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Cat laughed at Nates grin and ease o manner. He seemed willin t' do wot needed be wit no attitude a'tall. "Wall it need ta be nearer th cargo hold so we kin stow it agin once we git rid o all that be comin ashore" She walked alongside steppin a lil quickly t' match his lanky stride. "S' Nate...how long ye been ta sea? Only served aboard th 'Liza?"

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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The lads all filed through the galley, save Roberts.

I turned t' Silkie, "Ye did say Roberts was still aboard?" Silkie looked as puzzled as I.

I poured off the sausage grease, scrapped an hung the pan; refilled me mug an headed topside t' help dock the Relentless. 'Fore I left the galley, I signaled t' Silkie, "Ye best come topside, we be a bit short handed."


Silkie dried her hands and headed off after Jacky. Roberts? Where was he? Had he seen her swimming? Was he ill, hanging over the rail or sitting at the head? Whatever, Silkie moved topside and waited to be assigned.


Roberts woke with a bullike snort. His own sawin o' wood nearly rattlin him from his hammcok. He sat up suddenly, smackin his nog on th beam t'was slung from. Swearing a particularly fav'rite oath the big man squoze his eyes shut an clasped a weathered hand o'er them. He sat just as tha for a long moment. "Roberts' ye fool" he said to himself, his own voice soundin louder than t shoulda. "Half th Cat's ration an yer head won't be all tha's sufferin. She'll be nil lettin ye ferget it" He heaved himself from his hammock an groaned a second time as th sounds above indicated he'd slept way too late. He yanked off his shirt an splashed hisself an his face from the nearby basin, wipin offf wit the clean sections o th garment. The pirate then bought a horn comb through th thick tangles o his jet black hair an tied it in a fresh scarf fore placin his hat upon his head...Carefully as it felt two times it 's given size. Roberts quickly donned fresh slops, shirt an stockins as he had a feelin Tar was back. He hefted his weapons an stretched as full as a man his size could in th small space. Baldrick an pistol in hand, he strapped them on as he made th fresh morning air o th deck which did him some good. Roberts had lost 'imself in an unnatural share o rum n brandy th night afore owin t' a sight in the clearin forg o' his brain he still wasn't sure if he did see. There he saluted Tar and nearly fell o'er as Silkie looked up at him. He fingered th luky coin in 'is poket. "Captain" was all he managed at first. "Sah I was feelin ill. M'apoligies f'not meetin ye as ye came aboard sah." He glanced at the woman ..who did nil but smile. Robers wiped a bead o'perspiration from his brow despite th cool o' th mornin ..and waited.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


Nate took the canvas and walked to where the Red Cat had said to put it and thought some about her question before he answered. "Th Eliza weren't my first ship I sailed on. Th longest one I sailed on though. Spent almost five year on er, until. . . . til she went down." He got that far away look on his face for a long moment before bringing himself back to the present. Nate acted as if nothing had happened and continued. "Fore that I were on th Sarah P. fer two year, fore that. . . . Well, I been ta sea most o me life, here n there." He grinned his wild grin and looked at her sideways. "An wot about you?"

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


As Nate put down th canvas roll his face darkened a moment an he pause fore he spoke. CAt felt bad rememberin now that he'd only recently come to them on flotsam from th wreck o' th 'Liza. But..he brightened presently an the smile returned as he recounted some of his years at sea finishin with a question o' his own.

Cat pasued herself an looked out t the bits of white crestin th waves. "Wall Mr. Durant....Nate..I been t' sea as long as I kin remember meself. After a time I had inherited a ship.." this time her gaze grew distant.."a goode ship bu then.." she just stopped staring out to sea like she were watchin summin. So much so that Nate was compelled to look himself for whatever held her attention, but there was naught that he could see. He turned back to her perplexed. CAt shook her head an turned back t' th sailor. Seein th look upon his face she smiled an continued "well after a time a had a nother thanks t' ol Roberts" she winked at him "still do..t'is careened in th Sout East Caribbean. But I makes me way from time t' time wit Ransom r' Jacky. Thicker mates never were." Having dodged further explanation she waved over two crewmen. "Let's see wot we kin do wit wots in th hold now aye?"

