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"Bugger! "A loud swear erupted from Red Cat as the sound of cannon fire broke th' silence. She opened her mouth agin t' shout take cover!! when th deckin 'neth 'em splintered an gave way. Cat's eyes grew huge an she took a large breath preparin t' hold it 'fore they all went fer a swim. She saw Roberts dive fer cover..r' mayhaps he fell amidst th wreckage. As she struggled t gain purchase on anything wot floated a sekin piece struck her in th back o' th head. She released th' air as she saw stars.... an then which side be up was difficult t' tell. Sputterin an disoriented she tried t' call to her mates an grasped in th' murky darkness o th' water fer summin solid.. hopin it be Roberts r' Nate.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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Roberts knew they'd be like ducks in a pond fer either a Spanish party seekin th' Rakehell, r' Ransom's first mate who had no great love fer th' ship they just come from. Still he knew they stood a chance wot wit this unlikely trio. He also figured bein away from th' Rakehell might jest prove their survival. If he knew anything o' th Spanish..this were no lone ship..there were likely more. His peripheral vision had caught th' brief flash an he had just raised a sweep t' push agin a stump stickin out o' th water hopin t' swiftly turn th' small craft from it's position fore th' shot reached em. Cat shouted, Nate had jest grabbed up his musket an th' boat lurched an shattered. Th' shot had landed closest t' Roberts an amidst th' chaos he was shrouded in eerie silence as th sound o' th impact had temporarily taken his hearing. He spat out th' vile taste o' brackish water mixed wit blood as he could feel a tooth had been dislodged in his fall. One disadvantage o' his large size was that he fell harder than most. Roberts had struck his self on th butt o' his musket which shot up as his frame entered th' water. He spun once where he was an grabbed wot was left o th boats stern, loosin his large knife wit the other he took it in his teeth an then used his free hand t' wind wot was left o' a piece o' rope still attached t' th shattered wood about his other wrist. He half swam , half dragged th piece o' flotsam as his hearing began t' return in odd volumes. He heard Nate call out an listened fer Cat's voice. Oi! Roberts shouted through teeth clenching his dagger. He used his free arm t' ply th water graspin sommone briefly but losin purchase as th form struggled.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


When the longboat was struck wit roundshot, in just the right place, she started to break up. Nate grabbed for all his worldly posessions. "Bloody Hell! Not again!" Someone went into the water. Nate dropped his kit and steadied wot was left of the longboat and peered into the darkness. He saw the stern of the longboat moving away! "Oi! Wot gives? Cat! Roberts! You been hit?" Nate heard a sputterin sound over yonder, so he took up his sweeps and worked what was left of the boat towards the sound. "I's comin! I's comin!" Soon as he were close enough Nate reached out and grabbed hold of whomever it was. Had to be Red Cat, Roberts was much bigger than her. "Red Cat, I gots ya, I gots ya. . . ." He pulled her into the bow and let her catch her breath. "Oi! Roberts! You out there?" Nate heard a muffled Oi from yonder and took up his sweeps and got the shattered boat over to where he heard it. There was Roberts in waist deep brackish water with the stern of the longboat. "You hurt?" Roberts pulled his dagger out of his mouth to answer. "Not so far as I knows, bloodied mu mouth is all." Nate shook his head. Get on outta th water, there still be enough room in wots left, stay in th bow, keep th aft end up." Roberts grabbed the side and hauled himself aboard, almost tipping the shattered boat. Once all was quiet again and the three of them had squared away, Nate chuckled. "I guess they knows we's here." All three of them chuckled. Nate carefully stood and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Ahoy th Rakehell! Tis ol' Nate, Red Cat, n Roberts come ta see wot become o ye!" They waited and no more shots were fired at them and a lantern was lit on the stern of the ship. "I guess that means we can come aboard, I hope." Nate got himself set and took up his sweeps, only one other remained so Roberts knelt in the bow and rowed as best he could towards the light.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.

Goose touched the slow match to the first swivel gun. Tunny was an expert gunner. The sound of splintering wood followed the explosion of powder and shot. "She's hit amidships and sinking, Ma'am. Do I fire again?"

I was about to order the second shot, to finish the boat off, when I heard a familier voice shout "Bugger!"

"Belay that," I ordered Tunny, "And stand ready at the starboard side, to assist our guests."

Goose touched the slow match to a lantern wick and took the dim light to the starboard side. Tunny and Colard followed.

At my left, Africa huffed. "Probly Dat Man, 'cause he lose his ship to da Spanish. Too bad Tunny's shot go low."

"I doubt it, but at least we'll get a bit of information. I can't understand why they didn't hail us sooner. Bloody fools. They're lucky they're not dead. And I'm sure the galleon heard the shot. Blast and damn! Come dawn, as soon as we have enough light, we move the ship to another inlet further north.

