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Red Tail Dawgs

(read tale....get it?)


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."


Ah Deigo, I find ye here at last

an I thought you were on deck of me ship

watching natives take baths

Here is to Ya


Captain of the Ship Pax Decimus

Currently raiding with the Voyage of Reprizal in Caribbean waters


I really like the name " The Crows Nest ". Its a great pirate reference for those with some knowledge, for those who dont know what it means, its a great intro into the world of ships and piracy.

It would also make a great name fer our after-hours bar. Can we take a vote?

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


actually no! I don't think its time. I think there are many more names out there just wandering around and it wouldn't be fair to the guilds purpose to rush into a name.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


The list is getting long.

The Rub a Dub Dub Pyrates

Long Stockings long shoremen

Pirates in Fun Pants

Pippi's Pirates

Rummy's rum-runners

Pirates of the Black Spot

Caribbean Rum Runners

The Misfiteers.

The Jolly Roger-Dodgers.

The Faire Weather Fiends.

The Beachcombers.

The Festivalians.

The Able Seamen

The Barnacle Brute Mob

The Longshoremen.

Sparrow's Flock

Tortuga Trouble

The Old Way Inn

The Pyrate's Hand

The Pirate's Pub

nova albions pyrates of the charred sail

the library

pyrates of the charred sail

The High Risk Merchant Seaman

Brethren o' the Free Souls

Brethren o' the Dark Mysts

Brethren o' the Dancin' Pub

The Whydah Wanderers

The Three Arrrrrrrrs

Pyrates Play

Cyber Pyrates of the First Order:

The Stowaways

Sentanced Traders of Works Already Writen About Your Seas

Barbados Brats

Tortuga Tarts

Caribean Castaways

Buckeneers o the Black Sail

Davey Jones Rejects

The Independents.

The Independence.

The Shipmasters

The Free Mariners

Dockyard Dogs

Watch Dogs

The scurvy dogs of the piracy pub

The Crows Nest

The Portside Players or the Starboard Players

Davey Jones Locker

Treasure Cove or Cave

Pirate's (or Pirate/Pyrate) Treasures

Red Tail Dawgs





actually no! I don't think its time. I think there are many more names out there just wandering around and it wouldn't be fair to the guilds purpose to rush into a name.

Aye, I be agreein' wi' ye there, Diego, I be not thinkin' it's time yet either. Methinks the name is important, it establishes first impression n' represents all o' the members.....so's I sez give it a wee bit more time n let's decide on a good one....a poll may be the way te do it.....I be still thinkin' o' names meself yet.....I like somethin' mysterious, intriquing n' even whimsical yet easily understandable....maybe somethin' to do with the Pub itself....(?).....but ye gots me wholehearted support n' let me know how I kin be of service....


The Devil's Deckhands



The Thugery

Dockyard Devils

The Clan Cutlass

Sea Rovers

Yarn Spinners

The Beachcombers

The Sea Monsters

The Ghost Shipmen

Golden Age Actors

The Planksters


The Lookouts

The Gangplank Gang






Cardinals Syns Smyths?

Nah, that one be already taken

An they be upon the Goodly Ship Pax Decimus

Priviteers they be, 16th century

currently arrived in the Carib to raid the Main

then off to the Pacific to capture the Manilla Galleon

Captain of the Ship Pax Decimus

Currently raiding with the Voyage of Reprizal in Caribbean waters


Sir William, Monsignor Fitzwell, Team polite and patient. I have and its not about me or any of us as a whole its about a message one we take with us everywhere. I watched a show on P B S and been waiting for one of all of you to say it but I'm just going to throw it out there as a direction by name I'd like to see us take.

The Age of Discovery

Though pirates in funny pants has its own direction of flare

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I got it.

"The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything."


Aye, this song is great to describe my crew of misfit pirate cabin boys. I have to crack the cat-o-nine tails just to get them to wipe the seat. Bunch of scrurvy dogs (that and they don't like to brush their teeth).


~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

Hi, I know a lots of ye.I know many are never going to be ready to make a transition into a full time faire goin fool much like ya knows I am. I'm starting a pyratical group of misfits, insulting, pilaging practical joking humiliating, fun loving friends who like meself might be shipless fools who just might rather staff a guildyard at a certain number of faires and places where we can play! Instead of paying to get in to have no place called home there in the faires we all go to. Som of the faires where we should be able to set up a tent or two are: (and these are in a dateline of occurance during the faire year of first to last.....I think....)

