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I spy'd the Cat's paw movin' in my direction, inch by inch, I spun out o' the chair. I walked towards the window, furthest from where Red Cat lie.

I held the wallet in one hand, an the scroll in the other, as if I were weighin' 'em. "Which t' open first?" I said, an leaned against the sill. If Red Cat stretched her neck any further, her head might fall off, me thinks. Then I put the wallet in my pocket, an said, "Good things come in small packages, an I hav been carryin' this one the longest. So..."

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"GAhh! ok, ok! wait!"

Red Cat gasped.. Jacky had the upper hand for the moment...

Pirate...she thought. Jest wait till I kin get up on me feet..

"Luv those two items ye hold.." she thought a moment...

He stopped, his interest piqued and held both items still, but the trace of the smile remained..

"They be the most important things t' me, a most valuable treasure" She was unsure of how much she should say or not.. she trusted the man implicitly despite this new delicious game.. but one did not lay all of ones cards on the table ..at least not unless there were weapons present.

She mustered her best pout which were easy with a still slightly swollen lip.. sighing she said "ye win, come, set here aside me n I'll tell ye what ye want t' know. " Red Cat patted the edge of the cot and looked resigned.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


The pout looked genuine enough, wit' out the fat lip. But I knew the Cat still had claws, an I said, "Answer my first question, an I'll toss ye the scroll. Whom do ye suppose sent those three thugs after ye last night? Roberts said somethin' 'bout a fella named Silas." I presumed Silas were a bounty hunter.


The Cat eyed him for a moment weighing the importance of winning this round or getting her scroll back.

She bit her swollen lip.. she flicked some imaginary sand off her breeches.. inspected a nail..

Let 'im wait a minute...she thought. Red Cat wasn't one ta give in easily if she had ta.

Jacky cleared his throat and stepped a wee closer. Sighing she looked up at him. The truth would be forthcoming as they were in private. "Ye know Mr. Tar, yer lucky I'm stuck over here n these stitches are fresh" but there was the hint of a smile in her voice.

"The paper you hold is not a paper at all...." She wondered how much longer his patience would hold out "It's a key, n Silas be no ordinary man" He began to step back.

"Nay! 'tis! " she said emphatically. "The letter inside holds a code to somethin which I protect, for it may someday mean life r death f' me" She spoke in earnest now "Ye were th only one I could trust wi such a document , which normally is under lock n key in me cabin. It woulde be necessary if Ol Silas had caught up wi me.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I wasn't expectin' that response, an said, "That doesn't answer me first question Red Cat. Whom do ye suppose put a price on yer precious head?" Time was wastin', "Ransom won't be able t' stall Roberts much longer, luv."

"I'm willin' t' accept riskin' me own skin, t' watch ye back, Red Cat. 'Fore I risk me crew or ask other companions t' stay the course, I need t' know who yer enemies be?" Men like Silas, get their marchin' orders an money from someone.


Red Cat was getting perturbed.. and anxious. she felt a little odd.

"Silas won't be back Jacky, he's a bounty hunter of sorts I've had run ins wi in the past." She looked down at the floor "He's a dangerous man mark me words, but it' me he's after ..ye've naught t' fear f' yerself 'r yer crew. Specially if we set sail for yer treasure, he works local mostly" Speaking the name made her feel cold. "He failed an will be off in hidin fer a time. Aye he answers to another an so I say agin ye've naught 't fear"

She feared him.

Suddenly she felt very alone. She felt dizzy and fell to the cot.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


As they walked, Roberts had an ulterior motive. Not that he wasn't also indulgin hisself with the womens company...

From a certain vantage point on the dock he could make out in the far distance the area above a little known cove, and just the very top of a mast...which was no longer there... He smiled.."Sooo, thats what ye were up ta Cat... he thought. Smiling again he returned to the conversation and company at hand.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


"Oh no, maybe Red Cat's condition is takin' a turn fer the worst. I place the wallet an the scroll on the window sill, an rush t' her side.

