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PiP 2006: What Would You Like To See?

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Aye, I've seen beads and also "jewels, " the glass drops found at hobby shops and usually used to fill the bottom of vases, etc. There's nothing like a piece o' gold, though...

Coins? Like these? replica coins from DeadMenTellNoTales

At 29 cents apiece, they are maybe within range. Next trick would be to find the manufacturer or wholesaler, so that a purchase of a couple thousand of them doesn't break the bank. (Who knows, maybe the folks at DeadMenTellNoTales might be willing to work a deal?) I'm not affiliated with them, btw. I did buy a couple fistfuls of these for my son's pirate birthday party.

The cheaper option is plastic coins, like these ($3.95 a gross):

Plastic coins from OrientalTrading.com

I've used these in the past for Halloween. (Hey, they're cheaper than candy, and they don't rot your teeth.)

Please keep in mind that there are vendors who pay to be there who are selling these same items. I would be careful not to undermine them as they are a key revenue source for the festival through their booth fees.

-- Henry

"Land only holds promise if men at sea have the courage to fight for it."

- Sir Henry

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Please keep in mind that there are vendors who pay to be there who are selling these same items. I would be careful not to undermine them as they are a key revenue source for the festival through their booth fees.

-- Henry

A very good point. As the time draws closer we can contact the vendors to make sure that the small items we might bring as giveaways will not conflict with their sales. We don't want to keep any vendors away.

Pirate vendors are necessary to satisfy our addictions.






I appreciate the plight of the traders, but I don't see where sending a few kids home with some thing to remember the day by would impact the sales of the vendors all that much. Taking this into consideration though, if we do, it should be done as a "reward" for participation on some level, and not just handing them out to every passerby. This way, we don't go in debt trying to be too freindly, and the impact to the vendors would be minimal.


Aye, I second Capt. Bo's observation that handing out trinkets indiscriminately is a bad thing. Further, not all who come to these events, especially those that do not charge an admission, are wealthy and can afford the vendors. I usually target kids that are empty-handed and just do photos with the kids loaded down with swag.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Vendors who do attend PiP usually have a wide range of priced items for the public, including coins, flags, necklaces, bracelets and other trinkets. For some this is usually where they make their money, not in the higher priced items.

In addition to the cost of the booth space, vendors also have a large dollar amount invested in their inventory and some even make a living doing the circuit. I just don't want to see us undermining their efforts to earn a living.

There are indeed many things that are not sold that are of value. Ever see a kid when you give him a piece of flint after explaining how it works in a period pistol? Or a lead ball from a flintlock? These really wow the younger set...

-- Henry

"Land only holds promise if men at sea have the courage to fight for it."

- Sir Henry


Very true, I go through around 20#'s of lead a season at my events. So far I can still get it in bulk at the re-cycling center pretty cheap. That and they love watching us pour round after round, starting flint & steel fire, etc.


One thing I have learned over the years of working at various Ren Faires is that the way you make the event work for the parents is through the children. Make the day enchanting for a child and mom and dad are happy too!

I do a pirate street game for kids at MRF. I earn more smiles that way.


I suppose that depends on what we're looking at here, then. I don't give things away, and I spend more time with the adults than the kids. I'm a re-enactor and that's how I see the camp, certainly the portion that I set up. This is not street theater or a renfaire to me, it's history. there are some kids that get it and I spend time with them and talk with them. But I'm not into bribing them with geegaws so that they might hear something or have a good time.

Did a muster last weekend that was a mix of re-enactors and renfaire pirates. Most of us re-enactors sat around doing little all day, talking with a few folks and showing the interested people the weaponry and the camp. the pirate camp was full all day and had lots of kids laughing and hanging around shouting argghh.

I'll take our camp, where something more was accomplished than amusing a kid for a few minutes.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Bo- we all have our priorities. I don't do this for the kids, i do it for myself. Most of what I do is weaponry based or historic. Weapons are not able to be handled by the kids, and the truth of this is not generally for the kiddies. I don't sugarcoat the reality of history and play hollywood games.

For those who can handle it or have a real feel for what we do, i will take the time and make the effort. For those kids who just want to shout arrgh and wave a plastic cutlass, there are other people for them to play with. I'm not interested.

