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What statement resembles your dream patterns?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What statement resembles your dream patterns?

    • I pass out - no dreams involved
    • I think I dream but never remember them
    • My dreams are silly
    • I only have nightmares
    • I dream all the time, some actually affect my day
    • My dreams are more like daydreams or wishes
    • My sleep is so choppy - I never get to the dream stage
    • I talk in my sleep during my dreams

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I dreamed last night that my boss turned psycho and held a few of us employees captive in some old house. With the help of some guys, she was going to cook us up to serve to the residents at my work. The one manager pretended to be helping her too, but ended up helping us instead. She let me call 911. I can even remember seeing the phone clearly and dialing the numbers. I remember saying, "I have to speak quietly so as not to be caught. We're being held captive by psycho people who want to cook us up to serve as dinner. Please get here as quickly, but quietly as possible. If they know the police are here they may try to kill us sooner. Hurry!" This part of the dream sequence ended with the cops coming in and shooting up the place. That's all I remember cuz then it shifted on to something else that I don't quite remember.

Damn, I don't know why I'd dream something so flippin' bizarre! I didn't watch any horror movies on cannibals-lol! I'm going to try not to laugh when I see my boss, co-workers and the one manager at work today-lol! :rolleyes:

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hm..I tend to always be dreaming, whether it be when im asleep or awake. Tends to give me inspirations or excellent picture ideas. :rolleyes:

My latest dream kinda scared me out. I was a Drum Shire Unicorn (my theriotype) and my friend from school (a clydesdale mare) was with me. Shots rang out and we were running through heavy mud. I got hit and then i woke up. Then at school today i was with her, and someone fired a race-starting gun (we were in PE). We both freaked as i'd told her about it. Mmmm..another reason why i've started a dream diary

But otherwise i cope with nightmares/dreams/coincidences well.


Wow Christine - that was some dream! Could be that you feel taken advantage of at work (not appreciated, etc.) and that you're energy is being absorbed (e.g. eaten.) ???....



i dreampt i was preaching in a pulpit and the congregation were all wearing masks and holding automatic weapons. when i turned to leave I saw my reflection and saw I was hugh hefner..... that was so wierd

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.


Most of my dreams lately have been turning to nightmares.... most involve my fear of losing the love of my life...

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


I dreampt I was surrounded by mindless automatons, each doing something different, yet working against each other in defiance of all reason. No matter what I tried, I couldn't dissuade them from their inexorable march into failure...

Sorry! I was talking about work again. :unsure::o

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


I had a dream that I was at a pirate festival and every booth was havng a sale on beautiful period items. The place was crawling with people who had played minor roles in pirate movies. All in all a pretty good dream apart from losing all the wonderful purchases when I woke up.





Most of my dreams lately have been turning to nightmares.... most involve my fear of losing the love of my life...

yep but I already passed that stage. the nightmare became the reality and all i can say is shyte happens weather you want it to happen or you dont life has a perfect way to humble even the most meager existance. It's not fair but then what is? I will share this though. In the aftermath of it all there is still no sense to any of it. Silly though how truly far off two people can be and one not know it. I wish you well and just dont ever give up on him.

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.


Oh i never will deigo just like he'll never give up on me... i know it but still it's a fear that i could lose him that shakes everything.... without him i'm nothing... oi

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


That's just the point you're missing, love. Without him, you're still you. You have to be able to define yourself and accept yourself without relying on anyone else for validation. And, yes, you have to learn to love yourself. Suddenly, you'll find you have the strength to get through damned near anything. :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Amen to that Mad Jack.

I've had a few amusing dreams as of late. A few included brief bits where I had a quiet moment with men I admire (just PG rated, though the moments were nice in my book), and one focused on me talking about heading back to FL, as if I'd moved far away, missed the atmosphere dearly and had been planning to move back. Kind of blah dreams compared to some of the doozies I've had, but it was nice to have some that felt comforting and hopeful.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...


I've had an odd recurring dream of late. I find myself in an American frontier town, but my clothing is a mishmash of Western and pyrate garb. Including bucket boots (sorry, Kass!). Everyone reacts to me as if I'm some stranger from Europe, and I muddle through it all as best I can.

