Hester Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 I'm hoping the success of PotC123 will inspire more pirate movies in the near future. If you were making your own pirate movie, who would you cast as your Pirate Captain? My first pick would be a young Kris Kristofferson: Then again, even at 70, he's looking pretty good. If Keith Richards can play Jack Sparrow's dad in PotC3, then why not have Kris as Jack's American uncle in PotC4: Anyhow ... looking forward to seeing other's dream choices for casting a pirate king (or queen) in a hypothetical movie. Cheers, Hester N[ow] P[laying]: James Yorkston, "I know my love"
Hester Posted August 4, 2006 Author Posted August 4, 2006 My next choice would be Stuart Townsend: He could just recycle most of his wardrobe from Queen of the Damned into pirate gear -- lots of brocade and lace. Hmmm... why not make it a Vampire Pirate movie! Cheers, Hester
Black Rinalda Kidd Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 Oh, aye! Workin' on it, milass! Workin' on it! It's a bit trite, I realize, but Billy Connolly still be me first choice ta play me captain in th' first one I'm workin' on. He's got aboout th' right build (an' th' right nose) fer 'im, an', most important, th' right accent, a' native-like. It be an 'istorical, bio-pic, but right excitin' it be, an' a much more intriguing plot than th' legends. Th' other movie script I'm workin' on be from th' perspective o' the' Navy, rather than pirate - but still will hae a great lot o' *boom*, fer th' fans o' explosions an' bits o' stuff flyin' everywhere. Another 'istorical, like the first, an' tha', again, more than legend. Still, I hae a confession tha' Alan Rickman would make a right lovely pirate, thoo. An' drawn enoo' he seem ta be ta th' period movies what allows 'im to wear th' long and lovely broad-skirted coats! Born ta wear 'em 'e is, an' by judgin' by th' way 'e moves in 'em, I can tell 'e loves to make 'em float an' swing an' swish, a' pretty-like!
Lady Alyx Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 Heath Ledger? He made an awesome Casanova last year!!!! And then again he has wardrobe from that he can wear....lol ~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~ Lady Alyx
Hester Posted August 4, 2006 Author Posted August 4, 2006 Hi, Rinalda: Billy Connolly would make a good pirate! I enjoyed his performance in Timeline. And speaking of well-draped fabric swishing prettily about male hips ... will you be dressing this native Glaswegian in a kilt for your bio-pic? And Alan Rickman would make a wonderful villainous pirate. He thoroughly chewed up the scenery in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves -- almost in protest of Kevin Costner's wooden performance. [Which reminds me -- I've never seen Waterworld. I wonder how piratey it is?] Best wishes on your screenwriting! Cheers, Hester
Hester Posted August 4, 2006 Author Posted August 4, 2006 Hmmm... actors named Billy, swanning about in period costume ... why not cast Billy Crudup in a pirate movie: He could be an Elizabethan Sea Hawk. Cheers, Hester ... liking her crew so far!
Hester Posted August 4, 2006 Author Posted August 4, 2006 Lady Alyx said: Heath Ledger? He made an awesome Casanova last year!!!! And then again he has wardrobe from that he can wear....lol Oh, yes, indeed... Shiver me Timbers!
JoshuaRed Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 At the risk of veering this thread off it's seemingly intended "soft focus - leading man" ideas, the gritty, noir pirate film I'd make would have perhaps Tim Roth or Robert Carlyle as pirate captains. Or Gary Oldman. Or perhaps Clive Owen.
Capn_Enigma Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 Robert Englund. David Warner. (but then again, this has already been done). "The floggings will continue until morale improves!"
Hester Posted August 4, 2006 Author Posted August 4, 2006 JoshuaRed said: At the risk of veering this thread off it's seemingly intended "soft focus - leading man" ideas, the gritty, noir pirate film I'd make would have perhaps Tim Roth or Robert Carlyle as pirate captains. Or Gary Oldman. Or perhaps Clive Owen. Oh, yes Robert Carlyle ... he was terrific in Plunkett & Macleane: Highwaymen were just land pirates, after all. Of course, I always find it odd to see Robert Carlyle in "gritty" roles, because I first became aware of him in the fluffy Hamish MacBeth series. Clive Owen ... hmmm ... wonder what he would look like in long hair? I could certainly see him playing a villainous pirate, though. And what's so soft-focus about Kris Kristofferson, anyway? His movie career practically screams "grit", baby! Cheers, Hester N[ow] P[laying] The Libertines, _Up the Bracket_ ... to drown out the incessant jingle of the ice-cream truck on the next block "Bill Bones knows what I mean!"
JoshuaRed Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 LOL yeah yer right -- Kris isn't fluff! Course neither is Heath for that matter, I guess it was just that particular shot of him. David Warner is excellent. He'd be a great corrupt island governor. Hester, was that still of Rob from Plunkett & MacClane? I don't recall that scene, but it's been awhile. Cool pic!