I turned toward the commotion starboard, where the ship was lower due to her canted position in the water. "Come on, you lot, get them aboard before they become gator food. Though I have half a mind to leave them."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Once Cat caught her breath an it were realeased agin wi cussin an mutterin. Roberts told her t' stow it an she should be thankin ol Nate fer not leavin her t' th gators an snakes. She cuffed him soundly in th back o' th head as he rowed wit his hands.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Even below the surface the blast was easily discerned but the sealkie was preoccupied with the task at hand. In this form her preference was to eat and play in the surf so she could not let herself be distracted by things that were not of immediate danger. That is why when the water around her started to churn with activity and the net came down around her she was caught unawares. The men quickly maneuvered in the water the net pulled closed, the sealkie was…

…caught. Before she knew what was happening she was wrapped in the net and tossed to the bottom of the long boat. She continued to struggle but the net, so tight about her was also being held tight to the bottom of the boat. Finally she gave in and just laid there hoping for them to ease up.


Dillard stood there, wit' his mouth agape, as the scene unfolded.

"Mister Dillard, it appears our efforts t' snag the galleons rudder, hav been thwarted. See that the rope is pulled back aboard, an hav Stones secure that anchor." I said t' him, "... and Mister Dillard, they're Spanish; more than likely they've netted one o' their own. So, step lively man, an keep an eye out fer Silkie."


Nate got the shattered longboat to the ladder on the side of the Rakehell and steadied it as Red Cat and Roberts boarded. Nate handed up wot was left of all their belongings and then followed. All three of them looked like drowned rats, although Nate was the driest of the three. Even though the Rakehell had tried to sink them, Nate was pleased ta be back aboard. As capin Ransom and the big moore walked over, Nate grinned at them and saluted. "Happy ta see everyone in one piece, Ma'am. Th commodore sent us to ye, well, sent Red Cat n Roberts ta tell ye somethin, an me ta just get rid o me on account I accidentally blasted a hole in that spanish ship." In the dark Nate couldn't read capin Ransom's face, but he could see the scowl on that of Africa's. Nate's grin faded some, but he was still happy to be back aboard the Rakehell.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


I watched the trio come on board, and a sorry looking bunch they were. Soggy, mad, and probably after my blood. Except Nate, whose grin bespoke a happier disposition.

With Africa at my side, I approached Red Cat. "Next time, yell 'bugger' before I shoot, it will save you a dunking."

I spoke to Colard. "Take them below and get them into dry clothes. Goose, feed them something." I turned back to the three. "When you've changed and eaten, come to my cabin and we'll talk."

As the three started to follow Colard and Goose, I winked at Nate. "So, did you hit anything with that shot at the Spaniards?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Nate grinned his wild grin again for a minute before composing himself. "Well, I ain't perfectly sure, but I was hopin ta cripple the ship, ye knows, shoot th rudder chains. But I missed. I tink I fire that double shot inta th stern windows. Soooo, that would be th capin's cabins that got holed." Nate's eyes bugged out as he kept himself from laughing out loud. He again composed himself. "Though truthfully it were an accident. th commodore gave orders to hold fire, an when the anchor cable were cut I lost me balance an dropped th slowmatch. An th rest, well. . . ."

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


As the net was hoisted on to the main deck, I heard gasps. A few sailors even crossed themselves, when the net was pulled open. Fore where a sea lion had been, now sat a lady, barely covered by a skin of some kind.

"Back away, you fools!" I shouted, "You there, find her some clothes." I stepped forward and covered her with my cloak. Before, I could help her to her feet, the ships' boson clapped irons on her ankles. I turned to protest to the capitan, but he was busy giving orders to have her taken below.

...."Though truthfully it were an accident. th commodore gave orders to hold fire, an when the anchor cable were cut I lost me balance an dropped th slowmatch. An th rest, well. . . ."

Colard clapped his arm around Nate, and grinned. "And the rest is good and all for the poor Spanish captain. And I've nae an ounce o' pity for him. Come below, lad. It appears you've nae sae much wet to ye, sae we'll share a wee dram o' rum, if ye'd care to, while your mates, here, get intae dry duds."

Before he could lead the lad below, the captain said, "Make sure it's just a wee dram of rum. I want him sober when we meet in my cabin."

"I'll see tae that, ma'am. And tae the others as well," Colard replied."

Colard didn't know the other two wet and angry crew members, but it surprised him to see that one was a woman. It caused him to think, as he led the three below, that this was indeed, becoming a most interesting voyage. One he might enjoy and tell tales of to the end of his days, or one he might come to regret till his dying day. With an inward shrug, he thought, "Time will tell."

