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I finally subscribed to Netflix so I could see some of the movies that Blackjohn and Duchess have been recommending to me. (You can't find a lot of this stuff at BlockBuster.) And a whole new world has been opened - DVD releases of old TV Shows.

I'm not much of a TV fan, but when I was a kid... well I liked intellectually stimulating shows like Magnum P.I., The A-Team, The Dukes of Hazzard and Quincy.

Anyhow, thanks to Netflix, I've been able to check out or catch up with some really interesting old shows like The Avengers, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Hogan's Heroes, Wooster and Jeeves & Cowboy Beebop (See ya' in space, cowboy...) - and all commercial free. Now I find they're releasing the first season of F-Troop to DVD. Joy unconfined.

So it got me to wondering...what are your favorite old TV shows? (I bet I know some of Christine's...)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



I will forever be a fan of the old "Alias Smith and Jones" shows. It's too bad it was cancelled.

I too liked F Troop and many you have mentioned Blackjohn.

My absolute favorite daytime show was 'Dark Shadows'. It was well ahead of it's time, but I loved it!


TV Land and Nick@ Nite rock! They show stuff like Roseanne, Cosby Show, Batman, Taxi, All in the Family and all that good stuff. I loved the writing on those shows, it's what made them such a classic. Dark Shadows is also my favorites too. It may have been corny in some way, but that's also what made it a classic too. I also love some of the classic cartoons like Scooby Doo and Groovie Ghoulies! Classic TV just is not the same anymore, but thank goodness for dvd, TV Land and Nick @Nite. :o


OK, I admit it... I spent many an hour hiding behind my Dad's chair during "Dark Shadows". :o

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


my fave shows...well let's see

Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The Advengers

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Garrison's Gorillas




The Muppet Show.

Happy Days.


The Big Valley

Dick Van Dyke Show.

OK, I am on a role here...can't ya tell... :lol:

Mission Impossible

Quantum Leap

Get Smart

Ed Sullivan Show

The Addams Family

The Munsters...

OK, I admit I have some help on this...A Classic TV website ...man is it bringing back some memories.

Star Trek

I Love Lucy

The Twilight Zone

The Carol Burnett Show

Married with Children


Ok, I was going to leave it here...could add lots more...ok, I was addicted to the tube when I was young...but, couldn't leave it off without adding



GEZZZSH I used to watch a lot of TV...now I don't watch any. I can't even tell you what is on any more. I only watch my DVDs ...I haven't turned on regular TV in almost 2 years and that is no exaggeration.

:lol: HUZZAH

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


One old show I liked, I never heard about until 10 years after it ran and didn't see it until 18 years after it had been cancelled. I refer to the Indiana Jones-esque Tales of the Gold Monkey.

I saw several episodes on TVLand back in 2000 and I still haen't seen all the episodes (it only ran for one season). A few weeks after I was hooked, I tuned in only to find that it had been replaed by something else. I think I only saw about 5-6 episodes. I wonder if it's available on DVD?

~~Cap'n Bob

  Captain Bob said:
One old show I liked, I never heard about until 10 years after it ran and didn't see it until 18 years after it had been cancelled. I refer to the Indiana Jones-esque Tales of the Gold Monkey.

Oh, yeah! I remember watching that when it came out. It was pretty derivative, but I remember liking the characters. Didn't he have a dog with an eyepatch or something like that?

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



i was partial to a few unlisted tv shows I liked "sugarfoot" and "the rebel", "Palidin" and "bonanza" how about Combat and Rat Patrol? Then there was the saint and I also liked the mickey mouse club's swamp fox, danial boone and father knows best.

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.


The A-Team, which on DVD is just as good as I remember it being and still makes me laugh.

I loved Mcguyver when I was younger, but now its hopelessly hokey and I know way to much science. But it was responisible for my forever carrying a knife and getting kicked out school when I was nine. Possesion of Dangerous Object. "Mrs.----, Do you know what fell out of your daughters pocket today?"

I also like the Indiana Jones spinoff, Young Indiana Jones.

I always watched Dr. Who and Red Dwarf. For the record I loved Chris Eccleston as the new Doctor. Tom Baker my previous favorite.

