Caraccioli Posted April 10, 2006 Posted April 10, 2006 LadyBarbossa said: Though.. ya have to admit... the site of us pirates commandeering a tanker would be interesting... if not funny. Sort of. Good lord! What would you do with a tanker full of crude? You'd better know a big black market with refining capabilities. "Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice." "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Rummy3 Posted April 10, 2006 Posted April 10, 2006 I was in Vancouver a while back and when I saw the price of Shell gasoline at 95cents a gallon, I was aggrevaated no end! For two days I kept spying their signs and couldn't figure out why their gas was so much cheaper. The exchange rate should have been in my favor, but when I finally commented on it out loud, it dawned on me that they pay by the litre instead of gallon. Whew! I was getting all worked up and almost thought it would be a more affordable choice to live there! LMAO
Christine Posted April 10, 2006 Posted April 10, 2006 How many of you keep driving around, looking for a better deal until you've practically run out of gas? lol! I be guilty of that one, as is some friends and family too.
blackjohn Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 What's that old quote, I think it was about the weather... "everyone is talking about it but no one is doing anything about it." Caraccioli is right about choices. And that's the catch... is anyone willing to make a choice to try and do something? Nope. Because we've all become slaves to the Man. We've got our 21st Century Bread and Circuses, and we are afraid to let go. We've got no solidarity. What would our piratical forefathers say. And yes Christine, I do drive around a bit, though by now I know where the cheaper gas tends to be found. My Home on the Web The Pirate Brethren Gallery Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.
Caraccioli Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 If we're going for solidarity, I say the heck with the gas prices, let's go after the huge, money-sucking black hole that is the government. Until a large enough group stands up on its hind legs, forgoing the governmental favors that can be lavished upon it for not screwing up the process and demands that the waste be trimmed, the budget will continue to expand unhindered - apparently no matter who's in office. The government's taking far more out of your pocket than $3 a gallon gas ever will. You get piss-poor returns at best on your investment in that organization. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Dorian Lasseter Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Hmmm... This isn't quite on topic, but the topic has slightly drifted.... Here's where we might recoup some American money, to put towards better things... Some Disturbing Statistics... This oughta upset everybody: How they vote in the United Nations: Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records: Kuwait votes against the United State s 67% of the time Qatar votes against the United State s 67% of the time Morocco votes against the United State s 70% of the time United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 70% of the time. Jordan votes against the United State s 71% of the time. Tunisia votes against the United State s 71% of the time. Saudi Arabia votes against the United State s 73% of the time. Yemen votes against the United State s 74% of the time. Algeria votes against the United State s 74% of the time. Oman votes against the United State s 74% of the time. Sudan votes against the United State s 75% of the time. Pakistan votes against the United State s 75% of the time. Libya votes against the United State s 76% of the time. Egypt votes against the United State s 79% of the time. Lebanon votes against the United State s 80% of the time. India votes against the United State s 81% of the time. Syria votes against the United State s 84% of the time. Mauritania votes against the United State s 87% of the time. U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us: Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United State s, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid. Jordan votes 71% against the United State s And receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid. Pakistan votes 75% against the United State s Receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid. India votes 81% against the United State s Receives $143,699,000 annually. Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes (and gasoline). Pass this along to every taxpaying citizen you know. And send to your congressman, who should be disgraced but couldn't care less. Disgusting, isn't it? Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Capt. Bo of the WTF co. Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Now you're starting to sound like patriots. Earlier in this thread someone said that I give too much credit to the governments ability to effect changes. It is'nt that at all, they have the ability but choose not to, as that would cut into the profit they make from lobbyists. They certainly have the ability to make things worse for the working folks and do so at every oppotunity. The REAL problem lies in the fact, as Blackjohn pointed out, in the lithargic apathy and ignorance of the general populace. I've said before and again that I will fight anytime enough folks gather to take the Declaration of Independence seriously,and do our DUTY to our RESPONSIBILITY to "throw off" this repressive government and establish a new one to guard against this sort of thing. Unfortunately we are a nation of cowards and jellyfish with no sting, and deserve what we get for our complacency. "If pro is the opposite of con, then is Congress the opposite of progress?"