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  Cap said:
Is it okay to desire the mystical experience itself?

Oh, sure - we can't NOT desire things, being who and what we are - human.

Of course, certain Paths advocate the elimination of desire - certain Buddhist sects come to mind...

I had a box containing eighteen perfectly good foibles, but the recent high water flooded the basement and ruined them all to Hell.  Anyway, that's my experience.

Damn! Those foibles aren't cheap, either! :lol:

Did you try drying them out over a low flame? Or were they the flammable foibles?

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


the knowledge that your team sucks and will loose..


Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


  PyratePhil said:
Since all is God, or One, or Tao, then only one reality truly exists, and all religions are simply different paths to that ultimate reality.

The universal religion can be visualized as a mountain, with many sadhanas (spiritual paths) to the summit. Some are hard; others easy. There is no one correct path, yet all paths eventually reach the top.

You know...I can agree with most of this.

Religion is a loaded word, though.

My initial thought is that "the top" consists of find a way to do what you love to do in a way that truly benefits everyone else.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Mission said:
Religion is a loaded word, though.

Oh, don't I know it.

My initial thought is that "the top" consists of find a way to do what you love to do in a way that truly benefits everyone else.

Yes...that's why I've decided to become a gigolo... ;)

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Exceedingly salty pistachios? Yes. I have some. Quite tasty


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Exceedingly Simple People?

ESP ...leads me to a question about time ...do you think it is a straight line or does it loop back on itself? Explain the "memories" of an event as it happens. How does this occur? Why is it that sometimes it changes when we recall it and sometimes it doesn't? Any theories?

  Silkie McDonough said:
ESP ...leads me to a question about time ...do you think it is a straight line or does it loop back on itself?  Explain the "memories" of an event as it happens.  How does this occur?  Why is it that sometimes it changes when we recall it and sometimes it doesn't?  Any theories?

As for "memories of an event as it happens", let me present the Taoist viewpoint of things...I'll be brief... :D

When we die, our "spirit", or energy, is the only thing remaining. The organic container we call our "body" has ceased to serve us, but the energy goes on, if the theory is correct that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, only altered.

This energy zips around a bit, one little piece attaching to one person, one to a newborn, perhaps...until all of that energy is accounted for.

Now within those energy bits are possibly encoded "memories" of certain events; we, the new landlords of that energy, suddenly smack our heads and say, "Hey! I KNEW this place (this event, this person) before, but I don't know HOW!"

This does tie into the time question, in the sense that nothing new will ever appear in our lives again - only re-hashes of last seasons episodes. :D

Therefore, Taoists believe that all of life - time included - is circular and never-ending.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

  PyratePhil said:
As for "memories of an event as it happens", let me present the Taoist viewpoint of things...I'll be brief... :D

...  ...

... smack our heads and say, "Hey! I KNEW this place (this event, this person) before, but I don't know HOW!"

This does tie into the time question, in the sense that nothing new will ever appear in our lives again - only re-hashes of last seasons episodes.  :D

Places or people I can relate to this theory and perhaps even events but the mundane events and the exact visuals (I am a VERY visual individual), colors etc.? There I have problems making the connection with that theory. :D

I will recognize a conversation or a situation and as soon as I 'remember', it changes :D ...except for one time when in the 'dream' or 'memory' I thought "this is where it is going to change" and it didn't when it played out in my life. :D Surprised the heck out of me!



I can't say that I feel I have ESP - but similar to others, I feel a DeJaVu type of recollection to many, many events and ciscumstances. I know that these events are clearly familiar to me. B)

  Mad_Jack said:
So Taoists believe in a collective conciousness?bookish.gif

Ehh...well...not as such. At least, not as the term is bandied about these days.

It isn't as if those bits of energy keep track of each other through MySpace; rather, they work on Uncertainty Principles and Chaos Theory (Remember Jurassic Park?)

You're walking down the street, minding your own bees-wax, when WOOMP, you spot a gal across the street - you risk life and limb crossing that street, only to stand in front of her like a bewildered idiot, for you've never done anything like that before. And I'm not talking physical attraction - these energy motes are too smart to fall for that trap.

Possibly, the reason is that SHE had a "brother mote" of energy within her, inherited from the same or related person as your motes. The motes recognize each other and voila, instant bonding.

Or, whatever floats your motes...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

  Silkie McDonough said:
Places or people I can relate to this theory and perhaps even events but the mundane events and the exact visuals (I am a VERY visual individual), colors etc.?  There I have problems making the connection with that theory.  B)

Silkie, do you think that perhaps, being a color-oriented individual, your energy is "tuned" to recognizing those qualities? Whether through training, avocation, or simply a deep interest in color, your energy has learned to discriminate the finer points of colors, shades, hues, etc.

I will recognize a conversation or a situation and as soon as I 'remember', it changes  B) ...except for one time when in the 'dream' or 'memory' I thought "this is where it is going to change" and it didn't when it played out in my life.  B)   Surprised the heck out of me!


Perhaps it's the rational, reasoning brain that is fighting with intuition and "former energy". Our training in worldly matters is often as much of a hinderance as a help...hence the Taoist admonition "Once you learn the rules, promptly forget them". :)

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Extremely stinky people? Meet them every day.

But to actually be serious about this topic for a moment... Yes.

I have experienced many instances of precognition, have been able to recall specific earlier memories when the actual event occurs (not just Deja Vu -- I have been able to recall where and when I "pre-membered" this event,), scored 100% on an informal ESP test (but this was with a person whom I felt attuned to).

I have personally experienced far too many instances to discount the whole ESP thing. But it remains beyond my control. I share it with certain people, and foretelling events is hit-or-miss.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to psychic abilities, you have an unusually strong talent in the area of Precognition

This means you have an uncanny ability to look into the future and know ahead of time what is going to happen. You might, for instance, simply know that you're going to get that job before the interview even happens with a certainty that exceeds what you would expect to have simply knowing the facts of the situation. You might have a sense of dread before going out for the evening only to later have a flat tire on your way home. These little hunches are easy to ignore but for you especially, quite often lead to a true prediction of what is going to happen. These predictions can be used to generate positive outcomes, and the more you know about how to use your talent, the more you will be able to distinguish between fantasy of the future and an actual reality you are seeing happen, before it has actually happened.

While your strongest psychic talent is Precognition, Tickle also analyzed your psychic strengths in:

* Retrocognition: The ability to know what happened in the past.

* Clairvoyance: The ability to "see" the unknown.

* Remote viewing: The ability to see physical objects at a distance.

* Telepathy: The ability to tune into others' thoughts.

  • 3 weeks later...

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