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Patrick, you really should consider giving lessons to others of your gender. so many seem so....what's the word.....uncertain?, no that's not it....unwilling? not it either.....just plain scared in the kitchen. you seem to have tapped into a creative thing here that a lot of men don't seem to want to find or know how to find...or both!

my personal pyrate knows how to cook well, but leaves it to me since he works longer hours than me. i, of course, mutiny when i can and either order out or get him before he leaves work to meet me somewhere else for supper. wench may be in my name, that's one wenchly duty i just detest and get out of as often as i can.

i can personally attest to the fine culinary skills of one of our pyrates, that would be capt. deke slinger. he's my brother-in-law and is also quite creative when it comes to epicurean creations.

carry on. get that bread going.

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  Charity said:
I'd like a good recipy for banana bread, now thát's something i've come to love!

Had it at people's places but not many like to share personal recipies

I know a good reciepe for banana chocolate chip muffins I'd be happy to share!

Crunchy Scrambled Eggs? I like crunchy tuna fish sandwiches, make as usual just add potato chips. Yummy


Patrick...thanks fer the hardtack recipe...used to use the same stuff in elementary school fer paste... ;) unbaked o'course... Saw yer web site...looking good...

Hey Rogue...share the recipe wit all the class....I'd be interested in that one!

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!

Saw yer web site...looking good...

Thank you..... now I have to get to work, and do the drawings for the garb pages......

I like crunchy tuna fish sandwiches, make as usual just add potato chips.

Hey.... that does sound good.... I usualy add worchestershire sauce and hot sauce when I make tunafish sandwiches..... adding potato chips will be a nice extra.......


you can use Potato chips for chicken coating too, or you can also use cereal flakes.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



Inna good mood tonight... :ph34r: Got the Tiger mascot done, and my boss is off to Orlando (she says that next time I can go.....)

My boss gave me a huge chunk of dead cow, (pot roast) so I'm off to see what the "Joy of Cooking" sujest....... then experiment...... :ph34r:


::looks around and exclaims "where's the Beef?!?" thus showin' her vintage::

It's another Satuday night and yer cookin' cow?....hmmm..throw in some carrots fer me will ye? perhaps a spash o' rum fer tenderizer?

finished the Tiger ye say? Startin' on a Frock coat meself...got some fabric on sale today...got a "wenches Ball" coming up next month "womanizin" the simplicity "sparrow" pattern. i'm gonna try yer "slut" shirt ter go with it...thank fer the pointers on yer website.

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!

Random Thoughts, not worth seperate topics

...if women ran the world...would missles be shaped different????


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones

  Paisley said:
Random Thoughts, not worth seperate topics

...if women ran the world...would missles be shaped different????

Somehow, I think they'd be shaped just like they are. :) The old Love and War adage...

The Duchess

..if women ran the world...would missles be shaped different????

One of my other hobbies is drawing ....eeergh....."Adult Cartoons"..... now I'm going to have to use that for the title of the image that shot through my brain..... Unfortunatly... won't be able to post it here.........

Th' dead cow's goinna take another two hours befor it's done..... (Joy of Cooking said to cook it slowly...) but my house sure smells yummy right now..... one of the cool things about being single.... I can cook dinner, and not have to worry that it wont be done untill 11:00 :ph34r:

  Patrick Hand said:
One of my other hobbies is drawing ....eeergh....."Adult Cartoons"..... now I'm going to have to use that for the title of the image that shot through my brain.....

Adult cartoons? You mean like the ones in Playboy? or do you mean just not fer kiddies...violence and the like?

Are they like graphic novels or one panels?

Do tell us!

Long Live the crew of the CrimsonPermanent Assurance!

or do you mean just not fer kiddies...violence and the like?

No I mean not for children..... the first admendment covers that..... If we meet inna bar.... I'd ask you if you were offended by Adult drawings..... if so.. then I would not show my pictures.... If you had no problem with that... sure... here they be.. and I DO NOT show my drawing to children......

(funny asside... I had some women that wanted to see a male anthropolymorphic.... no problem.... did a drawing of a nekid wolf.... guys would see all of my nekid femail drawings... then this one male drawing..... then ask ... are you queer..... No.... just something someone wanted to see.... ( I can draw mostly anything)))

gets wierd at times.....

I happen to think my half nekid pyrate babes drawings are kinda fun..... may pi** some off... but what the hey........ to each thiere own. (like I typed eairleyer.... I do NOT flash my drawing at someone who dosen't want to see them....)

violence.... rape... degrading...... I ain't into that.... do not draw that,.......

And I did type that the drawings that I will do offa the "If women ran the world what whould rockets look like".......can't post them here..... if Merrydeath of anyone else wants to see them.... private e-mail...... not right to post here.....

"When a general makes no mistakes in war, it is because he has not been at it long" (Turenne).

found this quote when I was looking up some history from the 17th centruy....

ended up on a site about the French wars......


