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Totally forgot about that party. Go Broncos. Letherneck's isn't to far from Scarlets. ;)

Rumba did you ask Scarlet? she's not even in the state then! Did you ask me? Are you in charge? lets meet in santa barbara so durty mick wont have to miss work?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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arrrea ya MR Petee Pirate sir, Eyes thinks the basic idea of the agenda can be shared here... Gas is not getting cheaper..

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


on Saturday I went up to Corona and met with Tom and Patty I have the applications for three events: one the Palm Springs and two the pyrate weekend the third is as a guest guild to come in during the Koronaburg event (7weeks) and guest a space for three weekends to allow the members and board of directors a chance to meet and greet all of the members of our guild and either give up the thumbs up or the thumbs down for being a future 7 week member there. (I am really excited about this) and I got the facade of three buildings between the main stage (around the corner from the main ale stand) and the flushie rest rooms. We'll call that area treasure cove! The fact is that the area used to be the area where the school was but the teachers all moved on to other endeavors. Both Tom and Patty are excited about all of you being so wondrously involved in giving your time to promote reading and games to children and they told me the other guilds would most probably like what we're doing as well.

I too talked with Craig Brown (Biggins board member) and we will have the small guild canvas some rope fencing and second games to use as we are going to be involved through the biggins unbrella the center for sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth century studies will cover our needed piratical eras. I have the application to join Biggins I have accepted the responsibility as the guild master which means I will sign the paperwork for setting up and tearing down the guild yard at the faires we attend and that biggins is excited about doing koronaburg as well as the pirate festivals and ren faires we have been accepted too! please pm me and send me your email address and I will send the ap to you. Being the guild master also entails making sure all of the rules at each faire is gone over with each and every member and that the hours for gate listed participants are strictly adhered to:

I want you all to know that I know this will be a totally awesome and great experience for us all. My only hope is that hope is this: that this is a fun adventure for all of us and I'm sure it will be in that as a guild participant we only work two hours a day and that is either or partici-pating in the parade working the gate (which is for the whole guild combined onoly two hours a weekend) ar being in the guild yard teaching kids games and or reading to them, in that light lets always try and make this possitive and fun.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I will be in corona again this weekend in the morning saturday at koronaburg so bring yer nasty gloves we'll be cleaning out the back in behind all the area (its filthy and its full of bugs and more bugs and filth and dirt) then as we get the four areas cleaned out and all the toppled over thrown down and forgotten piles of schlamuncker we'll bag and dump most all of it then we'll wash it all down with the hose. We'll need a few rakes and a few push brooms. I think I'll rut the dirt and plant some grass seed too! 9:am till ? noon I think. ifin ye can make it come roll yer sleeves up and get dirty with me.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Good morning fellow pirates of treasure cove.

business is: We are to be biggins (the tax write offs to faires and such are now a real thing) I need everyones email addresses and phone numbers Petee and his buds have gotten me their numbers but I would like to do mass email mailing directly to you all instead of asking you to read it here and respond so HELP? fill in my blanks as soon as ye can mates wont' you? see the pub here only lets me send three messages a dayinto individules email accounts through them here we need issues addressed and volunteers counted. Please assist in getting ahold of you favorite buddies here as well. ><>

I mentioned that we can be a guest guild in Koronenburg.The Biggins likes the idea and we would need three weekends of staffed participation there to move this forward ..... HELP!

We have (it would seem) no way to get ahold of the tent company! I faxed to the phone number they list on their site as it is now a fax number but there has been no response in two attempts HELP!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Had some questions. About the biggins forms, when do you need them filled out and with the fee. Also, out of me mates, whose e-mail do ya be needin, I'll hound them to get them out to ya. I also e-mailed the tent company and asked some questions, just to see if we could get a response.


FYI - The Biggins are having a membership drive concurrently with Friends of Faire during the month of February. It would be great to see the numbers grow for pirates sake!


ok every body the real bummer is the tent of such a wonderous find seems to be a rip off! I say that as the address is an apartment building in Bloomington Indiana according to the chamber of commerce lady who went by to check on it she is reporting it to the F B I..... On to better things ok then the painters tarps and tree bracing poles seem to be an excellent direction to get out of the sun. does anyone have the tools to inset grommets? we can sew reinforcment patches in the vulnerable to tearing areas and then install grommets to tie through or attach canvas ribbons to tie to either way we will need to reinforce those easy to tear when stretched the fifth time areas.....

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Sounds liken ya be needin brass eyes fer rope to thread thru... I 'll search around and P>M> ya ifen eyes get me grubs on such kit.

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

Sounds liken ya be needin brass eyes fer rope to thread thru... I 'll search around and P>M> ya ifen eyes get me grubs on such kit.

Grammercy me old son! I'll pick this up presently and it will be available to use at the faires at all times. http://www.creativeshelters.com/DisplayAcc...es.asp#Grommets

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


this is an update of original dates Koroneberg has changed:

Diego, could you list the exact dates o the fairs that we be attending?

