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Aside from a really awsome (and expensive) store I found once in Key West I've never really come across a place that sells authentic pirate garb. Most of what Ive seen are the things for little kids with the skulls on 'em. We all know pirates didn't walk around with big skulls on their hats and bandanas all the time... so cliche.

So my question is, since, if there is such a store the odds of it having a branch in my town is slim to none and slim left town: Are there any good online stores for pirate stuff? I'm looking for a tricorner hat of somesort probably a leather one. And just other pirate clothing in general. So if any one can point me in the right direction it would be much appretiated.


Um, the folks in the Captain Twill forum will tell ya that a leather tricorn isn't authentic. Noquartergiven.net has a list of merchants that have some good stuff, and The MacKay has some very good tricorns, even treated with wax and oil to withstand the weather.

I'd do a few searches of this site, in Captain Twill and Plunder, and collect opinions. It will help you make the choices that work for your purposes.


Here's a great place to start: Gentlemen of Fortune

Granted it's not a commercial site with stuff to purchase, but if you study these pages you'll know what not to buy if you really are after an authentic kit. From there, a good place to get started buying some stuff would be Jas. Townsend or Godwin.

Those sites are generally geared toward the French & Indian wars and Revolution, but there IS some stuff on there appropriate for the GAOP. Ultimately your best bet will be to make your own stuff from period correct patterns with period correct materials.

Best of luck to ya! :lol:


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