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L.O.R.E. Pirate Workshop.

Pirate Petee

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Yes, it was a fyne weekend, going a bit coolish..erm...for those native to the southern climates, down right chill when the sun neared the horizon. Cascabel, as always, I enjoyed your talkes and demonstrations. As did the husband, especially when you shot off that beautious blunderbuss! We're hoping for your return visit with the October workshop.


"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"

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Aye, even though i was only able to attened one day it was still fun. It was good to see me old friends, Cascabel, Kent and Red Maria. And it was pleasure to finally meet the wonderful pirate named Dirty Mick Moon. The write up that Cascabel did about flintlocks was very informative, my hats off to ya mate, I will keep that paper with me for the rest of my days. :lol:B):lol:

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She knows us? though the anonimity is quite conceiled from no info on her prolife and I met not more than two surgeons there I too am with wonder as to who??? Are you??? Barber Surgeon?

Who? Me? (Glances innocently around the pub) In all honesty...I'm still staggerin' about, one eye focussed and a dammedable hangover while trying ta figger out the usage o' all these buttons an' such..'tis been a long while since I last ventured in here, under another skin, an' I've forgotten a bit! :lol: Dinna worry...once me R&R time starts, I'll see what I can scrounge up fer yer viewin' pleasure!


"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"

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