Mad Matt Posted March 22, 2006 Posted March 22, 2006 This here port be fer all us scalliwags who arrrrrr in a melancholy mood. No one t' judge you, we arrrrrrrr only here t’ help. Dark Water can be full of cruel irony, despair, or any helpless or inane thoughts you may wish to share. Want t' get somethin' off yer chest? Steer int’ port, pull up a stool and lay it all on the barrelhead. Lyrics, poems, even cries for help if need be. Here, you may explore the dark side of your soul. Nothin’ TOO freaky, don’t want to scare everyone away! This corner of th' Pub shall be dimly lit and open to those of all ages. Th' cauldron in th' corner is actually Ray's corn chowder stewin'. Ray, line up th' drinks. A few shots o' bourbon would do nicely. If anyone else shows up, theirs will be on me as well. You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.
Mad Matt Posted March 22, 2006 Author Posted March 22, 2006 I'm too young t' be doin' it, but I'm having my mid-life crisis a bit early. Whether it would do me any good or not, I don't know, but I wish I could hop on a motorcycle and travel. Whether it's the road to discovering myself, finding a new woman, realizing I should keep the old one.... I looked at the compass of my life recently and was amazed at what I saw. The needle spins wildly on its axis, offering no guidance whatsoever. Damn thing must be broken! Hopefully one day....hopefully soon....I will find the direction my life is meant to go, rather than being stuck in this current squall that spins me about. You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.
Cpt Sophia M Eisley Posted March 22, 2006 Posted March 22, 2006 I'm looking for my compass o' life to offer a direction towards comfort and assurance, something I haven't felt for quite a few months. Romance would be nice too, but eh, I'm so busy I think that arena would get jealous of everything else going on. And I miss my family (parents, brother, grandparents, etc). They're so far away; been over two years since I moved out of state and away from the majority of them. Even though I consider many of my friends to be almost family, there's nothing like hanging with one's own relations. Mine are such fun. And I'm wanting my darned back to stop hurting. I'm moving smaller things out of my current abode and into another, and I'm sure sticking to the smaller will be good (the movers can handle the big stuff). Last night I moved a BIG chair up three flights of stairs on my own (used a hand truck), and I'm regretting I did that on my own. Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@ Dead Men...Tell No Tales. Welcome, Foolish Mortals...
Merrydeath Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 I'm thinking of making a club up fer women.. called the Bobettes. We carry our own 'fun', have cats and dogs, and take out our own garbage. A side of that is a prequel to the RED HAT SOCIETY.. called Chicks in Leather. ( CHILL) We like rock and roll, fast cars, large margaritas, and sometimes, bad boys. Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
Black Syren Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 I want to join CHILL! Sign me up quick. Aye Im feeling the same pull as well but Matt please No motorcycles. Im still trying to recover and trust me Im growing fed up with recovery! I just wish I could be as I was and be able to run again..Life sucks..And yes Tis me the Always cheerful Siren in the dregs this day... If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)
Arthur Richards from Kent Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 (walks up from the recess of unlit corner comfort and takes the mike) I just wanted to let ye all know that based on me last blood tests the doctor says I am not responding to the chemo as is needed for full and total remission. So I guess there be new things ahead o me which only time will tell! Be it known to I'm not fishing for sympathy I am as the many who care know not even close to being down for the count way to many faires to do and lives to touch! If that be Dark Water then so be it but we gots work to do raound here. Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.
