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  1. Awsome, thanks guys that should get me rollin'. Much appretiated.
  2. Aside from a really awsome (and expensive) store I found once in Key West I've never really come across a place that sells authentic pirate garb. Most of what Ive seen are the things for little kids with the skulls on 'em. We all know pirates didn't walk around with big skulls on their hats and bandanas all the time... so cliche. So my question is, since, if there is such a store the odds of it having a branch in my town is slim to none and slim left town: Are there any good online stores for pirate stuff? I'm looking for a tricorner hat of somesort probably a leather one. And just other pirate clothing in general. So if any one can point me in the right direction it would be much appretiated.
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