I gently lift her, place her head back on the pillow, an draw a blanket over her. She's not hot, maybe she lost more blood than I thought? "Red Cat, talk t' me. I didn't mean t' tax ye." Her face is still flush, not shakin', or sweatin'. "Wait one minute..."


She mumbles incoherently almost inaudibly, Jacky leans very near t' hear what she be sayin..his face the picture of concern. Red Cat speaks again murmering even more softly... her eyes squeezed shut causing Jacky to lean over her. an arm on each side carefully, and place his ear near her face...

Suddenly hands are groping in his coat... the pockets are empty!! but he be nice an warm....

But his pockets are empty!! She opens both eyes in surprise. Red Cat gives him a tickle and he starts and laughs unintentionally from her fingers.

She grabs him by the coat "Aw Jacky give me back me papers. ye win hmph!!!!" she starts to laugh feeling a little guilty, and then confused because there are at least four emotions playing across his face.


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I kiss her on the forehead, "Did ye think I was born yesterday?" I laughed, an against my better judgement I walked t' the window sill, an picked up the documents. I returned t' Red Cat's bed side, placed the wallet an scroll next t' her.

I looked out the window near her bed, "The wagon is here!" I didn't see our comrades, "Where hav Roberts, Jane an Ransom wandered off?"


The morning air still held a chill as the three walked down the docks. Jane spoke with Ransom, exchanging the kind of empty banter friends shared. In all honesty Jane wasn't listening to her own conversation, more intent on the quiet man walking at her side. She had to restrain herself from staring at him outright, instead taking quick glances when the chance arose. The nagging in her mind wouldn't rest until she had confirmed he was indeed the man she remembered. As the banter with Ransom slowed Jane's attention turned to Roberts.

"N ye Mr. Roberts. Wot brings ye ta shore? I wasn'a ware ta Anne's Revenge was in port." She smiled sweetly as she spoke, one hand adjusting the weight of the sack she carried on her shoulder.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


Red Cat scoops up her precious documents and stares at Jacky bemused as he looks out the window. She's relieved he warn't mad at her little trick and truth be told even tho she lost, she'd enjoyed their little contest quite a lot.

"Knowin Roberts, he's stolen them off somewhere nearby. Probably paradin about wi one on each arm like he's attendin court." She laughs at a memory of Roberts in red heeled shoes. "They'll be along" Jacky comes back over an helps her t' get her coat on. She touches his arm a moment and says "Jacky, wot I told ye... it be th truth." she hesitated a moment "and thank ye f' everything" Red Cat kissed him softly on the cheek and looked him in the eyes.

"Now get me t' the pub, I need a drink, mayhap after a few such, I'll tell yethe rest of the story.."

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Roberts headed back towards the inn with Ransom and Jane chatting away. He felt better. He knew what was going on now, possibly more n the others. Red Cat was safe an alive, there was promise of drink in the near future and the salty morning air filled his lungs as he strolled along with 2 lasses. Life was goode.

Then the one called Jane....the one with those green eyes that had darted in his direction now and again when she thought he wasn't lookin, spoke t' him.

He stopped dead. Bowing slightly t' Ransom he said "Scuse us a moment dearie" He grabbed Chloe by the arm a little more n gently. But not harshly. He led her to the side of the dock. The charming tone never left his voice, but his face showed otherwise.

"Now how did ye know that? " He asked releasing her gently,, with a look of apology.. but not stepping back. She could have stood on his boots he stood so close. "assumin it' were true?" he added. and waited for a reply.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


The inn keeper knocks on the door, an has brought the litter. I know Red Cat will protest, but she had t' let us carry her down the stairs. Wit her precious documents returned t' her, she is willin' t' suffer the indignity of bein' carried out o' the Fat Weasel.

We place the litter on the small bed, an slide Red Cat on t' the litter. The inn keeper is a stout fellow, an takes the lead down the stairs. Safely down the stairs, we load her into the back of the wagon.

The inn keeper's wife brings out two blankets, fer Red Cat. I will not forget their hospitality, an kindnesses.