I know it's based from my current conflicting emotions about leaving the horse shows behind and becoming more active at Faires. Ace is up for sale, and he's already under lease to someone else, so I'm effectively done showing. We'll be attending at least three faires this year, and untold pub nights with local Rennies. I'm just tired of waking up thinking about my good boots getting all muddy! :lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Well...isn't that what boots are for? :)

I've no doubt you'll be feeling pangs for what you gave up sir, but if it is for the best, you can only look to the future and aim for even better.

Now you have me jonesing for a good faire. I need to catch one sometime this year.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

That's just the point you're missing, love. Without him, you're still you. You have to be able to define yourself and accept yourself without relying on anyone else for validation. And, yes, you have to learn to love yourself. Suddenly, you'll find you have the strength to get through damned near anything. :)

right... hmmm no that doesnt work for me...

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

:lol: sorry its just *sigh* i've heard it and tried it and yeah blah

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


Been there, done that, and she stole the t-shirt. :lol:

I know what you're saying. And I wouldn't be your age again for a million dollars. It sucks. But it does get better. :) :lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Recently I've been having some odd dreams. But... not really seeking any revelation to them at all.

One I had a couple weeks ago was myself as a young woman who was in something like a vast Cathedral, many were there at mass, as were many there who were Priests. I was like a visitor and wandering the halls quietly.

Next thing I know, I've been "crowned" the new Pope! & I am not Catholic! Let alone I'm a woman. Oddly enough, there were some who debated whether I should be in the role, so they attempted to remove me. Some were attempting to help but were not helping. Finally I was easing into the role and doing my duty. Though at times I remained in seclusion. I explored this vast Cathedral, checking out the rooms that the former Pope had held. It felt incredibly odd to be a young Lady now a Popess, I felt more like a young Queen. Wild horses that were owned by the Monistary were shown to me, yet the wildest was a white stallion whom I was able to ride and connect with immediately. As well as later on, I meet with a "retired" Pope who was actually Pope John Paul II, as he became my advisor and gave me his blessing for being the new Popess.

It was an odd dream.

But, the ones I have been having recently are of me in dark, cold and bleak places. city scapes that are in winter, Macy's parade that when to crap, an old house in the middle of no where, that either no one lives in or some wicked elder man lives there, a couple skeletons of horses, caverns far below ground leading to vast underground colonies, & many other things that are foggy and unclear that I dreamed but cannot entirely remember or explain.

Not eager to learn the meaning of it all. But I'm sure they have some meaning to them that I am actually aware of.

The dreams I LOATHE the most are the ones that have the bloody damn spiders in them! I LOATHE spiders! Why the hell I dream about those spawn of the devil.. haven't a clue!

If you've every been bit by a Brown Recluse, then you will understand why I HATE those 8 legged bastards! I've been bit by them twice!

Oh, I love however my one dream I had that George Washington was in. Oh, what a riot that one was! I'll explain it another time, I suppose.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Not a dream or nightmare... but a couple years ago for Halloween... I dress up in my pirate outfit.. while a co-worker friend of mine dressed up as a Nun! It was HILARIOUS! People couldn't figure out if they should laugh their arses off or run away screaming!


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Every once in a while I will have some random real-life experience where right in the middle of it, I suddenly become aware of a strong memory of having dreamed this very scene several years previous. Sort of deja-vu, except that I don't feel like I've actually had the experience before; the feeling is very clearly of having been asleep and dreamed the experience before.


I do to Tom. And once the confirmation of deja-vu hits reality veers from the dream. Only once did it remain on the same track as the dream.

The strangest experience with this?

When I was a child I had a very vivid dream that I had distinctly remembered still do. The details of the dream are actually unimportant but it the events would have been impossible, fantastic. Fast forward to my late college years, I'm playing D&D with the usual crowd and the situation in the game matches in every detail, except for the individuals involved the dream that I had! Now that one was bazaar.

I do to Tom. And once the confirmation of deja-vu hits reality veers from the dream. Only once did it remain on the same track as the dream.

... you sleep? :unsure:


I seem to recall a fairly Piratical dream from around 7 months ago...

I couldn't tell you what exactly was going on owing to the extreme length of time its been since last I regailed me hearties with it. Not to mention the odd channel fliping nature of dreams.

What I can tell ye is that I was a Pirate after the treasure of Cortez....and instead of having a tall ship....

I had....well...I suppose the best way to describe it would be a large mass of floating sand with an outboard motor attatched.

Don't question it.

As to how I dealt with it?

I laughed more than anything.

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