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What threw me off , was that I could see all the way up the chimney.... and from the outside of the house, the spark arester looks black..... It wasn't untill I got up on the roof that I could see what the problem was...... What I can't figure out, is how THAT much carbon built up all around the wire mesh.... dang.....

But it works now, so I can start wonderin bout other stuff...... :blink:

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Love sucks.

Yup! *slides over a copy of Def Leppard's "Love Bites" and a bottle of whiskey*

Humanity has gone week!

Yup! Unfortunately, Americans more than others... we go to a foreign country, and can't drink the water, can't eat the ice, can't indulge in the fresh fruit, and worry about eating the meat...


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

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Love sucks.

Yup! *slides over a copy of Def Leppard's "Love Bites" and a bottle of whiskey*

*slides back the Def Leppard and spends some quality time with the whiskey*

Ah, so you meant the initial comment in the negative connotation of the word.

In that case you're better off with tequila and chocolate chip cookie dough. You'll easily supplant the woes of the heart with those of the stomach.

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If love does indeed suck, that might explain my deep appreciation for love itself...

Nice new graphics, Bonnie. Very Freudian.

May God forgive me, for all I have tonight is gin.... :unsure:

Ah - thank you, Mad Jack - apparently, I need to clarify. Perhaps "love blows goats" would be a more exact expression of my feelings.

"Freudian"? Not exactly what I had in mind. In fact, she looks nothing at all like my mother...

God is forever more forgiving than man, and infinitely more forgiving than woman. But if you've got gin, please be a darling and share!

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just give me all the liquor you've got

Liquor??? Hell yeah, I'll lick her.........and whatever dumbass broke yer heart was a fool who didn't know what he had......a fine beauty such as yerself shant have any problems findin' another love......


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

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Love sucks.

well, Bonnie, lass, may I jes call ye Bonnie, I be sorrowful te hear o' yer heart's lost n' I be writtin' a little poem jes fer ye, hopes ye likes it:

The dream I once had,

you held my heart in a smile,

now I lay awake in quiet

there is no warm embrace

but my heart’s yearning

of morning’s golden promise,

like the night

you are silently gone.

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Hang in there luv. It will get better over time, but just like a death in the family, lost love needs grieving time too.....if you ever need a cyber-hug, we're here for ya dear.........


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

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Love twists us all about. Makes us do things we don't want and stops us doing what we want to. The greatest feeling in the world and the worst- both at the same time.

'Ere y'are, Luv-- one bottle o' Pussers. rum for what ails, ye.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


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I have only been in "love" (that heart wrenching kinda thing) one time.... and she turned me down...... dang.... crushed....

I have been in Lust many times, and from that lust, I have grown to (sorta) understand and apriceate different women.

I keep thinking about that part in "Fiddler on the Roof" where Tevia ask his wife if she loves him.... she responds with " what, I take care of your house, raised your daugheres.....etc...." but Tevia ask her again......

Given the choice... I think I will stick with lust that grows; instead of a "heartache" kinda falling in love...... (of course I could be totaly wrong about this.....)

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Dang.. I was courious if I could post in all topics...... and yah... did it....

Gotta love th' rum.... and having nothing better to do.....

But my kitty still loves me....

Tyme to go to sleep...... I'm now miss-typing (well can go back and correct it)

night everyone....................... Aaargh......... th' rummmmmmmmm.................

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I have been in Lust many times, and from that lust, I have grown to (sorta) understand and apriceate different women.

I'll share a quote with you...

The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

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So...what does your wife think of that, blackjohn? :lol:

Although you would think tigers would be more popular as pets if that were true.

Love - at least as near as my analytical mind can make of it - is really something completely other than the bill of goods we're sold. It's about understanding, companionship, learning and partnership.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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Yeah - movies in particular are horrible about selling us a bill of goods about love. Some people expect to be in that initial giddy, overly-stimulated, dramatic part of love forever, but that's only the illusory, adolescent phase. It's wonderful, but our psyches aren't designed to be able to maintain that indefinitely, so by its very nature it's meant to be finite. Unfortunately, we're fed the notion that "real" love stays in that illusory state and lots of people miss out on real commitment because they leave as soon as the "honeymoon" part of the relationship is over because they are under a misconception fed to them about what "real" love is.

I'm with you on this one, Caraccioli.


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I don't completely agree with you on that Jill and Caraccioli. I do see couples out there, some that have been together quite a while, who seem to still have some of that magic that you see new romances experiencing. They either instinctively knew how to connect and keep the magic going, or they learned how to keep that honeymoon phase going via their communication to one another (verbal and nonverbal).

They've managed to outdo the biologically induced fireworks (I think that's right) they started out with.

With many others though, yep, I'd agree when the phase is over, they're left scratching their heads, wondering what's next, or why they feel so different.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

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It may well seem massively cynical of me, but it would seem to me that the people who live that way are very few and far between. (In truth, I don't know of any.)

I agree with Jill...one can't function well in a constant state of infatuation. Most successful relationships mature into learning, shared growth, companion- and partnership. To be honest, I think those are the most beautiful aspects of a relationship.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


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I don't mean there are no fireworks or warm fuzzies after the initial "honeymoon" stage runs its course. The point I made is that some people expect that stage to be the whole relationship and when that phase is over, they figure that the relationship is over and they are always disappointed. If the relationship is healthy, they'll successfully manoeuver through the end of the initial stage and transition to the actual long-term, functioning part of the relationship. Which, if it is love, will contain plenty of fireworks of one sort or another.

And sure, the infatuation part is fun, but the good part is when you get past seeing the other person through rose coloured glasses, realise you still love them and get to the real commitment stage.


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