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Kearny Park Faire - Nov 12th and 13th

Red-Handed Jill

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Mick, I be gettin the impression that ye be a ghost! Ye appear on the pub, but never in person...hhhmmm

We shall raise our tankards high te all are friends who couldna depart te faire-er ports. :P:P;)

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"

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Oh, well...I be seein' me mates sailin' off as I be stuck in port once agin.... :P ....it be a long dull next couple o' days fer Mick....keepin' hisself occupied wi' a lonely bottle o' Planter's Rum....drownin' me own misery n' anguish, oh, woe is me....have a drink fer me, mates, n' I be toastin' to ye all in the dark, shadowy confines o' me own cold lonely quarters.... :P ...now where be that blowup doll?..... ;)

Arrrghhhh ye land lubbing work loving money spendin rogue! quit yer bitchen ye could a come helped me out but right now I gots ta say only one more thing TTFN

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Mick, I be gettin the impression that ye be a ghost! Ye appear on the pub, but never in person...hhhmmm

We shall raise our tankards high te all are friends who couldna depart te faire-er ports. :huh:   :huh:   :huh:

Aye, like a dark phantom ship lurkin’ that seeps ‘tween the unprotected seams o’ yer seas o' consciousness n’ mingles wi’ the mists n’ shadows o’ yer most guarded dreams, movin’ wi’ the rhythym o’ slow waves heartbeats ….a specter that be mercilessly hauntin’ the very bowels n’ dungeons, the most remote attics within the towerin’ spires, o’ yer imagination’s citadel,…. A vague whisperin’ silhouette that barely flickers just beyond the edge o’ the path o’ vision; when ye turn yer head only left be the silent memory of a blurred image, nondescript,….like a meanderin’ echo cryin’, a lost fadin’ melody the wind be carryin’, careenin’ down a barren canyon, long yellowin’ blades o’ last twilight laid across granite walls, there be a remnant o’ a lullaby, the tune no longer be audible, smothered in a cloudy realm of an intrudin’ world…..aye, there be a presence ye feel but can not touch like the stardust left o’ the embers of dreams the mornings’ awakening has extinguished, the night’s magic, the mystery ye can not quite fathom…n’ ‘neath yer feet the steady pulse o’ all yer hope n’ a slow beatin’ o’ yer haunted heart….yea, like a ghost floatin’ thru dreams’ misty realms….uh, oh...(damn, now the bottle be empty)....

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Back from Fresno and what a great weekend it ws indeed. The folks from Tales of the Seven Seas came out in full force and even brought their pyrate ship with them to display near their encampment in Bedlam! We shared many a song and a great meal with them all and look forward to getting together at the Pyrate Faire in Bakersfield next spring. Huzzah to the Kearny Park Faire Goers, Huzzah! :lol:

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Jack and I got back from Kearney about an hour ago. That was a fun little faire (although the roads in that park were so twisty and unlit that they seemed to shift around and move into different configurations.) I got a chance to try Diego's elixir - good stuff there, Diego! And we found a guy who was getting out of the edged weapons business and picked up a plethora of knives, including a larger version of a very useful little knife I already had that was constantly being borrowed. (Did anyone see the "male anatomy" walking sticks? They had little hoods on them in the booth, but one woman bought one and took the hood off right away.) And people couldn't stay away from our float, the Land Shark. We had just refurbished it and I have to say it looked great. It was the first time we had enough room in the camp to take it with us. More later, but I'm tired and gotta rest.