Then they to the tavern house

with meikle oly prance

One spoke with wordis wonder crouse

A done with mischance!


I would die where I would dine

In tavern to recline

Then would angels pray the glibber

God have mercy for this bibber.


Nate grinned his wild grin and began to laugh as Colard Sang his praise. He stopped as the capin made it known that he were to report to her cabin, once in dry clothes. Nate followed the other down into the ship and hauled his bag and weapons along with him. Before Nate looked to see if his other clothes were dry he shared the dram o rum with the others, let the warmth come from inside first, he thought. He raised his dram as he looked to his mates, stopping on Red Cat. "Father says he weren't gonna leave us out there all night, wish he'd a said somthin about not getting wet too! Well, all in one piece is fine wit me!" Nate drained his rum and let out a laugh, clapping Colard on the back and smiled at his soggy companions. "Best get outta these here wet things, catch yer death, even in this muggy place." Nate sat and pulled off his shoes, followed by his stockings and began to ring them out into a bucket close by.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Exhausted from the struggel Silkie could not keep form nor could she fight. She held tight to her seal hide and hopped for the best as they locked her below.


At the first hint of light in the eastern sky, the Rakehell was untethered from the shore, and sat once again upright in the water. Quietly as a ghost, she moved through the morning mist, with just enough breez to get her to the mouth of the inlet. From there we headed north, looking for new shelter.

The only message I recieved from Jacky was, "Don't follow me."

With that criptic request in mind, I decided to see if we could find a town along the lake, maybe buy some supplies, then make for the open sea again. Hoping that by that time the Spanish would have gone. Once at sea, if the Relentless was also gone, I'd head back to Port Royal, since I had no idea where in the Dry Tortugas he had intended to go.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Nate was happy that the sun was on the rise. He'd be able to dry off his wet clothes once the sun shone strong and bright, as the morning light promised. Luckily his only other set of clothes were mostly dry from the trip to the Rakehell. He'd been allowed some sleep after they righted the ship and slowly made their way around the lake. Nate mumbled to himself as he came on deck. "Father, tis a fine day ya bringin fourth, show us kindly to a town so we might get wot th capin needs an be back on th open sea." He stood at the rail and looked forward, hoping to see something other than an overgrown shoreline. Nate heard the order to trim sails and ambled barefoot to one of the pinrails. He loosed a line and with the help of others hauled in the sail, trimming it up. Nate made the line fast and coiled up the overflow, hanging it on the pin. The sun rose higher and the heat rose, some mist burned off the water but the humidity only got worse. Nate mopped his head with his neckcloth, already damp with sweat. Walked over to the open water barrel and dipped up a drink. Colard hobbled up right after and gave a ragged smile. Nate handed him the dipper and as the old salt drank asked him something. "You know these waters, aye? Wot's capin have in mind fer us ere?"

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Dillard's long face, an the fact that no one had seen hide nor hair of Silkie, told me that indeed the Spanish had netted her.

Wot now? Would the galleon set sail in the mornin'? Would they open fire on us, now that they had her, if given the chance?

And wot o' the cannon fire t' the north? Did the long boat reach the Rakehell?

Wit' the comin' daylight, we'd best hav a plan o' action.

....Colard hobbled up right after and gave a ragged smile. Nate handed him the dipper and as the old salt drank asked him something. "You know these waters, aye? Wot's capin have in mind fer us ere?"

Colard took the water dipper, drank, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Weel, I'm nae sae sure. I don't ken there's much here 'bouts, but it's been about ten years since I was last in these waters. And our ship never entered this lake, nor did we hae any Spaniards on our tail." He scratched his balding pate, then slapped at a buzzing insect. "Tae mae way o' thinking, she'd be better off heading out tae sea. If we stay here in the lake for too long, like as not the fever will get us, iffn the gators don't."

Then they to the tavern house

with meikle oly prance

One spoke with wordis wonder crouse

A done with mischance!


I would die where I would dine

In tavern to recline

Then would angels pray the glibber

God have mercy for this bibber.


Nate wrinkled his brow and nodded his head to Colard. "Aye, aye. I'd prefer ta be out on the seas soon as we might. Never you mind th spanish ship, she out weighs us many times o er wit shot. Wot we lacks in that we gots in speed. Wonder if th capin might take a suggestion." Nate sighed a breath and grinned while wiping the sweat from his brow again. Colard made a face and slowly nodded, not knowing if it were the way here. Not knowing if you could just walk up ta th capin and make a suggestion. Nate clapped a hand on the old salts' shoulder. "Not ta worry, mate. Father asked me why we're still here, so I'll do well with th capin." Colard gave Nate an unsure look, but didn't try to stop him. Nate squared his shoulders and stepped aft to the edge of the quarterdeck. "Beggin yer pardon, capin. . . . I dunno wot ya gots in mind, sailin' about this lake, but I feel like we be a caged animal. One way in an out o this place. Father wants ta know wot ye gots in mind too. If ye care to, and if I might ask a favor and make a suggestion, I have a bit o a plan ta get back out ta sea witout runnin th gauntlet wit that spanish ship in th bay. Ma'am." Nate stood with his back straight and focused his attention on her, trying not to see what kind of face Africa might be making at him.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.