And that is everything that stands out in my memory.

A new reccomendation in the anime line for you Mission, Samurai Champloo. Netflix has it.


In no particular order whatsoever...

F-Troop (!)

Hogan's Heroes

Time Tunnel (!!)

Get Smart (!)


Land of the Giants

Gilligan's Island

The Prisoner (!!)

Monty Python's Flying Circus (!!)


Speed Racer

Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The Avengers

Twilight Zone

Outer Limits

The Odd Couple (the best sitcom ever made, IMHO)

Mission Impossible

Dr. Who

Star Trek (but since I still watch the "classic" series almost every week, it hardly seems "old" to me. Thank You, Cable)

I realize this list is all over the place. I tried to define "old" as pre-70s, although I may have crossed that line (I did not check dates of these shows). For instance, I did not get hooked on Dr. Who until the late-70s, and I believe The Prisoner was a late 70s or early 80s show (but decades ahead of its time!).

This list is utterly incomplete. Ask me tomorrow, and you will get a different list.

In fact, upon re-reading and editing this list, I could not rid myself the sudden desire to listen to F-Troop, and just now returned to teh computer after tossing on DVD of the series (this episode is the one featuring guest star Don Rickles. Gads, this was a good series.)


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Oh my. How could I forget Monty Python? Particularly as seconds after my post I went did and homage to the Spam skit in some elses one post wonder spam thread.

Where has my brain gone?



I forgot Benny Hill...that show was absolutely hilarious.

OH, did any you ever see the Bonanza episode where Ben Carwright was shanghaied by a merchant vessel in San Francisco???

OK, ok, his sons saved him before he was taken out to sea...but it was a good one.


Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  Duchess said:
The A-Team, which on DVD is just as good as I remember it being and still makes me laugh.
The A-Team is a great show. Intellectually stimulating, like I said. <_<
  Duchess said:
I also like the Indiana Jones spinoff, Young Indiana Jones.
I watched this one when it came out too. I think, for TV, I actually liked Golden Monkey better. The IJ shows well written and interesting, but for me they lacked a compelling aspect for some reason. Perhaps because they didn't include a dog with an eye patch. You gotta have standards.
  Duchess said:
I always watched Dr. Who and Red Dwarf.
What are your thoughts on Red Dwarf? (Netflix keeps recommending it to me.)
  Duchess said:
A new reccomendation in the anime line for you Mission,  Samurai Champloo. Netflix has it.
Roger. Netflix managed to convince me to put something Anime called "Mirrormask" on my list. Mostly because it was written by Neil Gaiman.
  Cap said:
Get Smart (!)
Oh, yeah. It was definitely an oversight to forget putting that one on my list.
  Cap said:
I realize this list is all over the place.  I tried to define "old" as pre-70s, although I may have crossed that line (I did not check dates of these shows).
When I started the thread, I figured it could be any show that's off the air. I guess that's not technically "old."
  Duchess said:
Oh my. How could I forget Monty Python? Particularly as seconds after my post I went did and homage to the Spam skit in some elses one post wonder spam thread.

Where has my brain gone?

Physics - it rots your brain. I loved MP when I was in high school, but I think I burned myself out on it. I have no desire to go back and rewatch them. It was an extremely clever show, though.

Actually, there are a lot of shows like that which I used to really like that I don't care for as much now. Batman is one of them. Speed Racer is another. M*A*S*H too.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



Let's not leave out "The Adventures of Long John Silver." Picked up a DVD with half a dozen episodes at ToysRUs the other day. Way, way corny, but in a good way. Especially the Christmas special! <_<


Hmm, okay thoughts:

I loved and still love Red Dwarf. Brilliant.

Samurai Champloo if very good, it is by the same guy who did Cowboy Bebop., but I'm only half way through the series.

Mirrormask is odd (I think mostly its the pacing), but good. In some ways I kept expecting it to break into an action movie, like the more common recent movies. But in essencse it is more like an 80's fairy tale, along the lines of Labarinth. I love Neil Gaiman's stories and this just the start to many of his works coming to the big screen, so that's very exciting.

So thats it. I've finished the frying of my brain with a final this morning. Cooked to a crisp. I now want to go do something I'm very very good at, or cry or possibly both.


