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Hampton Blackbeard Festival 2006


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Cap'n Pern of Blackbeards Crew here!

It's that time again mates the Hampton Blackbeard Festival is just around the corner. So mark your calendars for June 2,3,4 of 2006. I hope to see a goodly portion of ye there.

More information will be coming.

www.blackbeardfestival.com It hasn't been updated yet but we just met last week and the website updates should be done in the next couple of weeks.

Bye for Now...

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Aye, ye must be providin' more data (would a Pyrate say "data"?). Also, does ye need any cast members or strollers to entertain the masses?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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Captain Pern Sir,

Good to hear that the fest planning is well underway. I have been marking me calender and collecting more kit items to use while there. I may even be able to come up with me own tent if I knew there was space in the camp.

And Pern - have ye heard any more about that little project we were working on in August?

Willie the rumrunner :ph34r:

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ahoy there!!!!

www.blackbeardfestival.com has been updated at least with the correct dates. We are working on some additional updates with more recent photos etc. But at least ye can start planning.

Other news Blackbeards Crew now has a website. www.blackbeardscrew.org. when ye get a chance, pay a visit there. I can take credit fer gettin' the site up and the way it looks. It's not perfect but at least ye all can find out a little more about us.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the festival.

Cap'n Pern

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Captain Pern Sir,

Good to hear that the fest planning is well underway. I have been marking me calender and collecting more kit items to use while there. I may even be able to come up with me own tent if I knew there was space in the camp.

And Pern - have ye heard any more about that little project we were working on in August?

Willie the rumrunner :(

Ahoy there Willie the Rum Runner,

I have heard a bit about our project the Emerald Cutlass. It's not going to be called the Emerald Cutlass any more. I am not at liberty to provide additional info but it should be completed sometime around the festival, hopefully before. I had to go to a reshoot of one scene last week. There are a couple of reshoots happening still. By March it should go to sound production.

I'll keep you posted as more info becomes available.

Cap'n Pern

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  • 3 weeks later...

Capt'n Pern

Tis great to hear the work is close to completion. I have been waiting impatiantly for news from the project. I hope it is done by the time of the Blackbeard fest. Might be fun to screen that one somewhere on location.

and about the fest - if there is anything I can do -please contact me when you can. I can get time off from the pits for the preceding week if set up help is needed. Nice job on the website for the crew!!!!!!!!!

your umble servant

Willie the rumrunner :P

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

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Capt Pern! Ahoy! WHat does the camping look like up that way? Planning on making a trip up for a day....hell I may just ask Bill H. I f I can sleep on his boat. Give me a shout if you get a chance.

"If you would have fought like men you would not die like dogs!" Anne Bonney

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"SAFETY MEETING!!!!" Capt. Mason

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sir, we, the Brigands, stand ready and looking forward to the upcoming festival. If all goes well, we are bringing four cannon with us. Our same two from last year , one that I made from a bronze E-bay casting and another bronze 2 pounder, en-route from England as we speak!

Lets hope the old family vanster can handle the weight o' 4 guns!

Aye, twil be a grand time.


Rob't Thighbiter

Bloody Bill Marley

Butch Cannon


Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

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This really is a fun event... I call Tidewater my home and was there for the 2000 event (along with Opsail 2000).

If you are planning to go, please remember that there is a lot to do in the whole area.... not just the Blackbeard festival.

Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown and Virginia Beach are well within an hours drive and Norfolk, Portmouth, and the Fantastic Mariner's Museum in Newport News are all only about half and hour.

Thoug early June, It can be bloody hot that time of year so plan accordingly.

Also, the very next weekend is Norfolks "Harborfest" which usally has tall ships, music, and great food....


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Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

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Does anyone know who the contact person/persons is/are for this event? I would appreciate a name and email address if possible.

Thanks very much.


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

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Capt'n Pern,

Me copy of Chesapeake Bay magzine arrived today. Seems the feature article is all about the Fest!!! Great piece on the Fest and all around Hampton.

Willie the rumrunner :rolleyes:

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

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  • 1 month later...
cap'n pern do the sutlers in the encamment go throught the event coordinators to vend on site


m' son 'n m'self were there last year and i have thought about coming down this year as an arms sutler

Good to hears from ye again kind sir. I would suggest contacting the Quartermaster of Blackbeard's Crew, John Glass if ye still be interested.

I kind sir am no longer in charge of the Festival but I will be there as a full time pirate as it were.

you can email John at jkglass@verizon.net

Hope you see ye there in any event.


Billy Flynt

Blackbeard's Crew

Master of Events

"Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. " - Mark Twain

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my tent won't be in port by time for this years event ....but i will be there come hell or high water ...me and some of m' personal flintlocks and m' blades ....and i'm bringing a newbie with me ....having some new shoes made as we speak but they too won't arrive in time i fear ....but i will share a dram of rum with ye when i get there


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Looking forward to seeing ye Gunner. Would he be around afore the event begins? I be hoping to obtain that buckle we spoke of earlier. I plan on being in the area by Thursday noon or soon there after. I will have a barrel or 2 o' rum and a few limes. Enough rum and you never know what I may find that I need for the arsenal :lol: .

Willie the rumrunner :blink:

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

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unfortuantely lad i will ney be there until friday eve ....but i will have some pretties with me like at least a dozen pistols and a few blunderbusses and cutalsses and of course your buckle ....got a few doglock pistols (loyalist arms with shipping and customs duty already included in the prices) :huh:B):huh::huh:


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I fear I owe several pyrates me humblest apologies. As the festival was arriving I was involved in far too many projects in preparation for the festival and neglected to visit the pyracy pub so I did not get your messages.

I was able to get a traverse board and a cross staff made for navigation demonstrations. A rope ladder for seamanship demonstrations. And got a new hatch and a paint job done on my boat so The Cap'n & S'Steele had a place to stay.

Anyways, Callenish Gunner I apologize for not getting back to you but I checked and did not have any PM's from you. I am glad ye made it and hope yer trip was successful.

It was a Grand and Glorious festival even with the foul weather on Saturday.

It cleared up in time to have a roust about in the encampment for good rounds of chanties and comraderie.

It was great meeting all the new people that were there this year and look forward to seeing everyone down in Beaufort.

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Was a grand time! I traveled there with Callinish. My first experience as a pirate! :rolleyes::huh::huh::huh::huh:

Callinish has a pair of lovely pistols that I may need to save me duckets fto buy. I can't guarentee that he will allways be willing to loan me a few each time I'm pirating. I did help him out by display his wares and doing my best to model them proudly for him but ...alas, the gen'ts wern't lookin at my flintlocks ...most of the time!

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My first visit to said festival was incredible!

I loved not only the whole Blackbeard show, but how responsive both the local folks and those that had a mooring were. Some of the dressed up boats were VERY Pyratical!

I brought my lovely wife and she helped me keep my ale cool and the Crimson Corsair (Kenny) and myself entertained on the docks many visitors to the festival. We had a good routine together. . .mayhaps I should volunteer next season to help with the street entertainment. . . good pirate jokes and we made lots of friends.

You can check out the photos I took at:


There will be a full article in The Pyrates Way magazine in the Fall with much more information and some incredible photos. . .

Steve "The Black Fox" Kimball

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