I don't have kids and I have very limited contact with them. I inteeract with just a few, and all of them serious about learning about what we do. I'm not interested in being an entertainer. I don't have any need or reason to apologise for that.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Good points, Hawkyns, but PiP is geared more for the public than for the participant’s own indulgence (amusement, education, participation: pick a word that describes what you do at camp as this is not a judgment or criticism.) That said, it would be good to “man the camp” at PiP, both to guard the goods and to lend an air of authenticity and provide participatory education. Although I will not be camping, I could stand a watch or two (or three.) Those of us with skills can teach others so that we can both share the knowledge and spread the burden of standing “camp watch.” After all, we all want to go on the ships and fire the guns.

Some organization of our plans, such as are independent of the organizer’s, needs to begin soon. There have been suggestions of group sings and pirate camp activities. Perhaps cannon training for public powder monkeys? (Not my idea, by the way. There was a guy at Lee Island that gave cannon training using inert loads and cannon balls, all of which slide back out the barrel at the conclusion. Certificates are issued. [if you are reading this: great idea!]) BP pistol/blunderbuss demos. A Pyrate hanging (using a harness, ye bloody gobs! Otherwise we’ll run out of Pyrates.)

So here is a thought. Some of us must step up now and take charge of some aspect of what has been suggested. William seems to have the camp proper well in hand. Hawkyns has a grip on camp activities. Several of us have BP and cannon experience. Who here can set up song sheets and music to practice to?

Then there is the coordination with the organizers: where will this or that be set up? At what times will demos be done? Will we be covered by the organizers insurance? This coordination may be the most important aspect.

To this I suggest an organizational “ladder.”

• Point Pyrate

This person does all of the communication with the organizer. All other Pyrates go through this one. Absolutely no communication should go through to the organizer without approval so as to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. This person will also be the organizer within the group, coordinating activities, rosters and time. We need a diplomat or a saint here. (Saint Blackbeard?)

• Camp Pyrate

This person will coordinate all camp layout, both proper (tent types, location and visual appearance) and logistics (firewood, poles and “facilities.”) Also camp guard schedule.

• Camp Demo Pyrate

Organize demos, volunteers, training. Schedule demos. Find and procure (free/low cost/subsidized) materials.

• Black Powder Demo Pyrate

Organize demos, volunteers, training. Schedule demos. Find and procure (free/low cost/subsidized) materials. This one is also the one most likely to encounter insurance problems and must take the lead to resolve them. Also the most likely to encounter expense.

• Cannon Demo Pyrate

Organize demos, volunteers, training. Schedule demos. Provide inert loads and cannon balls. Provide, beg, borrow or steal (borrow without permission) a cannon. Commandeer: nautical term.

• Song Pyrate

Organize a song list and a (pyrated) CD of same. Distribute to all who volunteer to learn. Coordinate with/alert/warn/terrify the musicians that will be performing at PiP through the Point Pyrate.

Any of these positions may be held in coordination by more than one pyrate, and more than one can be held by a single (presumably not gainfully employed) pyrate. Each Pyrate will probably need a separate thread to organize within.

So the question is: Who wants to step up and take charge? I may volunteer for a position, but I must consult the wench (aka SWIMBO, She Who Must Be Obeyed.) See “held in coordination”, above.

What say ye?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


i must agree with you jim ....a positive attitude will win more kids and their parents to pyracy than being dry and grumpy ....and being organized would demonstrate to the fort that we pyrates deserve to continue having our event within their grounds!!!


and hawkins i know sometimes i find it hard to remember when i was a nipper m'self so i'm sure you may also .... all of has had our days of waving toy swords 'bout and pretending.....bit without sparking the imagination of a child to continue in our footsteps our passion can die with us


I wasn't there last year... Is Pirate Soul helping to advertise at all?

And also there needs to be good transportation. My hubby said something about there having been a bus... but I don't remember. We walked to and from the Fort, which is a pain in the ass when you live at the seaport, (I live on a boat).