Hester Posted August 5, 2006 Author Posted August 5, 2006 JoshuaRed said: Hester, was that still of Rob from Plunkett & MacClane? I don't recall that scene, but it's been awhile. Cool pic! Hi, Joshua: Yes, that shot's from Plunkett & Macleane. I found it in a Google search. It's been awhile since I saw that movie also, so I can't remember how this scene fits into the plot. Indeed, that's such a cool pic that I looked for P&M at the video store tonight, but they didn't have it. Guess I'll have to buy the DVD from Amazon to add to my library. Cheers, Hester
Mimi Foxmorton Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 Ahoy Hester! Ye be a piratess after me own heart an' kindred spirit in thought as well! An' sadly....there be ne'er enough long haired kilted pirates t' go 'round..... They be rare as good rum on a sinkin' pirate ship..... Fair winds t' ye...... An' let us set sail t' continue our search..... ~Foxmorton As fer yer question though.....I can think o' no better pirate cap'n than Tim Curry.......(though not from that Muppet movie....he'd haf' t' be creatin' a more....Curry-ish.....pirate! An' I know given th' chance he could do it.......) 'Course....nay ship can sail wit'out Robert Newton aboard.......
Hester Posted August 5, 2006 Author Posted August 5, 2006 Mimi Foxmorton said: I can think o' no better pirate cap'n than Tim Curry.......(though not from that Muppet movie....he'd haf' t' be creatin' a more....Curry-ish.....pirate! An' I know given th' chance he could do it.......) Hi, Mimi: I do love Tim Curry singing "Professional Pirate"! And did you read the post on the young pirate wannabes in England who were lost at sea and got mistaken for Rocky Horror fans by their rescuers? http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticl...ticleID=1666958 Cheers, Hester
Mr_Scabbs Posted August 6, 2006 Posted August 6, 2006 If it were a pirate comedy, I'd like to see Will Farrell. "I like nachos. Mermaid nachos." The Seabeaver - Official Website Facebook MySpace Twitter * * * * * * * *
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 6, 2006 Posted August 6, 2006 Sean Connery. Although casting Connery as the Bad Guy pirate would be really, really cool. Someone else already picked David Warner... ...and Lance Henriksen has already appeared in a pirate movie --wait -- that does not eliminate him from MINE! So I would also cast Henriksen: But I would also have to include Alan Rickman... One of my favorite all-time actors. (sorry about these images -- these are the best examples I could find to forward my point) "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Rumba Rue Posted August 6, 2006 Posted August 6, 2006 Oh yes Alan Rickman for sure! This man can do it all! I'd also like to see Ioan Gruffudd and Jamie Bamber....wait a minute they were on the good side in Horatio Hornblower...would be interesting to put these two on the bad side. Robert Englund, now that's an idea...and he can have his Freddy claws as a hand instead of a pegleg. I'd even throw in Tim Allen for laughs.
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 6, 2006 Posted August 6, 2006 Actually, having Englund in a pirate movie as a character with an authentic hook would be a very clever cinematic in-joke... "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
LadyBarbossa Posted August 7, 2006 Posted August 7, 2006 Welp.... they cast Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook. And my GOD was he a FANTASTIC Hook! But... to turn this a wee bit around... actually is someone would be cast as my pirate persona... oddly enough.. my first choice would be Shania Twain. Now, knowing her... she wouldn't go for it. So... my second choice would be Catherine Zeta-Jones since she's a very close 2nd. All the other actresses I would have choosen are .. well... dead. Just can't seem to pick out anyone else at the moment. Haven't given it much thought really. ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Hester Posted August 7, 2006 Author Posted August 7, 2006 Cap said: ...and Lance Henriksen has already appeared in a pirate movie Hi, Capt. Pete: That would be the recent Pirates of Treasure Island, then? I haven't seen it, but I'm thinking of ordering the DVD from Amazon. Could you give us a brief review of the movie? Thanks, Hester
Black Rinalda Kidd Posted August 7, 2006 Posted August 7, 2006 Oh, aye! "Gazza" Oldman would be a treat! I hadn'a thought of putting milad in a kilt. But, never saw a paintin' of him in one, is like to be why it never occurred. There be one of him in a fashionable wig and right pretty red justaucorps with a gold sash, though. But what he wore in his earlier years are about as well recorded as what he did then (which is to say, there be bupkus....). Jean Reno could be amusing, though he's probably better known fer his soft-spoken types.... And Jeremy Irons I'd like to see in such a movie, but I see him better in th' Navy, ta be honest.
Hester Posted August 7, 2006 Author Posted August 7, 2006 Black Rinalda Kidd said: I hadn'a thought of putting milad in a kilt. But, never saw a paintin' of him in one, is like to be why it never occurred. There be one of him in a fashionable wig and right pretty red justaucorps with a gold sash, though. But what he wore in his earlier years are about as well recorded as what he did then (which is to say, there be bupkus....). Hi, Rinalda: Can you reveal who you real-life Scottish pirate protagonist is, or do you need to keep that info a trade secret for now? I love the expression "There be bupkus". I have a friend who is a historian in a field where there are often great gaps in the extant documentation. I think she'd enjoy using that phrase as a description of some of her exhaustive yet frustratingly unproductive reviews of the primary sources. Cheers, Hester
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 8, 2006 Posted August 8, 2006 Hester said: That would be the recent Pirates of Treasure Island, then?I haven't seen it, but I'm thinking of ordering the DVD from Amazon. Could you give us a brief review of the movie? No, I cannot. I saw it at Blockbuster, but was out-voted on which family movie we were going to rent. So I have not seen it, either. But I want to get it myself. If I rent it, I will say a thing or two about it. If you get it, let me know. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Hester Posted August 8, 2006 Author Posted August 8, 2006 William Red Wake said: Gerard Butler as William Kidd. Oh, YES! But, with the wild curls and close-cropped beard he wore in Timeline: Cheers, Hester P.S.: Rinalda, he's got a Glaswegian accent!
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