... Russel Means - Oglala Souix "Those who are willing to trade their liberties for a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor freedom." Ben Franklin "that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses & usurpations pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government, & to provide new guards for their future security."... The Declaration of Independence. Capt. Bo
Caraccioli Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Capt. Bo of the WTF co. said: They certainly have the ability to make things worse for the working folks and do so at every oppotunity. I don't think it's intentional, I think that if things get worse for the working folks, it's a byproduct of actions taken with their own short-term desires in mind. Capt. Bo of the WTF co. said: The REAL problem lies in the fact, as Blackjohn pointed out, in the lithargic apathy and ignorance of the general populace. I might have said "willful ignorance." In it's own feeble way, the government tries to teach us about themselves through civics classes that take place in the governmentally-sponsored eductational institution. The problem is not the organization as a whole, it's the fiefdoms within. Some of the government hierarchy create these little ingrown Byzantine organizations within the organizations whose two purposes are 1) to get more money for the sub-org and 2) to continue their existence, often after their function has been fulfilled. Removing or streamlining these and forcing them to tow the line would be a big step toward needed reform. Corporations cannot survive such behavior for very long because they are accountable - watch the thrashing of the US automakers as they deal with some of the inefficiency that was built into the organization. The government, however, is accountable to noone because of the apathy, willful ignorance and confusion engendered in the serpantine workings of the thing. Capt. Bo of the WTF co. said: I've said before and again that I will fight anytime enough folks gather to take the Declaration of Independence seriously,and do our DUTY to our RESPONSIBILITY to "throw off" this repressive government and establish a new one to guard against this sort of thing. Unfortunately we are a nation of cowards and jellyfish with no sting, and deserve what we get for our complacency. Even better, let's follow the Constitution. An amazing document that is, despite the best hopes of certain factions, still relevant today. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Capt. Bo of the WTF co. Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I must respectfully disagree. It is, on the whole, corrupted at every level, in every facet bar none. a recent probe into the daily headlines is all the proof one should need. Follow the Constitution? The Constitution died when the federalists took power . It was over before it began. Here are two recent examples... Supreme court decision that private property can be siezed for any reason and resold to specultors... The Bill of rights was trampled on. The recent battle over the woman in Florida whose final wishes were ignored by the government and government inrtervened at the cost of millions of tax dollars . Her rights were trampled.The list is endless. If you can cite one area of government that IS following the Constitution as written, please do so. The immigration issue is upon us now, and millions of ILLEGAL immigrants are taking to the streets in protests for THEIR rights,(?), but I have yet to see LEGAL ctizens make any effort to stand up for their/our rights. I live in a world of reality, where I see things as they are, not as they should be or could be. It ain't a pretty picture from where I stand. As I said, with respect, your oppinion is well spoken, but I must disagree on the basis of the obvious facts. Capt. Bo
Rumba Rue Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 You think the cost of gas in your states is expensive, take a look at San Diego area: $2.63-69 for regular, 2.70-2.99, for medium grade, and a whopping 3.15 for high grade. Last year, we even saw it go as high as $4.00 and even 5.00 a gallon! So I don't want to hear any complaints from anyone else in other states and I have a truck! And plus I live on money less than minium wage! Oh and Christine, go to the Thrifty station on Escondido Blvd. near 2nd, they so far are the cheapest I've found. Occassionally the Exxon station just before it can get low, but not recently. Also once in a while, the 7-11 on Washington near Broadway can get low.
Christine Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Oh, yeah, I've been to that one Rumba and I agree, so far the cheapest. I noticed where I take forever to find a good, cheap station is up in LA. OMG, it's so expensive there!