Palm Springs March 24th, 25th and 26th *

Escondido April 1st and 2nd * * = booked

Escondido April 8th and 9th *

(Bakersfield Pirates faire May 6th and 7th

I have been waitin to approach these friends but I know if we want to be there they will love us there as well)

Ojai Spring Event May 13th and 14th *

Three weekend guest guild in Koroneberg May 20th and 21st, May 27th and 28th and 29th (memorial day) June 3rd and 4th*

Cuttrhoat Pirate weekend(s) in Koronaburg June 24th, 25th* and July 1st and 2nd*

(two weekends now) 11:00 am to 9:00pm saturdays

(San Diego (Balboa Park) August 5th and 6th

I have been waitin to approach these friends but I know if we want to be there they will love us there as well)

Tall ships Aug 12th 13th 19th and 20th These dates are last years

Pirate faire in Ojai Sept 23rd and 24th *

Las Vegas October 6th,7th and 8th (we need pictures of the guild yard to send in with the application) (though I don't think we would be denied)

Escondido October 21st and 22nd *

Escondido October 28th and 29th *

There are lots of faires in between many of the gapped dates its just I don't know as to yet how many of our list are actually willing participants to read and take part in the whole pectrum of promoting reading and games, hopefully this list will help us as a gruop define the meaning of participation? If everyone would put on calendar what dates and where they would like to be helping and ggate listed it sure would help if you took the initiative to fill in all the questioning blanks here....

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Thanks mate, you know I'm good for all of those. Lets start with the ones we got booked for first, see how things go, who shows up, how the reading sessions turn out, that sort of thing, then we can branch out to other fairs. You know, start out small. If we still want to be doin the reading thing, we need to set up a curriculum of sorts, make things run smooth. We can discuss it at Leathernecks super bowl party.

Thanks mate, you know I'm good for all of those. Lets start with the ones we got booked for first, see how things go, who shows up, how the reading sessions turn out, that sort of thing, then we can branch out to other fairs. You know, start out small. If we still want to be doin the reading thing, we need to set up a curriculum of sorts, make things run smooth. We can discuss it at Leathernecks super bowl party.

I will share here the list of books I amassed with (mostly fine reviews) for the age bracket of 3 - 8 oderlesseye has researched some additionals to cover the ages of 9-13 and I haven't been able to work that plan as of yet but the list I'll bring and too all me props of recent plundering! Oh yes and the books I have found in the local thrift stores. Lots of time on me hands now but only on line at work.... That'll be changing soon enough though....good morrow!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Aye, is Diego coming to visit tommorrow?

Sorry I missed ye mate me Chemotherapy took too much outa me this past weekend hope the ball game was a blast. Sorry I didn't get there. Sorry I didn't get anywhere.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Diego, may only be able to make it on Sat for Palm Springs. I won't have too much time off from my night job if I wish to go to any other faires. I have to limit my Sunday choices. So, can I work a Saturday for you if you need me too?

Don't know about reading to the children... YE MAY HAS A LOT MORE DAD'S SITTIN IN MY GROUP THEN KIDS! :D

Maybe I can do M&G instead! :D

Bunny Cutlass


Saturday meet and greet is very exceptionally well done (remember! the faire stays open after dark!) working the gate at opening till noon is best time.

Remember everyone to be gate listed you must get there before faire opening! After faire opens you will pay to get in it's not our rules its the rules for everyone, guilds, vendors and participants (actors).

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

this is an update of original dates Koroneberg has changed:
Diego, could you list the exact dates o the fairs that we be attending?

Palm Springs March 24th, 25th and 26th *

Escondido April 1st and 2nd * * = booked

Escondido April 8th and 9th *

(Bakersfield Pirates faire May 6th and 7th

I have been waitin to approach these friends but I know if we want to be there they will love us there as well)

Ojai Spring Event May 13th and 14th *

Three weekend guest guild in Koroneberg May 20th and 21st, May 27th and 28th and 29th (memorial day) June 3rd and 4th* (each Saturday is open till 9:00 pm)

Cutthroat Pirate weekend(s) in Koronaburg June 24th, 25th* and July 1st and 2nd*

(two weekends now) 11:00 am to 9:00pm saturdays

(San Diego (Balboa Park) August 5th and 6th

I have been waitin to approach these friends but I know if we want to be there they will love us there as well)

Tall ships Aug 12th 13th 19th and 20th These dates are last years

Pirate faire in Ojai Sept 23rd and 24th *

Las Vegas October 6th,7th and 8th (we need pictures of the guild yard to send in with the application) (though I don't think we would be denied)

Escondido October 21st and 22nd *

Escondido October 28th and 29th *

There are lots of faires in between many of the gapped dates its just I don't know as to yet how many of our list are actually willing participants to read and take part in the whole pectrum of promoting reading and games, hopefully this list will help us as a gruop define the meaning of participation? If everyone would put on calendar what dates and where they would like to be helping and ggate listed it sure would help if you took the initiative to fill in all the questioning blanks here....

I updated as an edit and realized afterward it needed to be seen today so i'm qouting the edit

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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