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"How Tao Art Thou?"

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ok, I really did answer my first instinct in the questions and got ....

You are 75% Taoist!

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

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You are 32% Taoist!

You have a little bit of Taoist in you, but it's being smothered by so many of your worldly concerns. You should seriously examine your life and think about your ultimate Path.

Sounds like more work I don't want....

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You are 58% Taoist

You are a Novice Monk / Nun in the Temple of Tao. You have selected the Taoist path, but need to get serious about your education in its philosophy and applications. You have already shown quite a few Taoist tendencies and have great potential!

Damn, always a bridesmaid, never a bride. :lol:



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You're soooo close...if you would spend some extra time investigating Taoist thought and practicing arts such as yoga or taiji, you might discover the hidden Taoist in you!

Surprised the heck out of me! Especialy since I have no clue about this topic. I do own a copy of "The Tao of Pooh". Never read it. Got it from a friend. Perhaps I should open it.

:lol: :)

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You are 34% Taoist!

You're soooo close...if you would spend some extra time investigating Taoist thought and practicing arts such as yoga or taiji, you might discover the hidden Taoist in you!

Wow, that was a surprise. Higher than I expected. :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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You are a Novice Monk / Nun in the Temple of Tao. You have selected the Taoist path, but need to get serious about your education in its philosophy and applications. You have already shown quite a few Taoist tendencies and have great potential!

Pretty much what I expected. Good quiz!


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You have to leave the Temple now - you're no more Taoist than my Great Aunt Tillie! There's always hope, though - if you study hard and promise to consider a proper Taoist education, you may one day find your Tao

YEEEEEEHAAAAAAW Lowest score yet and I even answered honest. B)


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Pretty much what I expected.

*in a slightly louder Yoda voice*

"EXPECTATIONS - you have NOT!!!!!"


"But job good, you did!"

Good quiz!

Thanks - it's the first one I've ever done. B)

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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Quizes are SO confining. (But I like labels. :blink: )

(My pirate dog Fydo apparently also likes labels.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Quizes are SO confining. (But I like labels.  :P )

(My pirate dog Fydo apparently also likes labels.)

Reminds me of the old commercial for seat belts - the person says "I never wear them - seatbelts are too confining"...then of course, they show them all magled up in an accident. Great PR program... ;)

Labels, eh? Yeah, the same thought ran through my head...but how can you enlighten the world of the un-knowing if you don't speak their language?

"Taoism for Non-Taoists"

"Taoism for Non-Taoists" Copyright 2006 Sifu Dr. Philip Bonifonte - Chinese Health Institute - SifuPhil.com - All Rights Reserved - ISBN Pending
    This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission of the author.

...just covering my butt for future income possibilities...


...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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Labels, eh? Yeah, the same thought ran through my head...but how can you enlighten the world of the un-knowing if you don't speak their language?

Labels are a mental short cut - they include both benefits and detriments. Just like any short cut does.

I've found that I really can't enlighten the world of the unknowing. As a trainer (teacher role) I can only present my perception of reality to those who are interested and hope they take something useful and empowering to their perception of reality from it.

Sometimes it amazes me what people take away from my sessions. I was training on general success principles a few years ago. A girl who attended the session decided after it was over to chart her whole financial future out in such a way that she could remove herself from debt. (Which is definitely a good thing for anyone to do from my perspective.)

The funny thing is...I never mentioned debt and only gave passing mention to finances. That training was about the four success principles of preparation, planning, action and perserverence. Still, I'm always glad when someone is inspired to take what I perceive as positive action in their lives based on something I've said. (Although I still don't know what it was that I said. Her perception of reality isn't mine, so I suppose I never will know.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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I got...

You are 84% Taoist!

Wonderful! You are well on the Way. Keep training in Taoist arts and philosophies, and soon you'll become a "True Human Being" - the Taoist slang for being a Taoist!

Btw, if possible, I would've picked "high on a mountain overlooking the ocean, lake or river." :D

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

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I've found that I really can't enlighten the world of the unknowing. As a trainer (teacher role) I can only present my perception of reality to those who are interested and hope they take something useful and empowering to their perception of reality from it.

Well, I see my role as a teacher demanding that I put forth an out-reach program. Education of the unknowing is, good or bad, the beast that must be slain in order for my business to go forward. People won't be interested in what I do if they don't know what it is...

Sometimes it amazes me what people take away from my sessions.

Oh, I know, I know...LOL...

I had middle-aged lady come to one of my lectures on Taoist arts one time... she sat quietly through the whole half-day session, and at the end, waited for everyone else to leave.

She came up to me as I was putting away my notes and she said, "Dr. Bonifonte, that was a wonderful lecture, but when do we do the aerobics?"

I stood there, stunned, my brain slipping like bald tires in a Pennsylvania snowstorm. I finally got out, "HUH???"

She replied, "You know - like Billy Blanks does..."

She sat there 4 hours thinking I was talking about Tae Bo... :P

I guess that explained some of the strange looks she was giving me all morning...

Still, I'm always glad when someone is inspired to take what I perceive as positive action in their lives based on something I've said. (Although I still don't know what it was that I said. Her perception of reality isn't mine, so I suppose I never will know.)

Just be happy that it happens - don't ask why...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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I got...
You are 84% Taoist!...

Btw, if possible, I would've picked "high on a mountain overlooking the ocean, lake or river." :P

Yeah! Uhn, uhn, uhn, uhn...

Yo, tha's right - we be TAO-ists, sucka'! :P

Not a bad idea - one of my students mentioned that she had a hard time deciding between the two, since she'd read that Taoists were always near mountains, but were symbolized by water.

I guess I'll re-do that question - too ambiguous. Thanks, John.

YO! Reppin' "84"!!! :P

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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Mine said this:

"You are 42% Taoist!

You're soooo close...if you would spend some extra time investigating Taoist thought and practicing arts such as yoga or taiji, you might discover the hidden Taoist in you!"

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