Bunnycutlass Posted February 16, 2006 Posted February 16, 2006 Beggin' yer pardon Hurricane, I wasn't braggin, I jest meant...find me and come up and introduce yerself! I be plenty sure there be many a fyne lass that be a better flower than I be! Bunny Cutlass
Silkie McDonough Posted February 28, 2006 Posted February 28, 2006 Twas the Callenish Gunners tales o' this event thet peeked my curiosity 'nuf t' bring me' t' the pub in te first place. That and I spent two days in Key West a few years back and it is Paradise! I know there are camp grounds available near by. Is there camping at Fort Tyler? If so what are the conditions at Fort Tyler? I'm debating weather or not I can sleep without electricity for a few days ...sleep apnea I looked on the POP web site and could find nothing regarding camping at the fort. I don't recall where that impression came from.
Silkie McDonough Posted February 28, 2006 Posted February 28, 2006 Never mind. Found another thread with the answers.
LadyBarbossa Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 For once... having known about PiP for a couple years, hearin' all the tales of the event... I'm hopin' an' makin' plans to go to PiP '06. I do plan to camp, as I was informed by Will Red Wake that it's allowed there. I do so love campin'. :) Thing is... I need to be throwin' together a budget in a manner o' speakin'. So.. if anyone would be so kind as to what to expect? Food, campin' fees (if any), gas (since I be drivin' down to the Key West). drinks, an' whatever else. What's allowed, what's not allowed. What can I do there, can I cook? Can I bring a few bottles o' rum with me to my campin' site? What be the temp there durin' the event. What about joinin' in on the festivities, how much $$$ need I for that? Prepare me, Lads! I mean to go with plenty an' not be short changed. Royaliste! Mate! Lookin' forward to be seein' ya soon enough, too! When will ya be in chicago? An' for how long? I don't want t' miss out settin' foot upon yer lovely vessel. Especially in my attire! :) Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
callenish gunner Posted March 13, 2006 Author Posted March 13, 2006 for those driving the cost of gas will be the largest expense.... as for the camping if ye have period tentage staying in the fort is the easiest way to go ...as for eating, well there are several events thrown by the local establishments that are free to particpants and cooking in the fort is allowed and if some of us co-ordinate the tasks i'm sure that group cooking could be arranged....it sure is much cheaper to feed from the stores than from restaurants ...and if discreet i'm sure that even your private liquor stores would be ok ...as it was on my last trip down
LadyBarbossa Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 Sounds like a plan t' me, Callenish! Great minds think alike! I like th' idea of cookin' out at the fort an' on the special night headin' out t' eat when we feels like it. Oh, drinks.. aye..:: nods:: need those! Not too early t' start coordinatin'... like ya said. I'm willin' t' cook a feast one evneing or day. Just need t' know how many t' cook for really. And gas... drivin' down m'self as well. If anyone wishes t' carpool from th' midwest... let me know. I'm sure it can be aranged. Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Bunnycutlass Posted March 30, 2006 Posted March 30, 2006 I would like to make the December 2nd weekend of this. I was wondering if someone would type me off line with the address and any other pertinent link information you think I should know about. I can't wait to go and meet some of you East enders! If you don't forget about me till then! I miss you all and hope I will get to Bunny hug everyone I come across in FL. So, help me get there please! I was going to come in on Thursday, November 30th and go home Sunday or Monday depending on whichever is better. So, since I have never been help a femella pyrate lass out who can't really log into this site which she misses greatly and type me off-line! MUAH! Bunny Cutlass
CaptKonnan Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 I didnt make it fer 2005 what with a new job an all....but 2006 is a good bet...might even sail down instead of drive...as fer camping I might can procure or make a period tent ifin is possible to stay within the fort and have some after hours piratical fun with like minded scum ....will start mending and adding to my kit now so as to be ready
Patrick Hand Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 I can't speek for the Fort.... but a larger Period Pyrate camp would be cool.....gots some stuff gotta send them..... ok smalll games and such...... Dang... I fly all the way out from California...... can't afford the hotels in Key West.... if I can't stay in the fort... dang.... I can't go there........ But if they want a period Pyrate camp...... I will be there next year......
