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Pirate Ship Name

Redd Oktober

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Ship Name


Pronunciation: val-'kir-E also val-'kI-rE, 'val-k&-rE

Function: noun

Etymology: German & Old Norse; German Walküre, from Old Norse valkyrja, literally, chooser of the slain; akin to Old English wælcyrige witch, Old Norse valr the slain, Old High German kiosan to choose -- more at CHOOSE

: any of the maidens of Odin who choose the heroes to be slain in battle and conduct them to Valhalla (the great hall in Norse mythology where the souls of heroes slain in battle are received )

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Pronunciation: val-'kir-E also val-'kI-rE, 'val-k&-rE

Function: to wear chicken bones braided in her red and white hair, lob flamin' marshmellies inta th' sails, poke at ye wif 'er battle spear, and command her winged steed to drop poop on the deck of the Royaliste.

Also known as: Darkmalkin, th' Castaway o' the Cornfields, th' Pyromaniac Pyrate, flamin' wench, and other naughty things.


Rumors of my death were right on the money.

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! I be takin' all o' yer suggestions down, and there be some spectacular suggestions! The vote will be decided this Sunday, as I now have ter parley with me crew!

Thanks all, and good luck!

-Redd :huh:


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"

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Pronunciation: val-'kir-E also val-'kI-rE, 'val-k&-rE

Function: to wear chicken bones braided in her red and white hair, lob flamin' marshmellies inta th' sails, poke at ye wif 'er battle spear, and command her winged steed to drop poop on the deck of the Royaliste.

Also known as: Darkmalkin, th' Castaway o' the Cornfields, th' Pyromaniac Pyrate, flamin' wench, and other naughty things.


How'd I miss THIS? :ph34r: Ye forgot the limboing part.

The Pyromaniac Pirate

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The Naddy Dog

The Narley Bone

Fiesty Cock

Nights passing (sounds like an over nite laxative dun it)?

Oh well, That's my 2 cents,

:ph34r: Black Jack

Did ye think of these using the night laxative?

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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But I'm always one ta stick me face out thar ta get slapped!

And THAT, I'm good at!

I be thinkin I be havin that problem too...

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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I guess ye could be talking about the art of drinking a sufficient amount of alcohol in the correct consistancy to be able to vomit on demand and predict the color perfectly

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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Tis true, thar be many a fyne name submitted. Our mighty crew met over a HUGE bag o' peanuts and a barrel o' rum...and we painted the name on the hull of our fyne vessel....

....the winner be....

Blind Rhoid Pyle - "The Sea Ghost"

Thanks to ye all fer participatin'...and if ANY of you find yerself out here in Northern California during Hallerween, come on by the Haunted Forest...if not fer Hallwerween, then jus' drop ol' red a line and we'll tap a keg together!



YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"

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....the winner be...

Blind Rhoid Pyle - "The Sea Ghost"

I'm honored ye chose me suggestion Redd, and I'm glad ta be of service.

I wish I could be visitin' The Sea Ghost in person, but I begs ya fer some pictures, seein' as I can't be makin' the trip.

The drinks are on me, mates. Let's raise a glass to The Sea Ghost, long may she terrify! :huh:


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