Not at all, Gunner. I remember them well and still bear some of the scars. My point is that we all have things that we do best. I do not deal well with children, except one on one with kids I know. I don't do street theatre, feel relatively uncomfortable at ren faires, and absolutely hate to do the 'arrgh' thing for the kids. Others do it, I do not. I work with the adults and the interested kids (otherwise known as nerds). My background is hardcore re-enactment and museum displays.

for those who wnat to do the theatre, be my guest. I will sit with the guns, swords, and cannon and explain the why and the how. But giving things away, pandering to the hollywood image, and acting like a cartoon in order to distract a kid for a few minutes is not something I'll be doing.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



That is all well and good, but as you are sopposed to be a moderator on these forums, I think we should be able to count on you to refrain from the holier than thou snyde remarks. It's really annoying.


A couple notes here:

1) Pirate Soul will having nothing to do with the festival. This has been the case since it opened and continues to be so. They really don't see a need to be involved.

2) Musical groups who come to the festival won't appreciate being cajoled, threatened or informed about what you're going to want to do. They are professionals for the most part who don't consider the works of amateurs worth their attention.

3) The festival is mostly already planned. If you go to www.piratesinparadise.com and go to the Fort portion, you'll see there are already events, including Children's stage with entertainment, pirate school, the re-enactment of the tryal, pirate bands performing in the pub and on the grounds, sea battles and other activities. The festival is planned for an entire year out.

Just don't want ya to waste too much time getting carried away with planning things that may interfer with the festival as it is already set.

-- Henry

"Land only holds promise if men at sea have the courage to fight for it."

- Sir Henry


When differing opinions begin to rise in pitch and volume it is sometimes necessary for everyone to take a slow breath and remember that the internet is not a prefect medium for expressing one's opinions. Tone and emotion are lost in here.

That said, I would like to say a few things...

Sir Henry Morgan has every right to ere on the side of caution. It is important to keep the vendors and hired entertainment in mind at all times. The vendors represent revenue for the planners and the fort. That revenue compensates them for their time, fees and additional costs associated with the festival. Running a festival is hard work and it should be understood that if we are asked to limit our events there, it is only to avoid the competition of effort that goes on between the vendors, planners and entertainers.

And with that said, we would like to let those who are planning or attending the festival to understand that we are not intending to compete with planned events. Our small plans are only meant to enhance the festival by providing some limited additional activites for our small group and others. We do not mean to seem overbearing or usurping. We are only enthusiastic. We want the festival to grow and become greater year to year. Please understand that you have us at your disposal.

I enjoyed last year's PIP very much. I was glad to help where and when I could and I am very grateful to the fort for their assistance in our behalf. They were most generous to us.

Let us not divide too soon what we would improve together.








I made my reservations to attend as I have naught of talent, much like Hawkyns (tongue in cheek, nudge nudge). I shall gladly stop by and say hello to those camped at the Fort, and gladly take pictures with any and all who want. I'm going to PIP to have a grand time. I can't wait to meet you all and enjoy some drink with you. :ph34r:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


As always William has graciously put into words that which most of us were thinking.

In order to clarify or perhaps solidify what I think the position of the members of this forum is in regard to activities at PiP, I will try to define what it is I think am hearing from the members.

We do not wish to compete with the vendors. The idea of handing out some bauble to small children to commemorate their encounter with a Pyrate amounts to a small coin, a bit of glass, a trinket. We’ll not be handing out pyrate hats, swords, clothing, candles, jewelry or anything else that might conceivably be construed as valuable. If anything it may contribute to the desire to buy more swag. Remember that the first position that I suggested was that of Point Pyrate to avoid misunderstandings.

Some have voiced a desire to have a group sing. Last year at the pub inside the fort several groups performed. In the “off time” they sang together offstage as mixed groups, and tried to get others to join in. No one knew the songs. When I said that we need to “coordinate with/alert/warn/terrify the musicians that will be performing at PiP” it was said in a lighthearted spirit of jest. If lifelong observations serve, not everyone can sing and the caterwauling of drunken Pyrates can terrify anyone. We do not mean to take over the stage, and if they do not want us to sing along, getting the patrons involved as a result, we’ll stay in camp and sing there. After hours if we must. However, true entertainment professionals do what is necessary to make the crowd happy, and if that means making use of “amateur” voices to stoke the coals of participation, that is what they will do. And we will be there if they want us. Remember that the first position that I suggested was that of Point Pyrate to avoid misunderstandings.

