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A sea wolf has sailed from Vinland and from the world of Viking Metal into the world of Pirate metal! Thought since I am a sea faring pillager, I should check out pirate metal.

Its looking good!

Raise your mead horns and welcome me! :P

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ya' nil look like any sailor thet uv seen afor

Silkie inspects the new stranger

Bjärn ya say? Well we nil judge a man by his looks round here. Ifin we would nil a one uv us would b conversin wi'tees rouges! :P

She puts her arms around Bo's waist and gives him a peck on the cheek.


Scarlet's head turns at the mention o Honey Mead....advancing upon the stranger, Scarlet plops herself down onto his lap and bats her big baby blue eyes at him...

"SeaWolf did ye say darlin? Well now, mite this lil ol Irish lass have a sip?" wink, wink

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


Avast mate from the Northernse tribe Eye sea ya come and drops anchor. The Lasses luv yar much already. Copyofhookbpyrate.jpg Oderleseye enters and pulls up a stool at the bar and roughly yells fer Ray! Grog fer me new mate and EYE. :o

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:


"My treasure to he who can understand."


Tis a pleasure to make yer acquintance, SeaWolf. Welcome to th' enjoyable chaos an' merry mayhem! Always plenty o' drinks, more than enough fun, and lively lads an' lasses to converse with.

Stay a spell. An' welcome aboard mate! :)

An' I'll have a spot o' rum if ya don't mind. :o


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


welcome aboard lad any man of the sea worth his salt is welcome to share a pint in these waters :lol::lol::lol:

and if you can handle a sheet or a bit of sharpened steel you can find berth in these crewes :)


Aye, t'was checkin' out your web stuff- so you be in Canada, what part?

Well some o' the people here might kind of think they are Vikings, until we make them walk the plank.

Jest kidding!

Enjoy the Pub! :lol:


Aye an that be pure touch o' eaven...( the mead AND the peck from m'Lady! :lol: )

Be enjoyin yer stay me Nortland brother, and the next drink be on me!

( takes Miss Silkie to the dance floor, too drunk to realize he still cannot dance! :lol: )

Capt. Bo


Bunny comes up behind the lad with Scarlet on his lap

Ifin ye be sharin? I wish t' have a sip as well! Ne'er had HONEY MEAD BEFORE! Ye willin t' share yer horn wit Two Blue'd Beauties?

Bunny Cutlass


Hail and Faire Meet, Sea Wolf Bjarn. I be Captain Ciaran from North Carolina. I also am well-acquainted with Canada, having spent much time in the Maritimes, the Avalon, Quebec and Ontario. Where in Vinland do ye reside, lad?

I'll have a glass of Screech. Gramercy.

Enjoy yer stay in our port. But watch yer back. Here there by pyrates!


I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp


I am in the actual Vinland, Newfoundland. The land where Leif the Lucky harboured his great drakkar. Well, Im in Ontario at the moment but in the summer, I'm going back to great old Vinland where men sail the seas by day and get drunk by night! I am the blonde haired, blue eyed northerner, sea wolf and Lindisfarne plunderer! Do ladies love a ruddy handsome blondie?

Handle steel? I've got me claidheamh mòr(claymore) here tied to my belt along side the bull's horn my drinks are in. Screech eh? Well thats a drink for Vinlanders if I ever saw one myself to suit!

You can't make a viking walk the plank, he's have you cleft with his great sword and your burnished battle helm a bloody mess on the floor before anyone knew what hit him! T'is Odin's will aye!

Horns of drink for one and all!

I toast to my new fellow kith and kin!


(Foxmorton tips back in 'er chair...crosses 'er boots tabletop...dips 'er hat low o'er her eyes.....an', wit' one eye, secretly contemplates the new lad's length o' hair.

'er bein' the sort t' become distracted by that kind o' thing.....

....the more hair...the more distraction-as it were....

...an' waits t' see what will happen next....)

  SeaWolf_Bjärn said:
You can't make a viking walk the plank, he's have you cleft with his great sword and your burnished battle helm a bloody mess on the floor before anyone knew what hit him! T'is Odin's will aye!

Well mate, you might be able to do-in a Norseman that-a-way: but any PIRATE worth his salt would have a blast o' round ball in yer gut, and yer own skull cleaved wi' his cutlass, afore yer great sword left its scabbard!

Capt. William

:) :rolleyes:

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


The clamour is suddenly interrupted when the moderately infamous Captain Tall Mike Bismuth van der Bulge comes staggering into the pub on his peg legs, grasping the walls for support with his hooks, stumbling blindly with two patches over his sockets. He wears a dirty tuxedo which is frayed at its extremities, but is otherwise good-looking, especially for this particular picaroon, though the pirate hat and the scraggly beard diminish the noble appearance. He makes his way for the bar, but one of his pegs catches in a hole in the wooden floor. Down, the ballsy buccaneer falls. A single hook raises above the bar and catches into the wood, right next to the holes he left the last couple of times. The randy rogue pulls himself up, finds his seat, and calls to Ray, the innkeep.

"Arr, Ray, get me a dozen o' them jell-o shots I be hearin' 'bout. Non-alcoholic, iffin ye please; I be tryin' t'cut down."

