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For the record, Nacho Libre was a very, very funny movie. Like Napoleon Dynamite, it has an almost endless number of great quotable lines in it (my personal favorite might be: "I have had diarrea since Easters." And I am still laughing over the sight gag when Esqueleto finds Nacho in the wilderness). I am not a big Jack Black fan, but I think this movie was the perfect vehicle for him. If you do not find Jack Black to be absolutely annoying, and you want a really good chuckle, you might want to check out this movie. There are actually some good levels of messages buried in this movie.

I was disappointed not going to see PotC II, but the multi-hour wait to get in to see it opening night was simply not worth it. And there were only two people dressed up as pirates in the multi-hundred person line. Where is the love?

But... I took my youngest two kids to see the 1:30 pm show of PotC II this afternoon. And we dressed up for the show (for the record, this is the first time my daughter ever dressed up as a pirate). Seeing the early show saved me a pocketful of money. No line. No crowd. Great seats (there was NO ONE sitting in front of us, or even near us). Man, this is how I like to watch a movie. Big screen and no one jabbering behind me. And no cell phones going off during the show.

My opinion? Great movie. Yes, it is a transision for PotC III, but I was already completely happy with the production less than ten minutes into the movie. Loved every minute of it. My kids loved it, too. And my daughter refuses to take off the pirate gear.

Only problem: my lovely bride had to work today and is disappointed we went without her. She asked me who she is supposed to go see the movie with. Silly, silly girl. I told her I will jump at the chance to see the movie a second time. And now she does not have to talk me out of wearing my pirate clothes, 'cuz I got it out of my system already...

...I don't think she will notice the replica Davy Jones' chest key hanging atound my neck...


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Hehehe... yeah... and I STILL am jealous of ya for having that Key!

Would LOVE to get my hands upon the Key. Course.. I would LOVE to get my hands upon the musical locket of Davy Jones. :)

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Me pirate group, The Crewe of the Black Pearl, spent the entire weekend at the Silver Screen Theater in Pensacola! We had a deal worked out with the theater manager that if we did some rapier demos in front of the theater and fer about 15 minutes before every showing, that he would let us see the movie fer free as many times as we liked, with free sodas and popcorn! At one point, during the 7pm showing, we had 50 pirates roaming the theater! I got to see the movie 6 times, and would have watched it more, but we gave up our seats during a couple of the showings to accommodate people who hadn't seen it yet!


All 12 Pirates of Harbor Bay worked the Camera 12 Theatre in downtown San Jose. It was the only theatre in the SF Bay area that accepted our offer.

The other major theatres all have corporate offices with lawyers that thought it was a bad idea for insurance reasons.

As it turned out it was quite an event going on in S.J. A local Volvo dealer had a cool POTC2 SUV out front and had sponsored a ticket give-away on a KCBS which was also at the pre-party. We worked the midnight show and then starting at noon, every showing until 10:30 Friday evening. it was on 2 screens so we would start watching in one theatre and finish with another.

The theatre announced us on the website as well as newspaper ads throughout the week prior.

We passed out about 3,000 trading cards and posed for hundreds of pics.

Between that and seeing the movie 6 times it was an amazing time. We would have done Saturday as well but we had a full stage show booked for the evening.



Our show went off with out a hitch as well.

The theater and radio station was shocked at the program we put together and all the stuff we had. I was able to get some sails and cordage from the local tall ship.

I took a few pics with my camera. The theater took tonnes. I'll be making an exchange for a copy of the video we took.


The fights we put together had everyone cheering.

We got some video of the fights we did in the theaters before the showing, but no pics.


And for once, I got a pic of myself. I'm always taking the pic, never in them :lol:


William Blydes

I don't get lost, I EXPLORE!


Adventures on the High Seas

(refitted and back on station!)


I have seen it already but this sat me and my pirate society (15 in all) are going to leciester square london in full garb, to go to the pirate bar there then to the 8pm showing


I'll be seeing it again this Saturday, but not in garb. I doubt Forest Lake, MN would get pirates walking about the streets. :lol:

I will however, be sporting Davy Jones' key about my neck! :lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  • 3 weeks later...

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