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Me fair wenches & I have a performance coming up and we needs some brushin up on our pirate-y lingo. I was thinking of immersion as the only real way to pick it up natural -like. But since going to Tortuga is out of the question, can anyone reccommend a book, movie or the likes for such. I was perhap thinking thar may-be a book from the golden age which may still be available, if not, a fairly resonably authentic movie i could watch o'er & o'er. whatdya think?

Capt Sadie Dread

of The Sea Sirens


Have ye re-read "Treasure Island" lately?

I've been trying to find time to re-watch the Charllton Heston version of Treasure Island (it's available on video) - the first part was great, but haven't been able to finish it (seem to be spending time posting on the board...) I don't recall if Swashbuckler or The Crimson Pirate have a lot of the lingo...

You can always go investigate POTC again... may not help with the lingo, but the mindset is good. :)

Good luck :)


Me fair wenches & I have a performance coming up and we needs some brushin up on our pirate-y lingo. I was thinking of immersion as the only real way to pick it up natural -like. But since going to Tortuga is out of the question, can anyone reccommend a book, movie or the likes for such.

Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere on the boards (could be I even found it here and forgot) but this link takes you to a fella's site what works at some Renn Faire or other and assembled a list of sound clips and step by step advice on several dialects - not just writing it, but speaking with the correct accent. In this case, a "piratey" one. I found it pretty helpful, actually...


Yer welcome! (Now, if only I can get th' accent down. I've no gift fer accents, and that's a fact...)

Aye. Don'cha hate it when ya c'n 'ear it in yer 'ead perfect, but end up spoutin' gibberish?


Rumors of my death were right on the money.


Avast, ye scurvey sea-dogs! Sail yer pointer to the top o'this here page and click on the Talk Like A Pirate Day banner! They be havin' a whole web page with pirate talk.



Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

Avast, ye scurvey sea-dogs! Sail yer pointer to the top o'this here page and click on the Talk Like A Pirate Day banner! They be havin' a whole web page with pirate talk.


The "Ask Cap'n Slappy" page on that site is guaranteed to make me snort tea out my nose whenever I sit down in the mornin's to read it. It's that funny.

Been posting letters up there for a while, for to get good advice from me favorite scholarly rogue... :lol:


Arr, I really be liking the Disney version of Treasure Island to get me pirate groov on. Especial the way Robert Newton be talking, he just be stealing the show now don't he.?. With old Robert as Captain, it just be way over the top with all sort of pirate talk, with "Avast there matey" and "Belay that", "Jim be smart as paint". It be a lot of fun and sometimes I just have it play in the background while be on the computer or be getting ready for a faire or event.

I got me copy some time ago at Costco on clearance, $10-$12 on DVD I thinks.




Oi can't be helping you with the dialect, but as for the actual words and slang, check out the "Encyclopedia Piratica" on the PUBCAT site:


And remember the most inportant thing about talking loike a pirate "Pirates always speaks in the present tense does pirates!"


Cap'n Redbeard


Piratical Union of Buccaneers Corsairs and Associated Trades

And remember the most inportant thing about talking loike a pirate "Pirates always speaks in the present tense does pirates!"

Aye, that they does (and they speaks with a bit of difficulty betwixt and between verb and noun agreement, as well).

Still, considerin' the amount o' drink the average pirate consumes, it comes as no wonder. For how many brain cells actually be left to tackle past and future tenses? Damned few, I says! Best to stick with the here and now...


Me fair wenches & I have a performance coming up and we needs some brushin up on our pirate-y lingo.  I was thinking of immersion as the only real way to pick it up natural -like.  But since going to Tortuga is out of the question, can anyone reccommend a book, movie or the likes for such.

Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere on the boards (could be I even found it here and forgot) but this link takes you to a fella's site what works at some Renn Faire or other and assembled a list of sound clips and step by step advice on several dialects - not just writing it, but speaking with the correct accent. In this case, a "piratey" one. I found it pretty helpful, actually...


That's a great site (were it only me and me machine? When I play the audio I got an "error").

I do well with accents (with a bit a' practice)...but just OK with languages....It'a great , I can chatter away sound'n like I be brilliant in many tongues, say'n nothing! (but then, I can do that in the Queens English too!).

How about "audio books"......anyone with suggestions there? So much easier for walk'n than a video...

That's a great site (were it only me and me machine? When I play the audio I got an "error").

Hmm. I had no problem with the site as far as accessing the sounds. You might check to see you have the most recent version of RealOne Player, or whatever. That could be the difficulty.


Ye got it with yer first shot! Tried to run Real and then Media and neither worked. Drat. Probably same program that keeps corrupting IE .....("rats below decks"?)

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