That's a good one. Here are a couple of my favorites;

The best plan will only last until the first shots are fired


The hardest thing a man can do is send to death that which he loves the most
-Robert E. Lee at Gettysburgh

I was going to post something different..... but I didn't respond to this one eairler .....

The hardest thing a man can do is send to death that which he loves the most

But that is why Lee's Infantry did Pickets charge....... and why they would have turned around and gone back again to try again... even after seeing what happened..... they loved General Lee... honnored and respected him........

General Lee was the best General in American History (Ok there is a lot that can be argued here.... but Lee still was Americas best General..... )

(and outta fairness.... Grant... for deciding to fight a war of attrition... did win the war.....but heck..... "Sir.... lets see if I got this right.... we lose three to five of our men to kill one of thiers... and we win?" (So Grant had the courrage to make that desisission..... (the only way the North could have won..... (and yah.... there are MANY different points of discussion on that ...))

Sorry... going to Civil War arguements .......... (interesting war.... who controlls the American people.... the individual States... or the Federal Government..... (slavery was a minor (keep England from supporting the Confederacy) issue....))

Who knows what I was in a "Past Life" :D But there are some "bits" that "stir the soul"..... "Scotland Forever" makes me want to run Englishmen through with a claymore.......... "God bless Robert E. Lee" ........ (and getting back on kinda topic) .... there is "just something" about pyracy.........

Gotta be th' rum..... but I still say....... "God Bless Robert E. Lee............"


You'll get no argument from me on any point raised.

A couple more random civil war thoughts and then back to piracy.

Most under rated general of the war: Longstreet

Most over rated: Sherman

ok now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

The hardest thing a man can do is send to death that which he loves the most

Oh..that makes me think of the movie "White Squall" which i found this week, for only 5 Euro.

I bought it and watched it the same evening, and wonderful it is, the ship..the sea, but when they end up in a storm and he tries to get his wife out of the sinking ship..seeing her perfectly alright in a dry cabin (but surrounded by water and the hatch won't open) and has to leave her to sink with the ship to save his own life...

My god i'm still a little upset, it was awful and it was a true story too!

Poor woman..awful way to go...

"Scotland Forever" makes me want to run Englishmen through with a claymore.

I be in agreement with ye on that Patrick....I have my father's family tartan on the wall wrapped around my claymore with the family crest! (the only thing holding me back is that the maternal side is VERY English!) :P

As far as piracy "roots" ....My family on my mothers side is Swedish and Norwegian...can you say "Alwilda" (amazonian viking pirate of lore)...hmm wonder where I get it? :P

Here is a random thought/question: From where do we get the term "son of a gun"?

Charity, I'm with you on the White Squall thing...I ruminated on that for days.....So sad...

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!


Random thoughts... ok... (by the way, I have a bread machine too and haven't used it for over a year, I just might dig it out soon, now, you've inspired me. :P

Ok, random thoughts...

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

OK, so what's the speed of dark?

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

Someone sent me a postcard picture of the earth.

On the back it said, "Wish you were here."

"Did you sleep well?" "No, I made a couple of mistakes."

What's another word for Thesaurus?

If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?

If you tell a joke in the forest, but nobody laughs, was it a joke?

If a man says something in the forest and there's no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?

If you throw a cat out of a car window does it become kitty litter?

A man and his money are soon partying.

If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from?

Why do they put Braille on the number pads of drive-through bank machines?

How did a fool and his money GET together?

When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

Does fuzzy logic tickle?

Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one?

If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call the resulting company Fed UP?

Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.



Yar har har!....yer random thots got me rolling.....sneaked home fer lunch today (work is tough today) and neded a laugh....thank ye very muchly! :rolleyes::ph34r: (fuzzy logic makes me laugh....not sure about if it tickles...sorry ...Blonde here.....)

Patrick also inspired me... I tried his Hardtack recipe (earlier in the thread) and got out my bread machine, too. Made an awesome italian bread with herbs, garlic and cheese! (Patrick your hint about the sugar may have saved me from tossin' the thing out....loafs were coming out WAY too dense!)

Again I ask....were do we get the term Son of a Gun?

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!


Red Handed Jill, so happy to be able to make ye smile :)

Son of a gun.... Humm.... seems I read something about that before, no one's sure where it really originates from. But I think one theory has something to do with a lass being impregnated by a gunner of a ship.

I'll see if I can find more info. Sayin' originations amuse me. I've looked upon them before.



son of a gun...

Early warships had very cramped quarters. Sailors slept between the cannons because that was the only space available.

They sometimes had female company on board. Some ships actually carried prostitutes. Other times a sailor's wife would be allowed on board so that he would not have to leave the ship, and potentially desert.

In any case, many children were conceived between the cannons, or guns. Woman who gave birth on the ships typically also did so between the guns.

The male children were thus called "son of a gun".


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