Palm Springs


Escondido renfaire (spring)

Ojai renfaire (Spring)

all tall ships festivals (except dana harbor where Port Royal Privateers own the franchise) (but we can still go and hang out around the ships and answer all the questions and get in family pictures all of patrons ask of ye!)

Corona Pirate faire

San Diego renfaire

Ojai Pirate faire

and the new renfaire in Orange County which should begin by 2007 or before

Escondido Pirate faire

In addition outings we'll plan on doing will be by bringing books, toys and presents (For the Christmas season) and easter eggs and candy (for Easter) to childrens hospitals kids stuck there in the hospital. Also walking together spreading dread and comradery whilst insulting and harrassing the passbys in parades!

Now ifin any or most of this sounds good to you I vow no hierarchy, no politics for ones own need to prove his or her (dominance over others) a simple crew, all crew! Like the muskateers we adopt the saying! " all for one and one for all ".

No captains! All crew!

I knows a lot of you that are current members of other inactment tribes, clans guilds or troupes we'll be at faires you currently might not go to and besides I knows ye can't just announce an interest and change right out here in the open where ye can be beheaded by yer overseers. So do not dispair! Come to dinner with a lot of us on Friday night the 9th of december in Fullerton we'll talk then.... Or! P M me here!

I will work dilagently to get Pyracy.com (after we get a head count) to maybe sponser us, and also get us a non profit status so that all gas to and from faires whist be an income diffuring write off.

We will have this ready by Bakerfield fer certs.

I know each and every faire director and I have no doubt about getting to be a part of thier faire as a guild......

I am not wishing any leadership (remember all for one one for all) role only getting it all going!

I don't think anything has changed here? If anyone is interested in participating in a giving adventure at faire, please let any one of the common posters here know.


kids here comes the excitement! The following is the letter I sent to one production (faire owner/producer) also his response! It so happens that they do the best four faires in California so hey its a go!


Sounds wonderful, your group would be more than welcome at all our faires. We will make what ever adjustments needed to provide space for you. We know you guy's will do a great job as you always have. Submit an application asap and we will approve it.............Dick

----- Original Message -----

From: Kent Richards

To: goldcoastprod@msn.com

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:39 AM

Subject: Sir Richard and Condit

Diego here. Fine friends of most recent growing closeness and wondrous times. I have been asked what it would take to get a guild yard approved for your faires? (the two in Ojai and the two in Escondido)

Here is what we have discussed as a proper guild yards assembly, we will do.......

We will be (are) a privateer (Pyrate) group of cyberpyrates on line. (Pyracy.com) I have been to the many faires (you know this) I have seen what is missing and I have asked on line who would be interested in doing this? There is about twenty five friends and they think my idea is the difference in class and no class and so here's the whole thing in a nutshell. We want to give something to the community (at no additional cost to them). We want to promote reading to the patrons and especially the children. We all are sick and tired of the guild yards that are irresponsible and are set up and there for "their own benefit" without giving something back. We will meet and greet and piece tie four hours of your opened day at main gate. We will walk about the faire passing out the dragon tears to children (gimmick) offering them a trade when they find the guild yard with the book list. We will print a nice concise list of easy to read enjoyable favorites (books, poetry, sonnets and plays) dealing with chivalry, castles, sea going pyrates, and the important history about Tudor, Elizabethan, Victorian England and the new world. We also will offer an area in the yard that teaches games (of the times).

I can't believe how many of these wondrous people have volunteered to assist for times to watch the yard and both work the gate (of course you know that is my favorite thing), but I and Buttercup wish to give something to the community more than what we're doing now. The idea is to ring a ships bell on the hours marking ships time and offer up a fresh new reading each hour on the hour maybe just a poem or a short story being read for children but of course you know parents will certainly enjoy this too. Anyway we see in time after some years the bells ringing causing all the children (within earshot) to come running to our hourly reading (they'll all be different all day). We all are pretty amazed with the resulting interest by guild members ready to leave their own guild seeking this avenue of expression towards the giving aspect of a guild yards purpose. Quite frankly we are pretty much trashed by the level of quality people offering the time and energy without the need to prove how much drink can be consumed over a weekends course.