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Nate helped the other crewmen unbatten and lift off the hatches to the hold, peering down into the darkness within. Nate had been rigging some tackle to hoist out cargo and now used it to lower a cargo net into the space. "Care ta head inta th hold wit me an see wot's wot?" Nate held back his grin as he asked the Red Cat.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


While the crew and myself made the Rakehell ready to unload, I kept glansing over at the Relentless, waiting to see what Jacky would do. He knew the port, the Navarros and the wharves. When the Relentless approached the docks, I'd give orders to follow and tie up close to her.

I also wished we had at least one person on board who spoke Spanish. Waving arms, and pantomime hand signals wouldn't help much if a problem came up.

Red Cat and Nate were getting ready to climb back down into the hold. Nate, whose true identity and background I still didn't know, and about who I still had doubts, despite his jolly facade and annoying grin. "Oi, Nate. You sure you don't speak Spanish? I could use an interpreter right about now."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Nate was just about to go into the hold where the captain called him over, asking if he know spanish. He walked over to her and saluted, shrugging his shoulders. "I know a phrase or two, but I don't think they'll help much."

She looked at him, "What phrases?" Nate looked around and scratched the back of his neck. I were told this were a polite greetin fer a spanish man, Hola usted hijo de una puta gorda. . . . But I don't think it is. And fer a woman, Hola usted hija fea de un hermano y de una hermana, and some other words."

Ransom held up her hand and shook her head. "Aye, nevermind, return to your work." He saluted again with a smile and headed back to the hold.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


I gave Roberts the once over, "Ye didn't need the baldric an arms, man. We don't intend t' invade Havana!"

"Stow yer weapons; topside if ye like. The Spanish are jumpy enough, don't want anyone goin' off half-cocked." I shouted t' Dillard, "Roberts is accounted fer."

I noticed the perspiration on Robert's brow, "If yer up t' it, take the helm."

I glanced at Silkie, "How 'bout a shanty fer the lads tryin' t' weigh anchor?"


"Aye, Captain. Ya may wont t'offer Dillard a bito'woolly cotton to stuff in is ears ...um tinkin e s nil so pleased wit mae sangin." Silkies winked at Jacky her eyes glittered over for a moment and she began the shanty with the deliberate rhythm of th workings of a ship.


"'Bout time," I muttered, as I saw the anchor being raised on the Relentless. Turning to Africa, I said, "Get our hook out of the water and follow Jacky's ship in to the harbor. We'll tie up as close as we can."

With a quick nod, Africa called to the crew, "Weigh anchor, we make for the docks."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Red Cat heard th sounds o' anchor bein weighed an headed up outta th hold, smackin her noggin on a lantern as she hurried up to the decks. "OW!" Rubbin th offended spot Cat leaned down an yelled fer Nate "Oi we're headin in 'hind th Relentless, come let the rest finish th last o' it. " She waited fer Nate. "An mind th lantern" she added as an afterthought..Cat headed into her favorite perch in th riggin.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Nate heard the sounds of the anchor chain comin in and Red Cat called to him ta come topside. He was half way out of the hold when she remarked about mindin a lantern. "Wot lantern?" Nate asked just as he raised his head an bashed it off o th lantern. "Ouch! Oh. . . . That lantern." Climbing up all the way he stood next to Red Cat and they both were rubbin their noggins. A moment later Nate saw what needed to be done, sheeting home a sail, so he stepped up and lent a hand. Soon the Rakehell was under easy sail heading to where the Relentless was about to dock. Nate kept his eye on things and some others, and rubbed his head every so often as they sailed in.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Nate was glad he wasn't on the quarter deck steering. No one was in the bows with a lead line, even if they were following the Relentless, their was no telling where the bay might get shallow quickly.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


The Relentless was safe at her moorings and the Rakehell, sleek and smooth as a cat, glided slowly into line behind her. Dock lines were quickly thrown fore and aft and secured by the Spanish wharf hands, who gave the two ships many a curious look.

With a sigh of relief, since docking can alway be tricky, I told Africa to give the order to make the ship secure until the Port authorities could come on board and inspect her. Nothing could leave the ship until then.

I could see Jacky giving similar orders on the Relentless, whose high stern was barely fifty feet in front our bowsprit.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Red Cat still high in her perch, wrinkled her nose..it didn't feel safe t' have not one but both ships moored so far from freedom and escape. She was abou t' head down, but the resolved t' remin an watch a while longer. Th weather were pleasant enough an she could spy quite a distance from whar she sat.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


The ship was against the docks, moored tightly and ready to offload her cargo. Nate stood at the ready with the lines to the block and tackle reeved out along the deck so as not to get tangled. Nate looked around the docks for anyone who looked suspicious, but to him everyone looked somewhat suspicious. Nate minded his duties and held fast at his post while others in the hold readied the cargo.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Just as the lads set the gang plank, I found me self runnin' down it an headin' in the direction o' the Rakehell.