The good captain somehow manages to lay a variety of screws, bolts, washers, rivets, and other fastening implements upon the countertop. Ray reaches under the counter and pulls out two six packs of those snack-size Jell-O cups. The captain oscillates his eyeless head while downing the Jell-O. He overlooks Bjärn, then does a double-take, thus choking on the Jell-O. The rascally renegade falls to the floor with a loud thud, arises once more, and approaches the newcomer.

"SeaWolf Bjärn! Why, I haven't been seein' ye in... ever, actually. Well, hello thar, matey. Cap'n Tall Mike Bismuth van der Bulge be the name. But me friends be callin' me Captain Tall Mike Bismuth van der Bulge. So, I hear ye be a fan o' metal. I be a metalhead meself, ye know. Arr, yes, yes; I be rememberin' now. T'all be startin' in A.D. 2101. War be beginnin'. Somebody be settin' up us the bomb..."

The captain continues with a long, detailed description of his adventures which make absolutely no sense. The Viking stares at the cripple with a confused visage. Minutes pass. Minutes become hours, and long after the pub has been vacated, the captain brings his story to a closing.

"... so he be sayin', 'The dog...', an' I says, 'Arr! The dog be humpin' my leg like a sea donkey in heat!' Now, t'is quite an odd thing, a sea donkey, so t'is natural for him t'be sayin', 'Sea donkey, cap'n sir?' Well, he be me first mate! T'ain't gonna be I who be takin' that from 'im – 'Yarr, don't ask questions!,' says I.... eye, eye, eye. Anywho, the dog finally be stoppin' the humpin', an' the lousy bilge rat be bitin' me leg! So, all casual-like, I be shoutin', 'NO QUARTER GIVEN!,' an' me crew be comin' outta all sorts o' crevices o' the ship t'be engagin' in all sorts o' piratey violence. And that be why I be wearin' a tuxedo."

The Canadanavian's physiognomy is frozen in an appearance of befuddlement. The captain slaps a few packets of Power Bar Power Gels onto the counter and arises.

"Well, I be done. Take care, Ray. Nice meetin' ye, SeaWolf Bjärn."

The mysterious character stumbles out of the pub on his pegs, whistling the theme from the Andy Griffith show on his way. He makes his way out the door, then loses balance and careens into a bin.

*Pirate's Note: The aforementioned event with the dog occured at an uncertain time after the good captain and his first mate, Scowlin' Hannibal Drake, were jailed on false drug charges in 1999 when they explained their odd situation of having their galleon vandalized with anti-drug/alcohol messages by somebody associated with the D.A.R.E. program. The secretary at the police station did not believe their story, had an officer cuff the two, and give them lectures on the dangers of acid and mushrooms. Immediately, they were put ina holding cell with many burly men. Luckily, Blackie Lawless was still outside, so he requested his friend, Chainsaw Charlie, to help the pirates out of jail. Chainsaw Charlie cut the bars on the window, then, in a bright flash, the police station turned into a pet shelter in the year 2005. The captain and Scowlin' Hannibal Drake found themselves on the floor with aching migraines. Blackie Lawless, Prince, and Chainsaw Charlie had since disappeared, and the good captain found an empty gallon bottle of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum in hand, with a dog humping his peg leg. That's a pretty mediocre piratey adventure compared to some others which I've had.


Viking MEANS pirate, or 'sea raider' in the old tongue mind you mate before you capitalize "pirate" there.

You forget, every norse sea plunderer carries his hunting knife in his belt, by his purse. The Hammer of the North cannot be defeated, he and his ulfhednir.

Somebody be settin us up the bomb, I caught that one!

What metal are you liking noble guðwine?

I say as I flip the mass of long blonde hair out of my face.


Aye, welcome to the Pub Mister Seawolf Bjarn, n' now how do ye be pronouncin' yer name "Bjarn" there?.....ye knows we pirates n' the vikings be cut o' the same cloth tho a bit difference in time is all....'cept maybe ye keeps an eye on yer backside....pirates ain't got no gods but only that spirit which lurks in their hearts, they ain't got no respect for no laws or rules...afterall they be just guidelines anyways, savvy?....so I raise me glass to ye in a toast to all the seafarin' kind be they from north or south, east or west or hell for that matter...cheers :lol:



It's 10 minutes past kerfuw, why are -u- still up... aah perhaps ya need another shot... aUHH, that should do it ... good nite ! :lol:

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:


"My treasure to he who can understand."


It is said as BYarn. J makes a ya sound like the letter y.

Many a sea-faring norsemen likes his thunder and lightning around his neck...the Hammer is the spirit of the north. Cold wintry desert that holds the northern lights! We bring with us the noble virtues and like cold winter blizzards, our dragon ships come to burn your village and go treasure hunting!

Ah, I dont doubt I'll have some Screech in me when I get to Vinland in the summer. :lol:


Arr, metal? I be partial to classic metal, shred, thrash, an' basically any other kinda metal, though I do tend to avoid death and nu metal. Gyar, anythin' with either crappy vocals or crappy instrumentation, I don't like. Arr, have ye heard of ARK? They be from Norway. The band has since ceased to be, and the singer is now with Masterplan, which be a great band. Also, if ye haven't hear of 'em already, Bjärn, Running Wild be the best damn pirate metal band in existence.


....Foxmorton notes the flippin' o' the mass o' hair.......mentally tuckin' away th' image for private use......

calls t' Ray for a shot o' rum.....

chuckles t' herself as the laddies debate Viking vs. pirate......all the while notin' what a grande spoken gentleman the newcomer is.........

and, ......


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