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Yargh! now there be pyrates and then there be the Tales o the seven seas Pyrates. I just want to take time to say I have never in my years been made so wonderfully welcome inthat those there were each and everyone of 'em special to the cause. (the cause of Pyrating) They all are a wondrous group of shinannigan playin, song singin, warmth welcoming, fine food preparin and drynk sippin group a party goers the likes this pyrate ever did see and party and sing and eat and drynk with the best of em I have! Grammercy to ye all there in Bedlam Ye be a right comfortable groups ta hangs with. Grammercy again Pyrates of the Seven Seas well done! Scarlet! Bunny, J.R., Michael, Keith, Joyce, of course Rummy and y'all! Nice havin ye there and with the likes of our wonderous endeavors, a better time could not have been had! Small but with a joust! And it were a fine example of horse and man together knowing what and how to do the dew! Very mellow and quiet not much weight put on the ale and meade stand need for existance. If it were up to me (Rummy and I talked about this on the way home) If we produced a faire we'd put the ale stand and privies in the middle and make the faire be a starburst patern so that all roads lead back to ale! (and privs)


Magic stage * * * * *horses

* * * * * *knights

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * *

Main ***ALE********** * Jousting Arena *

Stage* * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * *Smiths

* * * * *Farmers

Bawdry stage* * *

G u i l d Y a r ds

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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:) Fine time it be in deed :) Bedlam......Fine place ta be :lol: Guessin I likes that it was a large open space that gave us the room to run a muk ands play alls our pyrate pranks. Lov the wee ones lovin the camp, the Land Shark ands all the crew. :lol: Wants be sendin out me thanx ta all that made it such a grand time. Deigo ands Rummy, Scarlet ands of curse me fine crew of The Seven Seas......another fine time ta be havin ands ta recover from. Still feelin likes I be dancin on the tables :lol:

Caroleen Cross

Stayin Single....seein double....sleepin tripple

A World without Pirates.......I'd rather be Dead!

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WooHoo! :wacko: And don't forget the Pyrate Pinate! Where on earth Red-Handed Jill came up with the idea to fill a Treasure Chest Pinata with mini bottles of rum and other alcoholic treats is beyond me! What a way to get a party going! Gramercy to Jill and husband Jack as well. It was absolutely divine! :blink:

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I never saw Wong Pegleg Wench either. Must've been a red herring...

With regards to the pinata, Jack and I were shopping for party supplies and he spied the pinatas and we thought it would be cool to have one at Ojai. We started musing about what to put in them - my first choice was those liquor-filled chocolates, but Jack suggested the little bottles and we went with those (there was enough chocolate in the pinata.)

Makes for a nice party favor!


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ya know something that is way cool i just got a private from an un named management producer at this faire and they thanked us for opening this thread up and likes my idea of the centered ale stand and the bawdry stage in the guild yard area and the main stage up against the ale and all the rest any way thanks for all the support they said to each and every one of you so THANKS, and a hug from catholic charities!

How cool is that huh?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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B)B) Aye, and I can't believe ye'all didn't break yer damn fool necks....I had a hard enough time sittin' erect in camp Sat. Night....Thanks to Diego fer stirrin' me songs out o me.Thank's to Caroleen fer her good looks and Leg o lamb.Patrick and his entertainment,Drew fer tendin' the fire,Jack& Jill for their songs and everybody that participated in a glorious moonlit night...Ye all be forever welcomed in Iron Hands camp...I'm extremely happy to be a part of the Seven Seas Crew, and happy to be in such good funloving company.....Iron Hand Kidd
galleon_25235_th1.gif Iron Hand's Plunder Purveyor of Quality Goodes of questionable origins
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B) Can'ts be gettin Kearney outs me head....Black Orcid ands meself had a fine time and the company was oh so grand. Looks ferward to the next gatherin at the San Jose Parade. I gots me a part with the crew and a wee bit of action..I be hopin.....Aye....me's big break! :rolleyes: Might as well walk the plank right now Capatain Morgan Adams.....Caroleen Cross is comondeerin The Morning Star :huh: Any one seen Mr. Glasspole?

Oh, ands by the ways.....table dancin be a fine art form that must be kept up on :lol:

Caroleen Cross

Stayin Single....seein double....sleepin tripple

A World without Pirates.......I'd rather be Dead!

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