Jane’s eyes went wide for a moment as Roberts hovered over her. His body language betrayed the real feelings behind his smooth voice. He was indeed the same man she remembered from New York. In all the years she had never considered that the little tidbits of information she had gathered standing in the shadows as her husband conducted his "off the books" business would be of any use, but here was proof of their worth.

“Aye, assumin it were true.” She repeated, a thin brow raising in amusement at the added qualification, “N assuming she’d er done business in tha good colony o New York then mayhaps we’d ‘ave met, sir. I hear tell thar was a factor there willin ta work off tha books, fer a proper percent o course. Though that was some years ago now.”

She smiled as she looked up into his tanned face. She could the roguish spark in his eyes as he glared down at her, yet she felt strangely free from fear. Perhaps it was because she knew he was mostly harmless, or perhaps it was Ransom’s distant eyes that gave her courage.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


The gerl had a fire to 'er as she faced him. Roberts enjoyed a woman who didna scare so easily. The lass looked a bit nervous and had spoken more quietly, but she didna step back. As she spoke he studied her face..having met many women in his lifetime under just as many circumstances, but he still wasn't sure. At this close distance, there was a somewhat familiar look about her which became more apparent when she'd mentioned New Yorke. She had referred to Anne's Revenge, the merchant carrier he had sailed up an down the Atlantic under contract with a man. Aye, that had brought a tidy profit. Curious, and enjoying the proximity of this feisty creature, he stared at her. His expression unchanging except for the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Go on....." he said. She stood for a moment, seemingly unable to speak and he chuckled. stepping back a pace, he swept his arm in mock gallantry "please..."

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


The Inn keeper at the Fat Weasel helped trundle Red Cat onto a litter of sorts and the three bumped down the stairs. As they reached the wagon Red Cat began t' protest loudly, not wanting to be drug inta th pub like a sack of apples. She only stopped when Jacky agreed they'd stop short o the pub n carry the grumbling pirate in. He was laughing... and thought she looked cute all wrapped up in the back of a cart like a child on a wooden sled. "Hmph" she glared at him...at both of them fer a second.

But then she laughed supposing it could be worse. How, she didn't know. The Inn keeper was a stout little man with a ruddy complexion and a moustache, which was turned up at the ends She thought he looked rather like something called a Walrus she'd seen in a book somewhere. His wife appeared, herself a plump little thing with a pale face and pink cheeks peeking out from beneath her bonnet. She clucked as she looked at the Cat and fussed about with blankets. Red Cat shot Jacky a look that said "laugh one more time...." He jest smiled an winked at 'er , dropping some coin in the walrus's hand.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


The way Roberts had yanked Jane away for a little private confab had my suspicions aroused once again. I watched the two converse, my hand resting casually on the hilt of my rapier. If he made the smallest move to harm her, he'd end up skewered. I got a little of the blood lust going last night, more than enough to carry over if this stranger wanted to play games.

From down the lane I heard the familier squawk of a certain protesting Cat. But I dared not take my eyes away from Jane and Roberts, until I was sure no harm was intended.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


He was searching, scrutinizing every inch of her face trying to make a connection. A man like Roberts had undoubtedly known more than his share of women and was now trying to recall whether she was one of them. The thought made Jane laugh, enough that he could hear it, her shoulders shaking softly.

“Do no tax yer self in tha remembering. We were ner gi’en a formal introduction, then or now." She caught her skirt with one hand, bending in a small courtesy as if they were meeting in a proper circle and not on a random waterfront dock. "Jane Melchart, at yer service. Tha widow of one Zachary Melchart off Broad Street in New York.”

Green eyes never dropped from his as she spoke, she was enjoying her new found confidence too much to look away. It left her feeling alert and alive in a way that she could scarcely remember feeling before. At the mention of her late husband’s name she was the slightest flicker of recognition crossed his face. The intense inspection of her features changed, though she could not place exactly how. The look was one he had given her before, many years ago in the dimly lit room behind the Plume of Feathers. The blue eyes had the same effect on her then as they did now. Her heart jumped, her ears burning until she had to avert her eyes, focusing on the silk ribbons in her shoes until the blush subsided.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


Thankfully the lass had averted her gaze, which caused her to miss the change in his expression.

