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The Quartermaster's List of Encampments

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All of those wishing to attend the Pirates in Paradise Festival, please come forward and make your mark. These names will be submitted to the organizers at the fort for their approval. Anyone wishing to stay at the fort encampments, please make yourselves known.

There are two lists. The first list is a designation of those who are hoping to attend, but have not yet confirmed their attendance. The list further down the page is meant to reflect those who are attending for certain, and can show that they have or are making arrangements to camp in their own or someone else's tent. The lists will be updated as often as information is provided to me. The lists will show the date of the changes here at the beginning of the thread. I will also provide a list of encampment designations for those who have specific duties to perform, if and when those positions are approved by the powers that be. These lists are primarily for those camping in the fort and may not reflect attendees who are staying at motels or hotels outside Fort Zachary Taylor. You may PM me or list updates throughtout the thread below.

LAST UPDATED November 18, 2006

This is the tentative list of attendees who may be staying at the fort encampments:

Mercenary Smith (Miranda) - Tent to be determined

Lady Barbossa - 6 x 7 bell back tent

Black Jack Butler -

This is the list of attendees who will be camping at the fort come Hell or high water:

Please list your name (real name, camp name, or both) and the tent you will be staying in. Where possible, please list the dimensions of your tent or the name of the person who is providing tent space for you.

Murin "Silkie" McDonough (MaryAnne Fleckenstein)

Patrick Hand (Charles Patterson) - 7 x 8 Tarp/Lean-to. Bed roll and small personel effects.

Matusalem - tent to be determined

Capt. Jim Warren (Jim McGavic) - Sail (tarp) and oars for shelter, bedroll etc., ship's lantern.

Capt. Rusty Wild Rice

This is the list of attendees who may be staying outside the fort:

The Pyrates of the Coast:









Additional equipment brought by members of the encampment or sent ahead to the fort for our use:

From William Red Wake:

Watch Dog Flag

From Callenish:

cooking equipment, pots and dutch ovens

a dozen candle lanterns w/candles

a camp shower system





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the list of attendees who will be camping at the fort come Hell or high water:

Patrick Hand (Charles Patterson) 7X8 Tarp. Bed roll and small personell efects.... (I will need to borrow the two 4' tent poles like last year....)(or I can go to the hardware store and buy a pole.........) I'm flying in, so I can't bring a lot of stuff......

(I'm bringing my 1715ish Pyrate stuff this year, not my Buccanear stuff like last year..... )

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i will be there either as an official vendor or just as a "well armed" participant within the encampment along with josh the scourge m' gunner's mate (son) several folks have spoken to me for sharing accomodations ...and as far as i know i will have plenty of room will also be bringing some cooking equipment pots and dutch ovens etc. and at least a dozen candle lanterns w/candles ...and a camp shower system :)

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William.... when is the Fort letting us "set-up"....

I'm in the process of getting my airline tickets, maybe get to Key West on Wednesday, stay at the campground, then go to the Fort Thursday afternoon..... or is that too early?

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William.... when is the Fort letting us "set-up"....

I'm in the process of getting my airline tickets, maybe get to Key West on Wednesday, stay at the campground, then go to the Fort Thursday afternoon..... or is that too early?

A very good question. I will speak with the event planners this week and post times and info as soon as possible. now that the event is shorter, I'm hoping they will allow us to set up the night before the festival begins.






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  • 1 month later...
We are hoping to make it and camp at the fort.

we are still in the process of getting a canvas tent. Trying to figure out what kind to get.

we have plenty of garb.

Are steel weapons allowed?



As always, I recommend Red Hawk Trading Company... http://www.redhawk-trading.com/

The tent I purchased from them is remarkably well made and very sturdy.

You are allowed to carry steel weapons. Many pirates came armed with steel and lead. There will be certain safety officers in place to watch over the use, or point out the 'misuse', of any weapons at the festival, but restrictions are few. So far the fort and festival planners remain very open about gear, so we must continue to use good common sense.





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  • 1 month later...

There is a sometimes sad, but much understood rule of this hobby...Life before Re-enactment.

Due to several unexpected financial turns of event, I can no longer afford the two plane tickets for me and my lovely wife. Therefore, I will not be attending Pirates in Paradise this year. I will try and continue in whatever capacity I may, assisting those with questions and information, but I will not be at the festival.






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Life before Re-enactment.

But..... but...but........(inna Rodger Rabbit kinda voice)

Isn't re-enacting part of life.....

Don't think that arguement will work tho..... Rats....

Dang William, your going to be missed (and not even my standard lame joke about practising wit me guns....)

Dang...Dang...Dang.... I wish I was rich enough to get 2 airplane tickets for you and your wife.......

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I'm sorry about all of this. The problem now lies in raising the money in time to buy the tickets at a reasonable price. Even if I could raise the money again, by the time I did, the tickets will have gone up.

I put the Watch Dog Draughts up for sale, but I'd have to sell close to 100 of them in the next two weeks to make it to PIP. If I had know this would have been a problem I might have pushed to sell them sooner.

Alas...It might be next year before we see some of you again. I'm sure all of you will have a grand time just the same. Thanks for the sentiments.





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  • 3 weeks later...

I can certainly understand the financial situation of getting to the "end of the road." It's unfortunate that many who want to attend will be unable to because of finances. I've been there as well. But, we've always got next year to plan!

For everybody who is attending (even if you're not quite sure yet) please make sure you've been to the Pirates in Paradise.com site and filled out a registration form and sent it to me. I'm in the process of setting up the inside of the fort so all will have a space.


Fort Taylor, Fla



Fort Taylor Pyrate Fest MySpace Page

Master Hairbone's MySpace Page


There is no more equitable judge than a cannon

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I am still looking for a list of people that are going this year........

I've got my ticket... and will be there other than a nasty...... well really nasty Hurricane or something messing up wit that..... Kinda th' "hell or High water"

SO who else is going....... none of this........ I wish I could go.....

Quartermasters list..... Who will be there........!

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My crewe will be here - six to eight of us - but we will be camping in swanky condos on Stock Island not at the fort, roughing it if you will...

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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I will continue to update the list, despite my own abscence. I have added a list of those attending, but staying outside the fort. As you can see, the tentative list has begun to thin a bit with time and moeny quickly becoming a factor.

Please PM your names or post them here for that list,





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My deep regrets to Mr. Red Wake, but perhaps another opportunity to meet some other time/place.

I, however, will be in KW for the event, and couldn't miss the op since I have family in Pt. Charlotte, Fl, and it's so easy to jump on the boat to to Key West from Ft Myers. Beats flying. I'm still rounding up parts of my outfit, I can't sew for shit's worth, so I'm having some very qualified people who specialize in reenactor threads to put it together. I'm afraid that I won't have much in the way of weaponry on a count that I am flying into Ft Myers from New Jersey via JetBlue, and already I had a metal plate screwed into a broken wrist last month, and we all know how much of a fun party those TSA screeners are. Someday, I'll get a nice cutlass or black powder pistol. B)

Anyway, anyone from Baltimore/DC/Penn/NJ/ New England showing up (ladies esp)?

Say...this past summer, I was driving down thames in Newport, RI and I saw a seaman in red greatcoat, bucket boots & tricorn hat...ring a bell to anyone?

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