Here is the list of faires we will assemble for:

First and most important, all four of yours (of course) you are our favorites and we feel most loyal to you both for your support as always.

The Bakersfield Pirates faire,

The Corona Pirates faire,

All the tall ships festivals in so. cal.

Palm Springs, are all for sure

San Diego.

(little Devonshire) in Phoenix

Las Vegas are considered as well.

If we are approached by other faires we will make considerations but at this time, that's pretty much all of it. So! What do you think?

Much thanks as always,

Kent (Diego Santana de la Vega)

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

The Age of Discovery

Well, well, just be a smarty-pants you will! Hmmmmfffff! :ph34r:

Well I kinda likes it, sort of, it has possiblities...

I don't think reading continual stories every hour on the hour is a good thing. There needs to be a varied showing of things.

When I see a name like "Age of Discovery", it brings to mind things one would see in a museum to look at and discuss...it has possiblities...

I would rather see different things like for instance my suggestion of a narrator reading a book and having actors mime the actions of what is going on.

Perhaps that could be say one hour, then the next hour teach kids about what real pirates were and give some credibile things like pirates didn't bury their treasure.

Maybe in another hour have a muscial group come in- say New Providence and sing.

Varied is much better and will draw a better crowd.

More suggestions: Perhaps the whole contigent be called "Age of Discovery", but have sections like where readings and performances would be, 'the Crows Nest', and perhaps the actors miming the stories could be called the 'Starboard Players'.

Perhaps selling a few trinkets or such---maybe we could get a good deal with one of the good pirate sale places like Deadman's Chest, where we could get childrens books and such to sell....that's just an idea, that might be more than we can handle though.

These are just things that are coming to me off the top o' me head.

BTW- My pen-pal in Canada without knowing what I might be getting into sent me a really cool book called "Sailing Ships- A Lift-The-Flap Discovery." It's really great for kids. Lots of great little facts, and on the pages of the ships you can lift flaps to learn even more. Pretty nifty!


These ideas are all stellular I dare say that after one faire, time on stages will be addressed for the mere need for better seating space if we become entertainers as well. In the guild yard / encampment area the focus be simple some games: (rummy likes Castles) you know, maybe darts on the bottom of a rum barrel, Bocci, Dobbers (ring toss) and Towers. Some readings of poetry or sonnets, words from a song or shanty or a short story and of course with passion, talking to all the children about what book did they last read and offer them a list of books about the likes of our faires fancy. we will plan accordingly to promote the faires need for "authenticity" remaining period as best we can.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Well, some of you know that the Scorpion Pirates (Jack2, Ruby, PAG, Master Bagpiper Cory, Cabin Boy Matt and Myself) created an encampment for the Pappas School for Homeless Children's outdoor festival on Monday. Here are a few of my thoughts on the subject...

1. We made a dutch block game using a 12x12 flat board and 25ft of hemp rope. It was a huge hit and kept the kids occuppied. When they pissed me off, I challenged them one by one to try and beat me. If I liked them, I let them win. If they were rude, they lost.

2. We also did knot tieing races. This worked well with the younger ones and we were able to do simple square knots and figure eights with the holder ones. Both the knot tieing and dutch block games were tests to see if the child could become a member of the crew.

3. After they succeeded at their task, they got a tattoo indicating membership to the crew and were able to pick a "share" of the treasure from a treasure chest.

For the most part, this went very well. The 9th and 10th graders were rude and tough, so we put them on the dutch block game playing against each other. 4 hours maximum should be scheduled for a "school function". After awhile the teachers dumped the kids on us and ran to hide in their classrooms. The kids were hot and tired, they needed to go rest in the classrooms before going home. As we were the only exhibit with shade, all the children were huddling under our easy-up. We took our cue and closed up the encampment. We had all the kids left at our encampment help clean it up for an extra share of treasure. We were packed up and ready to go in under half an hour. Ruby read the award winning children's book "How I became a pirate." to the youngest kids.

All in all, it was a good experience. Perhaps we can draw from it for the roving pirates guild?

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Some very good ideas there Pearl. Though with my luck, doin' any kind o'

knot tying, I'd probably tie myself up.

As for doing the Dutch blocks, I use ta be fairly good at it, but let me tell you some o' those kids can really hurt ye!

But all in all, you've got a good plan there!

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