Unfortunately I'm not. Mostly blubbering and snot. Pretty ookie actually.

I opted for declaring myself angry and antiscocial, skipping out on a party and watching southpark instead.


Southpark over partying sounds like a good idea. :)

Alot of my favorite shows of yesteryear were mentioned, but here's a few more:

Erie, Indiana

Stephen Spielberg's Amazing Stories

Murder, She Wrote

Greatest American Hero

Dracula: The Series

Kung Fu: The Legend Continues


Punky Brewster

Laverne & Shirley

The Hidden Room

Counterstrike (had Christopher Plummer)

Secret Adventures of Jules Verne

I LOVED Dr Who, but am having a hard time retaining interest in the newest version. I think it's because the latest guy seems so darned happy. My favorite actor in the role was a little more serious (Tom Baker). At lease I think he was...it's been a while.

I miss Red Dwarf...it's not on BBC America anymore is it?

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...


Good old Amazon. For you fans of Tales of the Golden Monkey, Amazon is taking pre-pre-orders (basically, they're fishing for interest in getting this show to DVD). If you want to "vote" to get the 22 episodes of this show put on DVD, you can enter your email here.

What the hell...I'd probably buy it if it was reasonably priced.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



YAY! Another Alf fan. :)

I loved that show. Yes it was a little corny and some people got upset about the eating cats thing. But c'mon it was a TV show! :blink:

(I loved the cat jokes even though I have three cats.)

Hmmm, trying to remember what I used to watch.

Twilight Zone (Rod Serling was a genius)

Star Trek



Room 222

Love, American Style

Wonderful World of Disney

Carole Burnette Show

Hogans Heroes

Barney Miller




Saturday Night Live (when it was funny)

Love Boat

Fantasy Island (hey, they were back to back with Love Boat)


Night Court


Magnum P.I.

Simon and Simon

Hill Street Blues

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Deep Space Nine


Home Improvement

Hercules (Kevin Sorbo = eye candy)


Since I've had kids, my TV watching consists mostly of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I think A.R. of Kent is the only person to list this so far (I could be wrong), but man, nothing beats Combat! That is such a sophisticated show, dealing with the nature of heroism and duty and humanity - oh! It was good.

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum

  Bloody Jack Madd said:
I think A.R. of Kent is the only person to list this so far (I could be wrong), but man, nothing beats Combat! That is such a sophisticated show, dealing with the nature of heroism and duty and humanity - oh! It was good.

That has come up in my Netflix recommendation list. I'd run it by my typically reliable suggestion source, but I don't think this sort of thing would be her style.

Hey Blackjohn! Have you seen this?

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


  Bloody Jack Madd said:
I think A.R. of Kent is the only person to list this so far (I could be wrong), but man, nothing beats Combat! That is such a sophisticated show, dealing with the nature of heroism and duty and humanity - oh! It was good.

Grammercy my lord! I'd say the single most thing that gave a whole generation the need to be honorable. Then there was Crosby, Stills and Nash and viet nam that pretty much sacked the purpose leading up to Mash 4077 for the combat mentality on trial!!

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.

  Caraccioli said:
Good old Amazon. For you fans of Tales of the Golden Monkey, Amazon is taking pre-pre-orders (basically, they're fishing for interest in getting this show to DVD). If you want to "vote" to get the 22 episodes of this show put on DVD, you can enter your email here.

What the hell...I'd probably buy it if it was reasonably priced.

loved Tails of the golden monkey.

hell I even named our dog after his dog.

all though are dog had both his eyes and was much bigger. did teach him to bark once for no and twice for yes.

I've wanted an old flying boat ever since.



Well.... since I literally grew up in a *Bewitched* house I did enjoy that show however...

Gilligans Island was a real fave.

It was as close to a Pirate-type-thingy as a kid could get.

But for you Dark Shadows fans, I've been getting them from NETFLIXs and with almost 40 episodes per DVD you don't have to be left hanging for long.

My last disk started in at the beginning of the whole 1795 thing where Victoria got shot back in time and became Sarah Collin's governess. Josette and Angelique have just arrived for the wedding.

Gee, who knew back then that Barnabus was gay? :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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