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As long as we are with our pyracy mates - it is sure to be a grand time indeed! Looking forward to partying with you all and Caroleen - good to have you back on line as well!

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B) Aye mates......get the Sailor Jerry's ready......be needin a fine time with ye all.....looks like it be work everyday til kearny.......good thing, make the time fly by and gets me closer to me mates B):huh::huh:

So plans are fer feastin on Saturday night and hanging with the guild on Friday....so far so good? Just let me knows an I & Patt and mightin Balck Orcid join us, ifin she an escape her home port. Whatever it be it be fine with me...just needs to see my mates! :huh::huh::huh:

Caroleen Cross

Stayin Single....seein double....sleepin tripple

A World without Pirates.......I'd rather be Dead!


Aye lass!! Fresno be me home, just keep yer scurvy one eye out for a black haired girl in green period dress and bunny ears. That be me!!

Hope to see ye thar an if ye CATCH me hoppin round I'll buy ye a pint o' yer choosen!!

Be sure to mention this 'ere site, just say, "I seen ye in t' pub o pirates!"

And get a free pint from me, ye have me word as a pirate.

--Wong Pegleg Wench

carcass fleece...........*evil laugh*


Ok! Ok! let me get this straight right? We go to faire and we work the faire and we walk around looking fer a lass in green with rabbit ears and then we say wong pegleg wench to ye and me tankard amazingly get filled with the likes a ale? Wait is a good and dark ale or is it light and tastesless?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Ok it's getting close enough to start seeing the list begins with the who's goin and who's not?

Rummy and I we be going!    2

so sory, ;););) diego/rummy....th ol sab miguel an roxy canot atend ths faire - so tke lots pixs 4 us rummy.... ;) we wil b up at big bear lake - to remin us of y we mov hre frm day east, it b in da 50s day 20s nite... wil vist big bear faire park to se if we can fin stuff pple lef behnd, mayb an ol tresur ches or 2...we b frezin our arses off... :lol: ya'll hav lots fun/grub & drink ;) - we'll mis yas all on this 1.... til we met agan, hazzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrrrrr ;)


doxy &

Ok it's getting close enough to start seeing the list begins with the who's goin and who's not?

Rummy and I we be going! 2

Iron Jack and I will be there 2

Plus other assorted folks from Tales of the Seven Seas and the Crew of the Dirty Rotten Oar. Plus Richard Becker and his girlfriend Lisa. Don't have a headcount, though.


:rolleyes: Ello mates, startin the list fer Saturday nites feast. I'll be bringin the mutten and roasted veggies, Patrick Hand will be bakin some homemade bread, Black Orcid will be bringin homemade cookies. I nows that Deigo be cookin up some fine Carnitas......mmmm the other white meat and Rummy be bringin the salad. Hows bout taters and such? Any takers? Shall be a fine feast. Can't be forgettin the table dancin....... be a fine way ta ends the day. :lol:

Caroleen Cross

Stayin Single....seein double....sleepin tripple

A World without Pirates.......I'd rather be Dead!


Caroleen ,I be there in Fresno, but I canna be makin promised te where I be and when. I be hopin te get carried away this weekend. hehehe :lol::lol::lol:

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"

:lol: Ello mates, startin the list fer Saturday nites feast. I'll be bringin the mutten and roasted veggies, Patrick Hand will be bakin some homemade bread, Black Orcid will be bringin homemade cookies. I nows that Deigo be cookin up some fine Carnitas......mmmm the other white meat and Rummy be bringin the salad. Hows bout taters and such? Any takers? Shall be a fine feast. Can't be forgettin the table dancin....... be a fine way ta ends the day. :lol:

What time are ye all getting there friday night???

I figured carnitas friday night but I don't think Rummy and I can get there much before ten pm if that???? i'd be cool if I can get off around one or two but no promises yet from the managers here. Rummy asked for the pm off and damn lots to do! Shyte! I guess we'll need to bring the BBQ like last time and we'll need a table too! :rolleyes: maybe a milk crate will work for that?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Those of us from Tales of the Seven Seas are in a parade in Fairfield that morning (well, at 12:30, actually.) It's a three-hour drive from there to Fresno and then we're going to scramble to set up our section of Bedlam before it gets dark. We may be too tired to set up a feast after that. I suspect that we may just hit a local eatery and save the feasting and partying for Saturday. We have LOTS of goodies planned for that.