LadyBarbossa Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 Amen t' that, Patrick! Camping is far cheaper than a hotel and often more fun as well as I get a far better sleep camping than I do in a hotel. Bathing, showers, etc can be easily worked around. It all comes down to the amount of $$$ one has and is willing or able to spend. I'd prefer to use the amount that could be on a hotel or rented home on obtaining piratical items and more items to have with me at PiP! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
sirhenrymorgan Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 There will be period camping at the fort again this year. The festival dates are Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. It is a four day festival, not 10 as last year. I noticed the website was recently updated with the new information. The URL is http://www.piratesinparadise.com. - Sir H. "Land only holds promise if men at sea have the courage to fight for it." - Sir Henry
LadyBarbossa Posted April 3, 2006 Posted April 3, 2006 Only 4 days?!? Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
sirhenrymorgan Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Things start off informally the day before (the 29th) with a few activities, but the bulk of the festival is now four intense days rather than 6 additional days with one or two evening events spread around town. Instead, the vast majority will happen at the fort, the waterfront and the harbor. -- Sir H "Land only holds promise if men at sea have the courage to fight for it." - Sir Henry
William Brand Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 I was there for only four days of last year's event and I had a great time. I think it's better that they focus more events within a few days, and I'm glad to hear of the change.
Tudor MercWench Smith Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Well, now that it looks like my summer trip to england might be cancelled, I have better chances of heading south in November . . . need to start figuring out what I am doing I think!
Kidd Dread Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 aye, seems like a good time for all. i'm in! me lives in broward county florida about 3 to 4 hours from key west. me hopes to go and planning isnt a bad thing. maybe some of us can meet and plan to travel together. it be a pleasure to travel in the company of fellow pyrates. we may even get discounts on sleeping quarters and if not we take 'em.....arh!!! i dont wants to get over-excited 'cause i'll end up sharpening my blades again... so, any takers? contact me at Kidd Dread at aol.com... ...up close and personal means one of two things: You are either waking up with me in the morn or I am the last face you will ever see...</span>
William Brand Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 We're discussing carpolling and camping at length under "camping in the fort". A great many people are driving down, so it is very likely that you could get a ride if you chip in on gas money and ask politely. I believe that Hawkyns and Captain Bo are driving.
Capt. Bo of the WTF co. Posted May 15, 2006 Posted May 15, 2006 Yes I'm planning on driving down from Missouri. I don't yet know what I'll be driving, as I'm getting ready to purchase my next vehicle this month, but it will at least be big enough to bring one of my gear trailers with me. On that note, you guys that need poles, send me the sizes and how many, and I'll bring some along to leave at the fort for future events if they want to store them. I'll bring extra stakes too.
callenish gunner Posted May 17, 2006 Author Posted May 17, 2006 bo as for stakes this you should know ....the fort is built on on a coral reef with some sandy soil over it .....metal stakes worked best for us the last time :) :) :) ...i'll be coming down from the alleghenies in NW PA and i'll be bringing at least a dozen or more tin candle lanterns and a few hundred candles
William Brand Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 callenish gunner said: bo as for stakes this you should know ....the fort is built on on a coral reef with some sandy soil over it .....metal stakes worked best for us the last time :) :) :) ...i'll be coming down from the alleghenies in NW PA and i'll be bringing at least a dozen or more tin candle lanterns and a few hundred candles He is correct about the soil. I forgot to mention this before. The ground is pretty solid only a few inches down. Natures own concrete with a little padding on the top.
Capt. Bo of the WTF co. Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Sounds familiar. The Ozarks are limestone and chert and ... well... ROCKS! Some areas have enough scatterred topsoil to hold grass down in a breeze, but trees have to carry canes to survive! OK, maybe not THAT bad, but I get the picture. 8" metal stakes in abundance should be sufficient then?
Bunnycutlass Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Those are fyne dates in deed and I most likely will be roughin it in a hotel! As Much as I would like to camp it will be too hard for me to do at that time of year. BUT FEEL FREE TO HIDE ME IN A TENT FOR AN AFTER PARTY! Can't wait to meet you all in November I am really looking forward to it! Bunny Cutlass
Kidd Dread Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 aye! i cant wait to go! i will probably go into the keys alone because i do not have any pyrate mates... it seems that i'm the only pyrate going from these parts. i am 3 - 4 hrs away from the keys and will be looking into a hotel down there. anyone wanting to travel together or in a group can let me know... i'm sure we can get better discounts that way. this will be my first time at the PIP.... and i'm still getting my pyrate-wear together! ...up close and personal means one of two things: You are either waking up with me in the morn or I am the last face you will ever see...</span>
callenish gunner Posted May 18, 2006 Author Posted May 18, 2006 bunny m'lass in the keys in dec. it's usually in the mid 80's in the daytime and only in the 70's at night ....and the moonlight skinny-dipping off the beach
Hawkyns Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 Moonlight skinnydipping-- now there's the best idea I've heard yet. Hawkyns Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl I do what I do for my own reasons. I do not require anyone to follow me. I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs. if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.
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