Th Cap'n an Nate looked in the direction 'o th' familiar swear.

Ransom grinned rememberin wot she'd said earlier the day afore.

Red cat ambled up along th' deck in only slops, shirt an a headscarf. All else abandoned in th swelterin stillness. Save fer one pistol tucked at her waist.

"I know we's South..but I think'd Hades be much more Souther 'an 'ere..."

Cat dipped from th' water an took a wee sip makin a face at th sour taste which reflected their surroundins.

Not havin heard Nates query "Wot's yer plan then aye?" she asked, squintin one eye shut an tiltin her head, better t' see th' two agin th hazy sun. Africa jus seemed t' grow darker than his own complexion. He disliked his Captain questioned so.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Before I could reply to either of the two, Africa, standing at my side, growled, "Why don you let me trow dees two over da side? No respect in either of dem."

I smiled. "Oh, don't worry, the thought has crossed my mind on more than one occation. However, now is not the time."

Addressing the two waiting, I continued, "Since you're so interested, let me lay a few facts before you. I have a holed, and temporarily repaired hull. We are down by a third on supplys, ruined by seawater. I am on a fever-ridden lake for which I have no charts. I have no idea if the locals are friendly, or even if there are locals. And, if I want to return to the Gulf, I may have a Spanish galleon waiting to blow the Rakehell out of the water. As you can well imagine, these little irritations do not put me in a good mood. So, please, if you have any suggestions on how to alleviate our problems, make them. Otherwise, I beg you, do not add to my irritations, or I will let Africa toss you overboard, as he so longs to do.

Africa grinned and waited.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Nate grinned his wild grin at the capin, completely ignoring Africa. "Oh Aye, capin. I gots a fine plan. I understand our worries, indeed I do. Though the hull repair may be temporary, the pumps aren't put ta be strainin so it's holdin well. I hopes we get favorable wind fer wot I gots in mind. Here's the matter as I see it. We need ta get out an away from them spanish. Last night were quite dark an I suppose so will th next. if we can get back ta th seaway an out under cover o dark, say put a group in the boat wit a covered lantern ta give signals back to ya and none else will see. Beforehand we need a sea anchor rigged. Once we gets out inta th bay, if th spanish still be there we hope they don't see us as we be runnin dark. If they do, we wait an cut th sea anchor at th right time an shoot past em before they's ready fer a broadside. After that they don't matter, we got speed aplenty ta run off. Maybe if we feel up to it we could hit em wit a broadside as we shoot by." By the time nate finished wit his great plan he was near vibratin and grinnin up a storm. He cleared his throat an clasped his hands behind his back, looked at the company around him and back to the capin. "Wot say you, capin, Ma'am?"

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Cat jes grinned an placed both paws behind 'er back ..

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


The crew had been on their feet all night, an Dillard's sorry expression summed up, how most felt. "By my count they hav us out gunned more than two t' one." I said out loud, not addressin' anyone in particular. "They've no doubt locked her away below decks. And if I were their capitan, I'd place her under armed guard."

"They're more than likely watchin' us, fer any foolish rescue attempts. And I've noticed a few gunners faces at each port despite the early hour."

I walked over t' the main hatch, an shouted in t' the hold, "Rosie, topside if ye please, an even if ye don't please!"

.....He cleared his throat an clasped his hands behind his back, looked at the company around him and back to the capin. "Wot say you, capin, Ma'am?"

With one eyebrow raised, I gave Nate a look. "Tis a fine plan, to be sure, except for one small little problem. On this lake at night there is no wind. Not a breath. We barely had enough breez this morning to get out of the inlet. To head back to sea after dark would require most of us in the two jolly boats, rowing our arms off. A sea anchor might be a bit superfluous."

Nate looked a bit crestfallen at that.

"However," I continued, "we are only two nights past a dark of the moon. And the Rakehell, with her black hull and sienna sails, is designed not to be seen at night. So, slipping past the Spanish galleon isn't beyond the realm of possiblity. I would forego a broadside at her, though. Give her a curse, thumb your nose at her, or fart in her general direction, but no cannon fire."

Nate's grin was back.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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