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Aye then derrier furniture is within the seats acceptance of the beholder no aluminum or steel tubing nylon arm rest built in drink holding arm rests chairs or directors chairs but all the bean bag chairs you want ok?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Besides me own personal padding, I'll be bringing a short stool that I suppose I could make a nice disguise for. (Maybe I could do the 5 gallon paint bucket thing with a padded lid and skirt!) ;)

Sign me up to work the gate opening shift each day. As for the signage, I was a girl scout - so if one of your artsy-fartsy members doesn't do it, I'll figure out a way to do something crafty. Who has volunteered to do the information keeping? ;)

Fri Sat and Sunday? In P S?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I can tell you closer to March what days I be available. The faire be close but it falls right AFTER spring break for the kiddies. I may have to bring a cabin boy with me.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

I can tell you closer to March what days I be available. The faire be close but it falls right AFTER spring break for the kiddies. I may have to bring a cabin boy with me.

Palm Springs loves cabin boys! (aye then It be a right fine time for the lad)

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Pirate Petee send us all that nice drawing there! I were thinking three like a wheels skokes all backed up to one another and a gap with them facing like to the clocks dial at 9, 12 and 3 then an unbrella in behind these "spokes" or even better a nice easy up in the middle "behind the scenes" where three different things could be simultaneously occuring without overlapping interuptions I like the face painting idea as well

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Just wanted to remind you that Red and I are willing to join, our lives be a bit hectic, but we will be needin' our pyrate excursions to help us not let life get too serious.


I put ya both on the list last month mate! But this, this is serious!

"When the play of pirates quits being serious, then the work of mondanes shall bury us all!"

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Pirate Petee send us all that nice drawing there! I were thinking three like a wheels skokes all backed up to one another and a gap with them facing like to the clocks dial at 9, 12 and 3 then an unbrella in behind these "spokes" or even better a nice easy up in the middle  "behind the scenes" where three different things could be simultaneously occuring without overlapping interuptions I like the face painting idea as well


Its really just a sketched idea.

Carter's pretty good with wood burnin. Sign?

6 feet long by 18 inches tall by 1 inch thick (like a shelving material) on pine burnt in and sanded off then stained can we do this? Does someone own rebar? (to post the insides of the tent braces with) I figured heavy 3" X 3" X 7' redwood fence posts for the wood they're around $16.00 each I think (maybe that was 4 x 4) well need to burn all the post wood as well drill the abse for the rebar insert and drive the rebar into the ground at least what 8 -10 inches? also I can look for white and brown and rust colored cheese clothe or what muslin? gunny sack material do we have the tools to add grommets? or even sew large pieces together???

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


For the tent poles, I was going to use hallow bamboo with wooden dowls or staffs inside to make them strong. The sell the bamboo at cost plus world market for cheap and the dowls at home depot. I’m going to use canvas for the actual tent, I kind of want it to look ragged, like an old sail, with my sewing skills that shouldn’t be too hard. :lol: They sell cool looking Persian rugs at Big lots for cheap and pillows. Everything else on the sketch I own. I did find some small wooden casks on e-bay for cheap as well.


i saw the bamboo in your drqawing but? whats going to hold the dowel inside fill it with resin? bamboo is hollow and in the first wind it will snap off like a match. Not to burst a bubble but fiberglass reinforced bamboo might work but I'd like ta see no tie tethers going off away from all the poles????

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I was going to have a metal pin on the top of the dowel, I'm talkin a pretty big dowel to run the length of the bamboo, the pin would go through a rivit in the canvas, I was going to have other rivits to run rope through and into some period looking tent stakes.


lets discuss this because a steel pin would crack the bamboo in half lengthwise unless you drillit all the way through and drill arent that long (for public use) see if someone has steel that looks like bamboo???

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Pirate Petee send us all that nice drawing there! I were thinking three like a wheels skokes all backed up to one another and a gap with them facing like to the clocks dial at 9, 12 and 3 then an unbrella in behind these "spokes" or even better a nice easy up in the middle  "behind the scenes" where three different things could be simultaneously occuring without overlapping interuptions I like the face painting idea as well


Its really just a sketched idea.

Aye, but the three skull flag is a very nice look. Do we have a flag idea for the group?

I could take a crack at it.


Bamboo isn't strong at all, no matter what you put in it. They are too thin and just can't support a top, espcially in a good wind.

The round poles that can be got at Home Depot are much better. Just saw off to what height you need and insert pin at top to hold canvas. However you will need a 'hitty-poundy' thing to put anything into the ground. That will most certianly bring a sweat to your face and body.

I suggest you PM Boats, cuz he's got ties with the local blacksmith group here and might be able to get tent stakes made. He did for that other group he was in.

Diego, I may be up in your direction at the end of the month or the beginning of Feb. If so, I'll contact you so I can drop off the books I have and anything else you might need.

Pirate Petee send us all that nice drawing there! I were thinking three like a wheels skokes all backed up to one another and a gap with them facing like to the clocks dial at 9, 12 and 3 then an unbrella in behind these "spokes" or even better a nice easy up in the middle  "behind the scenes" where three different things could be simultaneously occuring without overlapping interuptions I like the face painting idea as well


Its really just a sketched idea.

Aye, but the three skull flag is a very nice look. Do we have a flag idea for the group?

I could take a crack at it.

Sorry, this was me. I thought I was logged in.





unless you drillit all the way through and drill arent that long (for public use)


just a thought(s): 1) Drill extensions come in many different lengths, they can be attached to one another and extended that way.


2) Drill the end of the dowel to except the drill shank ... attach drill to dowel and spin drive 'er on through.


3) trees or good size limbs iffin land is being cleared anywhere near anyone there. That'll give a natural look.

and I know it's none of me business but it's not the first time ye been disrupted in a pub is it?

Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur


I agree with RumbaRue, forget the bamboo. What you want is landscaping poles used to stake large trees. These poles are made from hardwood and come in very long lengths. You simply cut the pole to the desired length. These can be had at any Home Improvement store along with the canvas for the sides and roof.

Scroll down to lodge poles

Don't reinvent the wheel. There is period equipment all around you, you just have to look at with a different set of eyes. Boats is one of the best encampment designers around and RumbaRue is also a great resource for what to use for encampments.

Rumba, in your opinion, besides painters canvas, landscaping poles, and dowels, can you think of anything else that would be needed for the structure only?

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


As some one that has seen how several different camps have been setup, I have to agree, for the poles there is nothing easier than a lodge pole with a nail in one end.


The bamboo is for aesthetic purpouses only. The pieces I have in mind ar pretty tall and hollow all the way through, the would go over the post kind of like a sleeve. Trust me I'm going to test it out.


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