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Passing this along... I'm in no way connected to this event, other than that I'll be there... Edit: Should mention that this is in College Park, MD


Tickets for this year's Privateer Feast, on Feb 25th, are now on sale. The

web address is www.privateerfeast.com. Please feel free to forward this message

anywhere it is appropriate.

Rivka Gates

Captain, PF '06


The Dread Pyrate MacAnselan

aka Mick


Did you ever go before? The website makes it look fun to go to. I like the idea of decorating your own table with you pirate stuff. I'll have to see about sailing in for this one!

"A merry life and a short one be my motto"

Avid the PA ren faire, or live nearby? We're trying to start a club/group to do some fun things outside of the faire! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern

Did you ever go before? The website makes it look fun to go to. I like the idea of decorating your own table with you pirate stuff. I'll have to see about sailing in for this one!

I have not gone before. Tickets were sold out before I knew about it last year.

The Dread Pyrate MacAnselan

aka Mick

An enterprising group of pirates would consider doing one of these events during a nicer time of year.  There seems to be enough demand.

:blink: sometim bein n deman is not always good...thy r a smal bunch of wenches (few pirates) wth 2 much 2 do & litle help... movin 2 a biger plce, to get mor in, mayb not good - th ol' mil, wher thy had it be4, had betr atmuspher...new plce, 2 mny "rules"...jus not th sam... a nicr tim of yer wuld cos mor to get anyplce in the dc metro area... membr 2, thes wenches mak money 4 da boobs not da pockets...a great bunch thy rrrrrrrrrrrr.... :blink:


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