I hollered t' the crew o' the Rakehell, "Permission t' come aboard!" Not waitin' on ceremony or an answer, I pushed past crew members an headed down t' the cargo hold.

Rushin' along the bales o' wool, lookin' fer the cursed mark. I stopped in front o' one of the bales in question. Stabbin' me knife through the mark, makin' a way t' reach inside the bale; I felt 'bout fer the small leather pouch inside. I repeated this crazed attack o' wool bales three times, each wit the mark I'd made, t' insure no contraband would be found aboard the Rakehell.

Climbin' out o' the cargo hold, certain I'd abated another disaster, I now faced an angry lookin' Africa an the ship's puzzled lookin' captain.


Blocking Jacky's retreat, and with a quizically raised eyebrow, I asked, "Since I doubt you've come back on board to retrieve your missing sock, you want to tell me what's in the cute little bags, and why you're in such a blasted hurry to get them off my ship?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Red Cat dropped to th deck wit a thump. She'd seen Jacky rush aboard an dissapear int' th' Rakehell's hold. Jes as she came upon them, th' two Captains were facin off.

Heavin a sigh Cat poked Jacky in th shoulder wit one finger. "Can't ye two wait? We've barely tied off? Wot's th fuss aye?"

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I shoved the pouch in t' me coat pockets wit' the others; keepin' me hands in me pockets t' guard against the light fingered CAt. I quickly stepped around Ransom, an replied, "Yer better not knowin' fer now, luv."

Steppin' lively, I almost ran down the gang plank. As I scrambled off the Rakehell, Navarro's carriage appeared on the docks, again. The stones clicked in me pockets, as I hastily walked t' the carriage.

The carriage door swung open, as I approached. Climbin' into the carriage, I thought I would be all too glad t' get rid o' those pouches, just shows how wrong ye can be 'bout some things. Sittin' in the carriage accross from me was Spoons an one o' the Danish sailors, wit pistols pointed at me.

The carriage door slammed shut, an the driver headed fer the Castillo del Morro.


Nate stood and watched the scene play out in front of him as he waited to haul up the cargo. He watched as commodore Tar had jumped into the hold and attacked some of the bales of wool, withdrawing something from each. Nate watched as captain Ransom confronted him, along with Red Cat. As things had come to a stand still, he stepped up next to the Cat as the commodore bustled off the ship into a carriage that had pulled up and it sped away. A lump formed in his stomach for some reason. "Somthin ain't right wit him. Somthin ain't right wit dis whole ting." Nate spoke to no one in particular, just saying what was on his mind, what he felt. Looking skyward as he was one to do so often, Nate mumbles some then spoke clearly. "I know ya tink it odd me askin Father, but it is the Spanish after all. If it were th French, well I wouldn't bother ya." Nate brought his eyes back to level and adjusted his ill fitting hat. "Ah, capin, Ma'am? Jus wonderin if we're gonna offload all this now, or we gonna wait fer th commodore's return first?" Nate waited for an answer, looked at Red Cat and gave a smile and returned his attention to the captain.

~Black Nate~


A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all

Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling.

It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint.

The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere.

Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.


Ignoring Nate for the moment, I looked at Cat. "Now what do you suppose that is all about?."

As the coach pulled away from the docks, I suddenly got a really bad feeling. No reason for it, since Jacky admitted he'd dealt with the Navarros before, but....

"Cat, do me a favor. Nip over to the Relentless and have a chat with Roberts, Silkie and Dillard. Ask them if Jacky said anything about meeting the Navarros today."

Behind me, Africa gave a huff. "Don see why you bother wit dat man. Best we unload and leave dis place."

I could still see the bouncing coach as it headed away from the port. "No doubt you're right, but I'd still like to know what's going on."

At that point, the Port Authority arrived and demanded to inspect our cargo.

"Nate, take the gent below. When he's satisfied, then we can unload."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


"This is bad." Silkie grabbed her haversack and sprinted off the ship, down the dock looking for a horse or carriage or some other way to follow, calling after Jacky. Too soon he was out of sight and Silkie's cursing, even though in Gaelic, left little to the imagination.

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