Caraccioli Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Capt. Bo of the WTF co. said: I must respectfully disagree. It is, on the whole, corrupted at every level, in every facet bar none. Nah, I know a lot of good people who work in the government doing important things. Sure, there's corruption, but there's also good. Some stuff has to be done governmentally if it's going to be done at all. Although it was the reading the full account of what happened with the Challenger disaster that really opened my eyes to some of this. I used to think NASA was such a great organization, too. Capt. Bo of the WTF co. said: Follow the Constitution? The Constitution died when the federalists took power . It was over before it began. It's still there. We just need to follow it. Nobody's going to follow it if the people of this country don't demand it. In fact, it is the noisy minority who demand we don't follow it that are responsible for some of what's going on. Capt. Bo of the WTF co. said: Here are two recent examples... Supreme court decision that private property can be siezed for any reason and resold to specultors... That was a travesty. I'm amazed that people aren't more upset about it. The government can take your house to build strip the public interest, of course. That doesn't scare you folks? Talk about piracy... "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
HarborMaster Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Capt. Bo of the WTF co. .......,CaptainBloodscalp......,Caraccioli.....,and Dorian Lasseter., have all said so many things., that have been boiling inside me for so long that its actually made me make decisions that will change my life greatly. I cannot change this country., and I wish I could. I would like some things put back they way they were. There arent enough people who will gather to make the differance. They all complain., then thats it. Including myself. And remember., If we were to make a stand., they would call you a traitor and every other thing they could. Look at what happened to Martin., and Robert for standing up for what they believed in. Challenger..,? Challenger? No. My eyes got burned with John F. Kennedy., and its been downhill ever since., you know that. Shoot now they are going to reward felons., Illegals that cross our borders., for breaking our laws. I am to a point ...., let them have it., Let them come over here..,and pay taxes., work and support welfare fraud people.,and just ., the plain lazy., and all those something for nothin people., and I will take my leave and collect my SSI when it is due., after all I earned my 40 credit eligability 10 years ago. I believe whats going to have to happen is bigger than anyone man.and the event that would need to take place may never come., or if it does it may not come in my lifetime..,if ever. After all ., only one time in the worlds history were there men like those Rev Patriots. I realize I can only change me. So thats what I am doing. And I am doing it to an extreme. I am done fighting over it., or trying to fight the changes., The best thing for me to do is go on and be happy where I can. That may not sound like patriotism ., but perhaps you dont know my whole story. But I will tell you its all about my freedom and I know I can get more of it for less somewhere else. I will finish my life fulfilling a dream of Bluewater and White Sands.,in a world without FOX and CNN reminding me of what I once worried about..,letting the world go by with my head buried in the sand and my gut full o' rhum. Anyone can.,its simply a choice. I have just gotten Really Really tired of it. You guys all talk about corruption., you bet., Things here are not the same as they once were., We could talk about so many issues.,I am really despondent now. Bummed out really. In my short lifetime I can see so many changes., its definitely not the same country I was born in., and I think not the country I want to die in. Patriot or Privateer?..., you decide. I am not Lost .,I am Exploring. "If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"
CaptainBloodscalp Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Well said HarborMaster.Lifes to short to stress over everything we hear and see.Not to say that I turn a blind eye to these sorts of things.I just try to make the best of my own situations and if I can help someone I will,but in order to do that I have to make sure that my own house is in order.At any rate a toast to ye Capt'n! "Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?
LadyBarbossa Posted April 12, 2006 Author Posted April 12, 2006 There is plenty of us to make a noise. Though... what sickens me is Immigrants and others are more than willing to march and protest in the streets and in the open against the Immigration issue... yet the only thing we do about everything else - tax issues, gas prices, businesses not listening to us, etc.. - we only hear about it on TV and some people jokingly say "it's hurts" or "we don't like it" and generally ignored! It's sickening! Immigrants get front row whilst everyday Joe takes the back and is forgotten with his hardships about too high of prices for gas and other things, little pay, medical insurance, etc. Maybe... to be heard.. time that we all start just marching and protesting. Protest about what is making that American dream impossible. Town meetings when that government Senator or Rep is in town. Petitions! Something! If not... well, other option is... we can obtain a fair sized island... and have our own little piratical country! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
CaptainBloodscalp Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Quote If not... well, other option is... we can obtain a fair sized island... and have our own little piratical country!Har!I like that idea.I'm with ya if ye start one LadyBarbossa. "Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?