Roberts had locked eyes with the lady pirate and was only half listening to her words.. which fell about his ears as a soft murmer. He was too busy noticing the flecks of gold in the green, which were set off by her blond locks.

The name suddenly struck his conciousness..Zachary Melchart. It was as if her face came suddenly into focus. He recalled a slightly younger lass, in flouncing skirts trailing a ribbon from one shoe. He'd bent to assist her in tying it and as he stood their eyes met just as now. No wonder the feeling was so familiar despite his not being able to place her face. As she looked down at her ribbon'd shoes now, his mind went to thoughts that she may have seen, heard things. He resolved to wait and be careful around her until he could be sure. At that moment Jacky Tar was waving towards them and she turned quickly seeming to be grateful for the chance to escape the questions paused on his lips.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


Red Cat sat in the cart, bundled in blankets. She felt a little silly. But she was thankful for the small rowdy group she counted as friends.

"Oi! you lot! let's get goin fore someone sees me in this thing!" The Cat grumbled. "I'll not be meself til I've a tankard in the one good 'and I got!"

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


The others rejoined us, an peered at Red Cat's mode of transportation. Red Cat threatened them against laughin' at her. I had already received my warnin', an I instructed the driver t' start toward the Pub.

The walk back wasn't particularly long, but wot a colorful parade we made. Roberts chatted wit' Red Cat non stop. Ransom an Jane, seem t' be renewin' their friendship, wit' conversations. I walked alone, an was glad t' put this adventure an rescue, behind us.


The cart rolled along on the gravel n sand bumping occasionally. Jacky Tar looked genuinely pleased as he walked along. Ransom n Jane spoke of may things, ocassionally leaning in to whisper followed by giggles. "Captain Tar" was heard once r twice as they went on..Roberts thought he caught his name a few times and smiled, his step gaining a bit more swagger. Seein the look of consternation on Red Cat's countenance, he walked along regailing her with memories of their early days. They laughed remembering how their friendship had started . They'd almost come to blows outside the tavern in Tortuga which had no name, but everyone knew of. They'd ended up drinking an laughing until the sun come up instead.

In short order they neared the pub. Roberts lifted the Cat from her unusual transport, an she threw an arm about him an Jacky with the wimmin in the lead. The view was much to Roberts delight, an he said so with merriment in his voice. Red Cat rolled her eyes "Johnathan!" she said laughing.."Will ye never change?" He gave 'er a squeeze an said "ye know I be true only to ye" ..."Right.." she said laughing again.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


Before we entered the Pub, I drew Jacky aside and let the others go on. "Just wanting to let you know, Luv, that Jane and Roberts have met before. Soon as Jane mentioned something about "off the books" Roberts yanked her away for a private chat. I couldn't hear them, but it was plane as day they knew each other. He might act all friendly-like, but I still don't trust him."

That was all I had time to say without drawing attention from the others. I gave Jacky a final nod, then walked into the Pub.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Neither Roberts nor Red Cat noticed as Ransom held Mr. Tar outside the pub before entering, but Jane had. She guessed the other woman was relaying as much about Roberts as Jane had been willing to share. She had confirmed to the captain that he was the man she initially thought he was, and that he was harmless, although no less trouble. She had wisely left out any specific detail of their acquaintance.

Jane watched from near the doorway as Roberts escorted the injured Red Cat across the common room. The Cat was acting tough, walking as straight as she could given the obvious pain in her leg. Any bystander might mistake her for being on the wrong end of an empty bottle instead of a sword. As the two settled at a table near the fire, Jane stepped to the bar, catching Ray with a nod. Thin fingers rummaged in her pocket, pulling out the heavy leather pouch she had nearly forgotten about. The cord was loosened, green eyes peering into the bounty was genuine surprise.

“Well now.” She muttered. It had felt like a sizable amount in her hand, but nothing like this. The pieces in the pouch glittered as her fingers reached in, pulling one of the shining gold circles out. “’ere Ray, keep the clanks full aye.” The barman grinned, palming the coin as Jane turned to join the others.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog

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