendipity. I'll report back if there's anything of merit.

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright



The pirate aspect IS essentially nil, but it's in a central location.

If you're going to be staying in SF for a few days, I recommend checking out the Hyde Street Pier, which is home to some historic ships. It's a pity the Maritime Museum is closed for renovations, but there is a visitor center across the street which has some good maritime exhibits.

Also, there are several buildings which have ships buried under them. When the Gold Rush happened, many whaling ships just dropped anchor and the sailors abandoned them. Many of them were turned into hotels, restaurants, warehouses, etc. At any rate, check out this map of ships buried under San Francisco. You should also check out the Old Ship Saloon. It is the last place left that is still in operation from the old Barbary Coast days. Here's their website.



I have actually visited Hyde Street Pier last time I was there. I spent the better part of an hour watching some rope monkeys fiddling with the sails on one of the ships. (I don't recall it's name.)

Thanks for the map link - unfortunately it isn't working for me. I do recall reading about people beaching and turning their ships into shops.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Barber- thanks for posting that about The Old Ship. I printed out some items from that page. I will show a co-worker that as well that is a Brit and pines for Brit food.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


  • 2 weeks later...

Had a bit of an adventure yesterday. Mark (Misson) flew out to SF on Friday night and we picked him up and took him sailing Saturday morning. The wind was very wacky, changing direction and there were some powerful gusts. We had a couple of close moments, but he was a real trouper and even spent some time at the helm. Always an adventure sailing on the Bay of Saint Francis!

Then we went to the local watering hole for an early dinner and margaritas and then drove home. On the way, my car was rear-ended. Since we were in stop-and-go traffic, we weren't hit hard, but I got the other guy's insurance info, just in case. And the entire time, he was talking on his cell phone. Gee - wonder why he rear-ended me? (People who drive while talking on the phone - GRRRR!) At any rate, Jack and I were okay and Mark seemed okay but we'll check today when we see him.



You should have took a picture of the guy with his cell phone. I understand it's illegal now in California to talk on your cell phone and drive at the same time. You probably saved the guy a ticket.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Hands-free isn't illegal, which is what he was using. The thing is, NO ONE is that good a driver, either with hands-free or not.

At any rate, Tales of the Seven Seas had a pirate gig tonight at a developmentally disabled children's camp and Mark joined us. We got him kitted out and handed him our hand-sewn Jolly Roger. The kids were great and we all had a wonderful time interacting and playing pirate with them. Then we adjourned to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner before dropping him off on his way back to the hotel. We encountered no accidents on the way back...


  Black Hearted Pearl said:
I understand it's illegal now in California to talk on your cell phone and drive at the same time.  You probably saved the guy a ticket.

Actually, that law doesn't go into effect until July 1, 2008.

California Vehicle Code Section 23123, Hand-Held Wireless Telephone: Prohibited Use:

(h) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2008, and shall remain in effect only until July 1, 2011, and, as of July 1, 2011, is repealed.

But hey, if some people think it's in effect now, that's not necessarily a bad thing.


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