Silkie McDonough Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 ::Hugs Kent as he steps away from the mic:: I... ::the feedback reverberate through the speakers in the still room. I step back from the mic until the sound is squelched.:: ...I'm just in a bad place today and need to dump. I have my second Carpel Tunnel Release surgery scheduled for Thursday. I'm not nervous, the first went so well but there is a little stress involved. I am having problems with a re-occurring infection under my skin that I thought had cleared up over a month ago. That makes me nervous about the surgery and possible complications. My Father has been in the hospital, had tests and procedures, then was moved to a rehab facility and back since March 2, (One year and one day after my Mothers death.) and this morning I get a 9 AM call from my sister, my father was moved back to the hospital at 4AM, breathing difficulties, fluid in his lungs ...did I mention that my mother died from complications of phnomonia? Oh yea, They are all in Pittsburgh and I am in the Philadelphia area. I have been home and alone much of the time since February 16 recovering from my first surgery. Being alone too much of the time sucks! It's spring and I have spring fever. I'm tired of the cold and I long to go some place where there is sunshine, warm air and some pirates to brighten my day but beyond air fair I can't get the numbers to work. My compass is FINALLY pointing some place but I can't seem to get enough wind in my sails to move forward! My love life, is...well, what love life? Finally, I'd like to join CHILL. ...Thank you for listening. ::Steps away from the mic. Scuffles into the shadows with MaddMatt and gets a hug from him.:: Miss you Matt.
Christine Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 *Hugs for both Kent and Silkie* I'm sorry to hear that for both of you. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Arthur Richards from Kent Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Silkie McDonough said: ::Hugs Kent as he steps away from the mic::I... ::the feedback reverberate through the speakers in the still room. I step back from the mic until the sound is squelched.:: ...I'm just in a bad place today and need to dump. I have my second Carpel Tunnel Release surgery scheduled for Thursday. I'm not nervous, the first went so well but there is a little stress involved. I am having problems with a re-occurring infection under my skin that I thought had cleared up over a month ago. That makes me nervous about the surgery and possible complications. My Father has been in the hospital, had tests and procedures, then was moved to a rehab facility and back since March 2, (One year and one day after my Mothers death.) and this morning I get a 9 AM call from my sister, my father was moved back to the hospital at 4AM, breathing difficulties, fluid in his lungs ...did I mention that my mother died from complications of phnomonia? Oh yea, They are all in Pittsburgh and I am in the Philadelphia area. I have been home and alone much of the time since February 16 recovering from my first surgery. Being alone too much of the time sucks! It's spring and I have spring fever. I'm tired of the cold and I long to go some place where there is sunshine, warm air and some pirates to brighten my day but beyond air fair I can't get the numbers to work. My compass is FINALLY pointing some place but I can't seem to get enough wind in my sails to move forward! My love life, is...well, what love life? Finally, I'd like to join CHILL. ...Thank you for listening. ::Steps away from the mic. Scuffles into the shadows with MaddMatt and gets a hug from him.:: Miss you Matt. aye lass as well ye should be walked off the stage wee'll get ye out here to stay a week! I'm sure we'll figure somthin out and get ye too the two pirate faires coming up back to back the end of june first of july or ifin ye can come now (well within six weeks) the last week of southern faire and the first week at corona and the night faire saturday! huzzah Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.
Silkie McDonough Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Thank you Kent, Christine. It is nice to be here and be comforted.
Arthur Richards from Kent Posted April 5, 2006 Posted April 5, 2006 you are more than welcome and Im serious you come out and stay with us! you'll be in plenty of faire fun indeed. starting right now there is no break till june 17th! every week and in two cases three going on at once within 150 miles! Huzzah! Come out and have some good old pyratical fun! Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.
Mad Matt Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 'Tis nice t' be missed. :angry: You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.
Christine Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Of course you were missed Matt! *BIG kisses on him* :angry:
Arthur Richards from Kent Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 It's nice to be missed especialy if its with a gun! Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.
