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How bout "Sparrows Flock" or "Tortuga Trouble".

This is gettin fun.....

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"

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Is everyone aware of the need to be different from all those that have gone before and passed on taking the torch of enlightenment? I work gate main gate at faire 24 last season, welcome, meet and greet and piece tying. Of all the guilds that go to each and every faire I do 4 maybe 8 percent of them actually show up to work willingly with good strong skilled players to involve the patrons fully into the faires atmosphere and direction of entertainment and fun. (I am happy to say Strangle hold always is in that small percentage.) But the balanc is there partying and ignore their dutys to the faire. They think the fair is for them and you see it when you pass by their guild and their arrogance and demeanor is strictly involved around themselves..... If we do this I vow that if some one walks by the encampment they will not be ignored they will be welcomed in and taught what it is we do that makes us different. and I think that promoting reading is that difference and all faires will eventually pick up on its importance and copy our lead! Yes our lead. At this time our name is irrelevent, now who's in?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I am still in when it doesn't conflict with other commitments, which at this time are Family, QRT, and the Stranglehold. But I would still like to be in on this.

I am still in when it doesn't conflict with other commitments, which at this time are Family, QRT, and the Stranglehold. But I would still like to be in on this.

Grammercy me lord

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


I'm in! And I think Boats will be too.

However the name Rub a dub dub pirates is a rather pathetic name I think. Something a bit better needs to be thought up.

I like the Black Spot Pirates. (with personal preference from me :lol: )

I also like the fact that Diego you have gone to so much trouble to get this going. Plus the fact you are willing to sell your van, buy a truck and a trailer to haul everything around it. My hat is off to you!

**Be sure and buy a fully enclosed trailer, tandem axle if you can. I speak from lots of experiance.**

I know I couldn't possibly make all the events you and Rummy do- I do have pets and getting someone to take care of them for more than one night can be a bit of a problem sometimes.

Please do tell me more about the meeting in Fullerton on Dec. 9. Where, and when and all that stuff.


Aye Diego, tis' plain ta' see yer passion fer this project. I also think ye know that ye can count on the core group o' pyrates who've already experssed interest ta' back ye 100%. Now all I gots ta do is learn how ta' read.......


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."


Very comforting to have more then one port to call home says I...

You'll have my suppost as long as I have leave to wander to my other commitments.

I do not sign the articles lightly in ANY group and will support this as of yet *no-name rabble * when I'm not singing or fighting or, or....

Oh hell, do I get to bring my dog some times? :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Puppies. :lol::lol::D

Well... the *puppy* you saw at Corona has changed a mite.

She was 8 weeks and 15 lbs.

She is now 4 months and 46 lbs. (and known as Dogzilla)

Gotta love mother Nature. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


She is now 4 months and 46 lbs. (and known as Dogzilla)

Gotta love mother Nature. :lol:

I thought she was Cutthroat Barnacle Phoebe or maybe it should be cutlip? :lol:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Ye can be countin' me in, Diego.....I be doin' whats I can though I be a might ways from most o' ye (Santa Barbara)....but sign me up. I've been to a couple o' faires only as a spectator (mundane) not as participant....so's I be kind o' a beginner still but I's a quick learner, smart n' a hard worker....jes point me in the right direction.....ye's got me full support (n' I share me stash o' good rum ta inspire us) :lol:


WooHoo - this means that we may actually get to see the phantom Durty Mick Moon at long last, sisters! Not to worry, I'm sure there are plenty of volunteers that will give ye a hand with pointers for your garb!


I thank ye all and if there be any others of ye who be ye knows would like ta give something more to the children than heart darts and baloon popping darts. More than the game row of what's only known to be. Ask them to come on by this here thread and see ifin this (un named) crew is ta their liking as well. (Petee especially yer cast o characters)

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Barnacle Phoebe or maybe it should be cutlip? :lol:

HEY!!!!!! :lol:

It was only 7 stitches! :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


HEY!!!!!!    :lol:

It was only 7 stitches!    :lol:

So is 7 your lucky number or unlucky?

Well... you can hardley see the scar.

And 7 was NEVER my lucky number! :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



I would Like to Yet do to other commitments I must obstain fer the time being.. Great Idea Diego. B)

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


Ahoy Diego: we be thinking along the same lines...

We be in the midst of forming a new "captainless" crew up here in the Pacific

Northwest. Pirates of Portlandia...(read a day's sail from Portland, Orygun)

Any of ye webb toed scallywags who care for anarchy, not high-archy (of course we take our fair duties, and weapons safety seriously) are welcome to come play along and see if ye have fun, and if we like each other, yar family...

We plan on doin our fair share of local pub raiding, parading and encampments.

Inquiries welcome...infact sail on over to PDX Pirate and see what's up on the general pyratical calender in these parts

PDX Pirate Calendar

I would Like to Yet do to other commitments I must obstain fer the time being.. Great Idea Diego. :D

I think it's a great idea too! yeh we'll be drynkin having fun the likes of which by giving this fullfillment to society's question of need to see what it is a ren faire / Pirate faire does for their community? It won't be a problem as we'll be the guild yard (encampment) in charge then let all the others scaramble trying to catch up! I aint never seen the likes of any such guild yard promoting a more than giving way to communicate pyracy to the patrons, but through the written words of books and education. Actually I can hardly contain myself. All the rough edges need sanding down and a name of course be too a certain need. Membership dues (WHAT? :D It costs money? Yes it will but not much! Time is what it will cost most of us and time (like mick and keith said) well, Time is on my side. Yes it is! I gots forever and a day. Maybe it won't even get to the first step their are so many out here in the lpub and so few stepping up to the plate I'm thinking twenty to get going! So works it up so ye be sendin around to all yer mates how important it be (fer the bobbits) and how much fun it be as well!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


New pyrate group is forming. For working renaissance faires and pyrate festivals all over southern California and too any group building (like a satellite) that might need a purpose under the umbrella we would like to offer. We don't have a name yet but within a month we will know if we are to be covered by existing insurance and move forward on this so if ye might be thinkin about it tell me I need a stack of your reasons to take to the board of directors of the group that should (might) sponser our efforts here in pyracy.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Diego, ye can count me in! Bein a preschool teacher (in me other life)I admit te havin a soft spot fer the wee ones. So we dress the part, talk the talk (pg of course) and educate the public on the Pirate's life and that of the golden age. We woo the kiddies, sweet-talk the ladies and swendal the gents. I'm in, sign me up, etc, etc.

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


Been thinking of decent names for the group, so here's my short list.

The Old Way Inn

The Pyrate's Hand

or simply, The Pirate's Pub (which I actually have a sign for)

I also think it would be nifty to read stories (at certian posted times) to children, perhaps teach kids how to be a pirate (or whatever character they want), maybe have a crafts area where kids could make something (don't know what yet). Or a small gaming area where kids could play chess (this is Boat's strong point) or other games.

Or perhaps even incorporate a stage where other groups could preform their singing or regular shows.

Just off the top of my thoughts.


a couple of things I can only dream would go in that biggins has many games we use in yards to teach games to children castles. a rope ring toss and a few more too. I was just posting something and thought why not.....

So, how about

"nova albions pyrates of the charred sail"


"the library?"

where being quiet is for others.....

Rumba we'll put yer sign ta good use though, that be fer certs, on the way through to the back (shhhhh) where me cooler is!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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