As for the displays of BP weapons and cannon lessons, I believe we all agree that this should be kept in our camp proper. If someone else is planning to do this then that frees us up to do other things. Last year there was plenty of room for additional displays of pyratical skills and techniques. Layers of exhibits and displays of practical skills and such within the camp can only serve to enhance the atmosphere of the event. Remember that the first position that I suggested was that of Point Pyrate to avoid misunderstandings.

As far as the Camp Pyrate is concerned, I believe that William already has that position, and he is already acting as Point Pyrate to avoid misunderstandings in that area.

Most importantly, last year it was some of these very Pyrates offering plans here who came down to the event and became the event. We manned the guns, both on the shore and on the ships. We were the attacking force that took the fort. We were the ones walking about getting our pictures taken with the patrons. We were the ones going into town and telling people about the event when even the bartenders did not know that it was happening. We are not planning a takeover, just volunteering to do more to help the event be more. There will be 20-30 pyrates from this Pub going to the event if all goes well. We want to help. Some of us have skills and ideas that can enhance the event. Others want to do what they can, even if that means just standing there near a tent looking good. To this end I have offered this small organizational ladder, a first step in coordinating these volunteers, the first rung of which is the position of Point Pyrate to avoid misunderstandings.


Constructive comments will now be entertained.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


i second that plan lad !!!it is the volunteers who make this event !!!! and as was stated earlier on this topic that if there were some lyrics or music that we could all try to learn ahead of tyme we could sing along much better and get the crowd into it a bit more... i wasn't suggesting an insurection but a coordinated attempt to make the most of a fyne oportunity to get pyrates out there for the public!!!


As far as the Camp Pyrate is concerned, I believe that William already has that position, and he is already acting as Point Pyrate to avoid misunderstandings in that area.

I will gladly be Camp Pyrate. This way I can help all of the camping pyrates find the water, electricty, and other facilities and coordinate our needs with the Friends of Fort Zachary Taylor.

Attacking the fort and doing cannon detail last year was entertaining and educational.






OK, I'm confused... are YOU volunteering for point Pyrate, or did you just press WILLIAM into service? :ph34r:

I think you have a grand plan that should cover most everything, and was very well spoken Captain! It's no secret that I say exactly what's on my mind at any given moment, so where does the camp A*#-hole Pyrate fit in ? :ph34r:

"Can't help it 'bout the shape I'm in, can't sing, ain't pretty, and my legs are thin. But don't ask me what I think of you I might not give the answer that you want me to."

There now... that is the only thing I can sing that doesn't last long enough to annoy anyone. Not a Pyrate shanty, but timeless anyway.

Ok... seriously, I'll do what I can to help make this a fun and educational gathering, but I live in the middle of the country, so where can I be of the most service to the betterment of all?

Ok... seriously, I'll do what I can to help make this a fun and educational gathering, but I live in the middle of the country, so where can I be of the most service to the betterment of all?

You can help in the following ways...

1 - In attendance. This alone increases the overall atmosphere of the camp.

2 - You have already volunteered to bring other pirates which is a great service. See item one.

3 - Willingness to offer your additional help. The fort may ask us to help the food vendors, campers and entertainers move and set up equipment. We were asked to lend a hand in moveing the outside kitchen last year. We also moved benches, hauled wood and participated in the battles. Many hands make light work.

4 - You can stand a watch for the fort and the camp. The watches will help provide a period feeling day and night and will serve to protect the fort property and the personal campsites. We can also serve as guides to point people to events at the fort.

5 - Your good company, Mate. This above all else.

Can you make chains? I would love a set of handforged shackle for the watches. We could arrest people for made up crimes and put them in the fort stocks.






I thought of a great way to support the festival, especially the good musicians there. The pub was filled with some beautiful voices and talented musicians. We should tip them with dollar coins...


Sure its money, but if you were there you would understand. The bagpipes. The singers. Some very good stuff.

Also, the Friends of the Fort are always taking donations in the form of money and equipment. The fort could use some more period materials. Barrels, casks, lanterns, rope, tarps, tents, etc. The donated items would go a long way to improving the overall look of the fort.

We might consider raising money to buy a few choice items for the fort.





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