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Currently.... I'm a Student in the Equine program at Kirkwood Community College. Plan is to become have a degree in Training and Stable Management as well as have certification in Breeding (HORSES!!!).

And when I'm not a Student, it's a verbal punch bag or shrink for my family. ;)

Yeah... I need a better "family occupation".... :blink:

Other hobbies? Ehhh... I'll leave that for another thread. ;)

Ditto for other fancied things.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Ah, it seems I am in good company ~ :huh:

Like Silkie and Kass, I was also a graphic designer for, wow, 15 years or something like that? Yeah, it sounds creative, but the reality is, you are just a monkey with a mouse, doing what the client wants (the red circle). Over and over and over again, stuck in a cube, for, oh, like 10-12 hours a day. :lol:

So I left that to pursue a career and degree in horticulture. Wrapping up the Master's Degree (working on my final project), with April - September spent at a landscape supply / garden center doing sales, design and pest/disease ID.

Much happier now! If only I didn't have to work weekends ~ ;) but I love the work, and at least I am outside in the sun. :huh:


Oooh, shiny!

Ah, it seems I am in good company ~ ;)

Like Silkie and Kass, I was also a graphic designer for, wow, 15 years or something like that? Yeah, it sounds creative, but the reality is, you are just a monkey with a mouse, doing what the client wants (the red circle). Over and over and over again, stuck in a cube, for, oh, like 10-12 hours a day. :lol:

I too was a graphic designer... the manager for a catalog department at a school supply company, but that was a while ago now. And you've nailed it on the head, Mary!

Currently, I'm a full-time mom. Do some sewing on the side. Also, make bonnets for the victorian time period (mainly 1870-1880's).

Though I may have to enter the work force again come fall. The little one will be in school full-time by then. Now I just need to figure out what I want to do!? :lol:


  • 2 weeks later...
I waste a law degree....

Hey, that sounds familiar! I'm currently wasting a degree in Modern Languages by running the circulation desk of a middle school library and writing novels. Not a whole lot of French or German being spoken in either of my professions...


Mad Kestrel

Privateer #9, IFoRP

Captain of the Thanos (Fairhaven, CRF)

But why is the rum gone? - Capt Jack Sparrow



Professional daydreamer and Industrial designer, right now designing athletic shoes. Previous experience as a carpenter/boatbuilder for Shannon yachts in Rhode island. Yay! I got to work on Morgan Freeman's boat.

  • 8 months later...
I talk to airplanes..

Do you see dead people?

(I don't know what the link is there, but I am frequently astounded at what I come up with. Observing the observer observing...)

Jenny, you mentioned in another thread that you needed FBI clearance for you job and I wondered what your job was. So I dug up this thread. And I still don't know. ;)

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright



Aye Grashopper.......

Then I'll leave you to guess... ;);););)

and In the course of my job I do occasionally see dead people....

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Full-time student working on getting a teaching certification, secondary level. Before the whole rotator-cuff/tendonitis/carpeltunnel thing came crashing down,(all those little pains I used to ignore and go right on working), I was an electrician/welder/maintenence tech. Mostly electrician, but really a Jack-of -all trades kinda guy. After the second surgery, the doc said I had to decide what I wanted to be when I grow up. :lol:

So, I decided I wanted to become a teacher and try to make a small difference somehow. JEEZ! What was I thinking!(Er, umm; Drinking? :huh: )



Don't know about teaching kids, but my stint as a college professor was a BLAST! One's background does get checked with a fine-toothed comb, though. At least it does in California.

I also have a U-4, courtesy of my stint as a financial advisor. That also involved extremely extensive background checking as well. When I saw the report of what they had checked... jeez - they went all the way back to my childhood.



At the moment.....

Strikers pacifier. :huh:

It's dreadful. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



I like to think I'm an artist/writer, but actually, I'm just staff for five indoor cats. :lol:

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


For 20 or so years, I was a performer and dance instructor (ballet, tap & modern) until back issues forced me into retirement. Now, I stay home and take care of my hubby, four legged kids, and 82 yr old father. Occasionally, I do some volunteer work for a residential facility for people with special needs. My hubby, on the other hand, is a nuclear power plant operator. (Insert Homer Simpson jokes here) <_<

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



I am a retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army.

Currently, I have a tank less job as a Human Resources Manager, which old fashion me keeps calling a personnel director postion. <_<

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


I am a Warranty Co-ordinator for a family owned company that sells and services equipment for the Deli and Bakery Industry. I deal with one hundred and fifty vendors across the United States, as well as Quebec.

(I dream of teaching History on the University level...)

It is time to pause, even so early, for this account is not intended to be about my life...but is, as I have said, about my life's secrets. Secrecy is intrinsic to my work. ~ Christopher Priest

“Five and Twenty Ponies, Trotting thru’ the Dark.

Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk. Laces for a Lady, Letters for a Spy.Watch the wall my darling; While the Gentlemen go by.”~Rudyard Kipling



I currently set chokers for Roto-Rooter and have so for 25 years.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


I'm a writer... a technical writer of cartographic specs for the Office of Coast Survey, Marine Chart Division. However, I just ended a four month stint running an electronic navigational chart production branch. A year ago I was working a special assignment cataloging wrecks for the Marine Sanctuaries RUST database. Prior to working for the Marine Chart Division, I was reading the text for the US Army Center of Military History's official history of the Medical Corps in the European Theatre and making maps to match the text. About 20 years ago I was doing interesting things for the Defense Intelligence Agency, which included but was not limited to annotating photographs (of installations in a country I thought was an ally) with bombing numbers... Iraq.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

Aye Grashopper.......

Then I'll leave you to guess... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Pushing tin? Aircraft maintenance? Plane psychotherapist?

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright



After my time at Operations Officer for one of Her Majesty’s Canadian warships, I’m now back in a shore billet. And an army one at that.

I’m an instructor at our Peace Support Training Center. This is where we prepare the troops for deployment around the world. Mostly Afghanistan and Sudan. But we have in total 16 operations around the world.

The courses we do include:

Basic Predeployment Course - Everyone that deploys takes this course. Includes, Laws of armed conflict, Rules of Engagement (ROE), Security and most importantly Cultural Awareness training

Military Observer Course – The course to teach you how to be a UN Military Observer

CIMIC Course - Establishing and maintaining coordination and cooperation between the military force and civil organization. This is training the reconstruction teams we have in Afghanistan.

And a few other courses.

William Blydes

I don't get lost, I EXPLORE!


Adventures on the High Seas

(refitted and back on station!)

Aye Grashopper.......

Then I'll leave you to guess... <_<   B)   B)   :D

Pushing tin? Aircraft maintenance? Plane psychotherapist?

Heh...a little of each...and then some..

well except the mechanic part....

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I work as a graphic designer for Nor'easter Magazine, a boating magazine in the Chesapeake Bay region. When I'm not functioning as the comic relief, I design advertisements, promotions, and the cover. Occasionally I'll cover boat shows in the MD, DE, NJ, PA area giving out the magazine.

Aye Grashopper.......

Then I'll leave you to guess... :blink:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:

Pushing tin? Aircraft maintenance? Plane psychotherapist?

Heh...a little of each...and then some..

well except the mechanic part....

What's your experience of that? What led you to it? (It seems like an interesting career choice to me.)

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright


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