B) Hopin to be ther before it gets dark. Will have to see what time Patt will be picking me up. It's only 1 1/2 hour from Modesto. If'in ye wants to do Carnitas on Friday, so be it. Shall Bring me's lil Webber also and has milk cates too. Just let us know what then plan is ......I knows we be havin Mutten on Saturday night. Still have uppin ta til tomarrow to figure it all out. Will call Patt later and finds out the plan. B)

Caroleen Cross

Stayin Single....seein double....sleepin tripple

A World without Pirates.......I'd rather be Dead!


I jes decided to leave at two oclock so we'll get there about 7:30 -8:00pm you know friday leaving L A traffic is almost as bad as leaving a patriots game when they're losing at home! B)B)B) How bout them Hooosiers?

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Caroleen ,I be there in Fresno, but I canna be makin promised te where I be and when. I be hopin te get carried away this weekend. hehehe B)   B)   B)

Aye, meybe by a suave/dashing/charmin' all 'round bon vivant buccaneer? B) .......



A girl can hope cant she?! :D:D

Any suave/dashing/charmin' all round bon vivant buccaneers gonna be in Fresno????!!!!!....?????

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


So I takes it that Friday night (that's tomorrow night) (one more day) we are going to have a minor get together with those a youz that'll be holdin down the fort so-to-speak. Cause fer the most a you me nor cal mates and mambers o Tales o the Seven Seas will be coming in Saturday afternoon to set up cause ye mostly all be walkin a parade there north,( a where we'll be bored waitin fer ye all so hurries up but be safe ) and we'll keep some chilled grog fer ye.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Okays, so Carnitas Friday night or plan on somethin else? justs needs to plan.....it's what I do fer a livin. Plans Everything. :lol: Really...Event Coordinator along with other talents...he...he.... :)

Caroleen Cross

Stayin Single....seein double....sleepin tripple

A World without Pirates.......I'd rather be Dead!

So I takes it that Friday night (that's tomorrow night) (one more day) we are going to have a minor get together with those a youz that'll be holdin down the fort so-to-speak. Cause fer the most a you me nor cal mates and mambers o Tales o the Seven Seas will be coming in Saturday afternoon to set up cause ye mostly all be walkin a parade there north,( a where we'll be bored waitin fer ye all so hurries up but be safe ) and we'll keep some chilled grog fer ye.

We'll be down there and setting up on Friday - got the parade in the morning, then tearing down to Fresno afterwards to get there in time to set up hopefully before it gets dark. Afterwards, it's grog and grub time! :lol:


;) Aye Mates ;) gots me alil surprise last nite....Black Orkid showed ups an's lookin likes be be in Fresno earlier that wes thought. Patt will be meetin us down ther. What a fine weekend we be havin fer sure. ;);)

Caroleen Cross

Stayin Single....seein double....sleepin tripple

A World without Pirates.......I'd rather be Dead!

Okays, so Carnitas Friday night or plan on somethin else? justs needs to plan.....it's what I do fer a livin. Plans Everything. :lol: Really...Event Coordinator along with other talents...he...he.... :)

well plan on eating carnitas burritos for dinner with us and some led zepplin just to rock the yard!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Not to worry Petee, we shall put yer name on one o the tankards raised and drained this here weekend...too bad ye shallna be there though. pout, well we have new years!

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


Heck - I'm drynking to ye already :lol: We'll be sure to take lots of pictures to share with all ye mates that have the misfortune of missing out on Kearny Park! :lol:


Oh, well...I be seein' me mates sailin' off as I be stuck in port once agin.... :P ....it be a long dull next couple o' days fer Mick....keepin' hisself occupied wi' a lonely bottle o' Planter's Rum....drownin' me own misery n' anguish, oh, woe is me....have a drink fer me, mates, n' I be toastin' to ye all in the dark, shadowy confines o' me own cold lonely quarters.... :P ...now where be that blowup doll?..... ;)

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