LadyBarbossa Posted April 12, 2006 Author Posted April 12, 2006 CaptainBloodscalp said: Quote If not... well, other option is... we can obtain a fair sized island... and have our own little piratical country!Har!I like that idea.I'm with ya if ye start one LadyBarbossa. Bloody hell! Oh, how I wish I could! You've NO idea! Not that I hate the US... but I tire of the BS that happens on a daily basis and I am subjected to. Besides... too many idea in my mind and have conjured with others to let it go to waste! Tis a pity if it did! Hell! Buccaneer Bay is starting up! Why not a Buccaneer or Pirate Island nation? Think of it mates... NO WORRIES ABOUT GAS! WooHOO! I think... an island that looks like Bora Bora would be perfect. Hmmm... :::Evil grinz::: ... why do I feel this needs to be transfered into another topic? :) Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
CaptainBloodscalp Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Quote Hell! Buccaneer Bay is starting up! Why not a Buccaneer or Pirate Island nation? Think of it mates... NO WORRIES ABOUT GAS! WooHOO! I think... an island that looks like Bora Bora would be perfect. Hmmm... :::Evil grinz::: ... why do I feel this needs to be transfered into another topic? Sounds good ta me las!When do we set sail?And who needs gas?Just hop in the ol'ship and raise anchor.Hmm what would we call that ol island anyways LadyBarbossa?I hear ya though is can be very frustrating at times. "Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?
HarborMaster Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Quote I think... an island that looks like Bora Bora would be perfect. Mabuhay !!! and Welcome to the Philippines !!! Quote If not... well, other option is... we can obtain a fair sized island... and have our own little piratical country! That is exactly what I am doing., only not an island., just a part of 1., actually 2 of them at this point. Let me hurt your feeling if I might. My wife is in Cebu right now .,been visiting her mother since March 25th. After going south to Negros Oriental., (Our Beach-Tropico) she took with her the tax permit and went to the provincial capital., they told her no tax had been paid on the beach since 2004., so we owed 630.00 . Needless to say she emailed me that she paid it., and now it is all caught up. This would be 300 per year at two years = 600 and a 30 penalty for non payment late fees for 2005., totalling 630.......,PESOS . Now at 53 to 1., My taxes for a coconut treed beach with a sea shore showing two opposing islands comes to a whopping 6 dollars a ten cents a year. There are currently over 100,000 Americans living there as well. I will be gone Friday night the 14th. for another 3 weeks of Scuba and checking on our progress there with the buildings.........., Man I am Sooooooooooooooooooo Gone......., Like the Jungle Book with beaches ! Man-cub !!! Here just for some fun Islands for Sale now just go look and browse thru here. I cannot afford an island., but it is cool to dream., and you may be Shocked to find out how cheap they are., and many have several photos for each property in its description. I am not Lost .,I am Exploring. "If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"
Caraccioli Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 Boy, I just heard a news report that should really get you all excited. They said something like, "If you're upset about gas prices, look on the bright side: next month prices will be worse so you may as well enjoy it now." So there's something to look forward to. (Brought to you by the local news radio station, whose motto is, "If you weren't depressed when you started listening, just keep listening.") "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
CaptainBloodscalp Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 It's time for us to find a new fuel resource.I heard some nations use sugar for fuel. "Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?
Silkie McDonough Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 It would a better use than putting it around the waistlines of Americans!
Caraccioli Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 CaptainBloodscalp said: It's time for us to find a new fuel resource.I heard some nations use sugar for fuel. Carrot juice. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
LadyBarbossa Posted April 13, 2006 Author Posted April 13, 2006 Over heard the lie that things won't get better until the Fall with the prices. The problem is... it'll hurt those of us who enjoy these events and these are our only vents of vacation and stress relief. Higher prices, meaning shorter distances to go. Unfortunately, since Gas will be going up too high, I unfortunately cannot make it to 2 events I made a commitment to. Gas jumped up today to $2.65. Nearly 10 cents again in one day. Over $3 by Memorial weekend? Nope.. can't do 3 events in 3 weekends. I'll only have enough (barely) to cover for Port Washington. These gas prices are gonna hurt the ability of going to events if not differ ya from going. Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
HarborMaster Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 With the rising cost of fuel., we decided to shed some weight., We decided to throw out the rest of the un necessary crap bolted to the car. This is the BOSS-HOSS and eats Harleys for breakfast., this is a 502 Cubic Inch Chevrolet and a seat belt., the first time I started it ., It shook me up a bit....., and NO.., I cannot really.., "Open'er up" LOL., That wouldnt be real smart..,Savvy !! We are not cutting down on sugar or making fuel out of it.,(WE like Rhum from sugar) :P I am not Lost .,I am Exploring. "If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"
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