Merrydeath Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 (real title of a book) I miss my man but my aim is getting better! Silkie.. I hope all goes well with the surgery. I've rarely had any but I hated having it. Make sure you are getting plenty of water and Vit C.. Arthur... if something does happen... or not... you are well loved here, and would be missed for who you are.. a smart ass and all around rogue. and thank you for that! as for CHILL, I am going to see if it can go nationally.. I am too young for the RED HATS but I want to have a girls night out.. As for me and how I feel.. my car is having trouble, with lights going out, paying people to tell me they don't know why, and (BEST BUY) really did a crappy job putting my car stereo in.. then, the tie rod broke on my car, luckily at the on ramp and not going at 80 or I wouldn't be here. I would still be flippig like a bike end over end. and did I mention that I have a stalker who made my life hell??? Worst week of my life.. by far. Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
Silkie McDonough Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 MerryD luv, thanks for the word on the surgery but that almost two weeks ago. Now lady, I will be more than glad to head the Eastern Region for CHILL! cars can be repaired and finally, stalkers ...send a few pyrates after him! Gawd! Not good careful i actually have to tell you that!
Merrydeath Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Silkie, I'm sorry I was late for that. I was a week over due and I've been late for most things since then... but not for rum. :) as for CHILL, I think it could work, with divisions in every state. Meetings to celebrate birthdays with margaritas, calling when you have to buy a swimsuit, watching tear-jerkers while eatting chocolate ice cream... sounds like the sleep over in the pub!! as for the stalker, I would love to sick someone on him. He used his business to find out all sorts of stuff about me, and then threatened me. Its pretty bad when you carry mace with you to the rest rooms at work. (wishing I really had cannon I could use.) Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
Mad Matt Posted May 27, 2006 Author Posted May 27, 2006 There are still many dark days ahead as I have begun to sail alone. It's a truly eerie feeling waking up in this house with no one next to me. I'm sure I will get used to it, but I have a feeling it won't be any time soon. I have lots of options that have presented themselves to me as of late, it's just a matter of sorting them out. My future will surely still take me to California. As to what point and purpose, I do not yet know. For now, I will languish away my days here in Arizona until time begins to heal my broken spirit. I work 6 days a week in an attempt to keep myself busy and out of trouble. I've been out with people from work once. A couple weeks ago I went out and got so drunk I don't remember half the night. It was almost like a cleansing took place that night. I am apparently seen as more "human" at work. Not the robotic heartless taskmaster I so often am. (Those few who have met me here can attest to that fact that I am generally cold and seemingly devoid of emotion.) Maybe the tides are turning; maybe winds are changing; maybe it's all a concerted effort to banish me to the bottom of the sea. Time will tell.... You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.
PyratePhil Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 edit ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Silkie McDonough Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 Silkie leans into the others at the table. "I just come here to vent, this guy has taken self pitty and made it an art form ...and I like it about as much as I like Jackson Pollock's work."
PyratePhil Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 *A dark, hulking form suddenly looms over Silkie...with his lips very close to Silkie's ear, he whispers...* "I hope, M'lady, that you truly enjoy this little present...". She opens it and discovers a print of Lucifer... She turns to look at her benefactor, but he is still sitting across the room, drinking some vile concoction... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Silkie McDonough Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 Bring that light here. ::Inspecting the print:: Now this is a good print! The registration is perfect and the artwork sublime! Notice how the artist was able to capture the feeling and not just the form of the evil one. You can almost feel the dread oozing off the paper. Look at it! His eyes follow you! ::She sets the print on the table, debates with herself if the print is really so good as to serve as a coaster::
PyratePhil Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 ***Stands up, mutters "Amateurs!", and stalks out of the TIoDW *** ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Silkie McDonough Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 ::Innocently:: "What got his shorts in a bunch?"
Mad Matt Posted May 28, 2006 Author Posted May 28, 2006 Now, now, Mr. Phil. No need to leave like that. Just because our personal pits of despair may not be as deep and dark as your currently is, does not mean anyone's expressions of pain and melancholy have no validity. If you need to be crowned king of the damned, then so be it. I have no need to turn this thread into a contest. I want this to be open to all - even you. So long as it's used correctly. The cleansing of our souls is up to us. I would appreciate your return, PyratePhil - if you so desire. You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.
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